Oh! Hello! Welcome to the Gallery. As you can see, I'm not a collector of fine art. I'm a collector of important people. And this room is dedicated to some of the most important people in my life...family and friends.
But before I show you pictures of my family and friends, how about we start off with a little airtime for the star of this website-me! This is me at the putt-putt course in Ruston, LA.
My dad and Blue are pals!
My oldest sister Donna and her husband Michael playing around at our annual Christmas party.
Yes, you heard currectly. I did say twin sister. Here she is, Gina and her husband Richard. In case you haven't figured it out yet, we are not identical!
Gina's little girl, niece number one, Samantha, also known as Sammy or Sam. (But don't call her either if you're not family!) She's my ray of sunshine.
Here's Samantha again!
Here I am with Gina and Richard's first son, Richard Ledale Foster II on his first Christmas. He was born on February 5, 2001.
Donna's little girl, niece number two, Celina.
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil-also known as my two nieces and nephew! The Gang-Samantha, Sebastian, and Celina.
And last, but not least, is our cat, Susie!
Jennifer, me, and Melissa at Melissa's mom's wedding in February 2004.
Gal pals may rule, but sometimes it is more fun to just hang out with the guys! Brian, me, Howard, and Jason at the convention that I planned for Circle K (the service organization, NOT the gas station) in Ruston, LA.
Another guy bud, Matt! He's a goofball, but lots of fun...and ladies, he's single!
This picture is from Casino Night, the big social event of the year at Louisiana Tech. It's a lot of fun. This is my "date" Jen, our friend Trish, and me! (P.S. I am actually taller than Jen, but we are standing on a slope.)
I'm thankful that I am lucky enough to be in touch with a number of people from my LSMSA days in Natchitoches, LA. I gave a slumber party for some of my high school friends five years after graduation. We had a great time, and reliving old days made high school seem like so much fun! Here are pictures from the party. Loosening things up in the kitchen-Thuy, me, and Jeannee. Meanwhile, Tiffany and Jenny take care of making dinner-shish kabobs to christen the new grill. Yum! Afterwards, Thuy needs a nap to recooperate-cuddling with Mr. Christopher James Higgins.
Here is Tiffany with her boyfriend Aaron.
This is Jenny and Andrew on their wedding day, February 2, 2002.
Another LSMSA friend, Michelle Sharp, got married in February 2004, and I was a reader at the ceremony. To see pictures from the wedding go here.
One of the things I really like to do with my friends is go camping. We have had a number of adventures over the years, but perhaps none quite as memorable as making our own tripod for cooking chili out in the wilderness of Kisatchie. Howard is our chef du jour.
Casey and Jen hang out around the campfire.
Dave gives me a hug as we break camp.
Another party pic - Lenny (permit technical advisor), Sophie (former permit writer), Emmanuel, and my boss, Don...or at least his back!
For Christmas 2002, my co-worker Shelby and his wife Lynn invited our group to their home for a dinner party. Here we are gathered around the table-Chuck, me, Gary, Patrick, Don, and Shelby. We took another photo opportunity before we left for the evening-Patrick, Lynn, me, Shelby, and Chuck.
In July 2001, I went hang gliding in beautiful Tennessee/Georgia, at Lookout Mountain Park Adventures. This was an awesome experience that I highly recommend. (Ground View, Me and my guide)
Here I am with DEQ permit writer, Ms. Karla Vidrine. We are in Park City, Utah, outside of Salt Lake City and home of the 2002 Winter Olympics. This is the most snow I've ever seen!
(January 2001)
This is the view from Salt Lake City. Isn't it gorgeous???
In October 2002, I took a cross country road trip to California with Jen. Read about our adventure and see some of the pictures here.
In May 2004, I explored the upper peninsula of Michigan, a unique and beautiful place. Read about it here.
One of my other loves is drawing satirical cartoons. Here is one that I drew after the Tech-LSU game in 2003. It's in response to the Tech fans being called tiger bait and the Tech retaliation of calling the LSU fans dog food.
Or go elsewhere!
The Hall The Dining Room
The Study
The Kitchen
The Living Room The Gallery
The Bedroom
The Den