Empires in Arms Historical Fixes

These are variant rules for Empires in Arms, which attempt to fix perceived historical errors. See also the design commentary and the checklist, which apply both to these rules and to the system rules changes. My web page also provides access to further Empires in Arms material.

[1.1.1] Add "(P)" after "West Prussia", i.e. West Prussia is a Polish province.

[1.1.2] Corsica is a province of France: adjust French home nation money accordingly.

[] The following multi-district minors may be created but are not relevant to rule []:

[] Romagna can be made a secondary district of Lombardy as long as the Kingdom of Italy does not exist.

[] OPTIONAL: Lombardy-Romagna exists initially and is French.

[] Palestine can be made a secondary district of Egypt as long as the Ottoman Empire does not presently exist. The subsequent creation of the Ottoman Empire by another power does not dissolve Egypt-Palestine.

OPTIONAL: Syria can also be added to Egypt-Palestine, either when created or later, again provided the Ottoman Empire does not exist. Use [] and [] for the economics. If either Egypt or Palestine is conquered then the combination dissolves immediately. If Syria is conquered then Egypt and Palestine revert to a two district minor as above.

[] Norway can be made a secondary district of Sweden, but if this is done then Norwegian money and manpower are not doubled. This can be done regardless of whether Finland is also a secondary district of Sweden.

Norway cannot be transferred to either Sweden or Denmark if it is presently a part of the other.

[] KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS: Flanders can be made a secondary district of Holland.

[] OPTIONAL: If the Kingdom of the Netherlands has been continuously in existence and British-controlled for two years then infantry and cavalry factors in the Holland corps have morale 3.

[] Sardinia can be made a secondary district of Piedmont.

[] Cyrenaica can be made a secondary district of Tripolitania. The Tripolitania-Cyrenaica multi-district minor exists at the start of the 1792 and 1805 campaigns.

[11.2] (for "Papacy" read "Romagna" throughout.)

OPTIONAL: Delete all references to Illyria.

[] CLARIFICATION: Garrison factors have morale 1.

[14.4.3] & [14.7.3] Apply [11.9.2]. No alliances are in effect and no peace conditions apply.

[14.7.6] The following leaders must be removed (if on map, and even if besieged) during the reinforcement phase of the month given, and cannot be brought on thereafter. MASSENA (May 1811), KUTUZOV (January 1813).

[17.0] Changes proposed by David Bofinger

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