Empires in Arms "Bug" Fixes:

These are variant rules for Empires in Arms, which attempt to fix perceived system bugs. These are rules which don't require any increased complexity, those which do are listed separately. See also the design commentary and the checklist, which apply both to these rules and to the historically-inspired rules changes. My web page also provides access to further Empires in Arms material.

[?] BIDDING PROCEDURE: Instead of resolving bids for countries in a specific order, use the following procedure.

[?.1] STEP ONE: Each player secretly records a bid for each power, as usual. (OPTIONAL: Zero is a legal bid.) (OPTIONAL: A player may record the same bid for two powers.)

[?.2] STEP TWO: Find the largest bid, in terms of VPs above the standard target, regardless of power. If there are several, select one randomly. (In practice, it will often not matter which bid is resolved first.) (OPTIONAL: allow players to secretly submit equal or higher bids.)

[?.3] STEP THREE: Assign the power associated with this bid to the player making the bid. Delete all other bids made for that power, and all other bids made by that player.

[?.4] STEP FOUR: Repeat steps TWO and THREE until all powers have been assigned.

[1.2] (Change) Wellington's ratings are 4-5-3-B.

[] (delete "as in 8.8.5")

[4.9] If a power declares combined movement with a power at war with one of its allies, the ally may demand it break the alliance (-2PP).

[] If the victor was commanded by Nelson, Great Britain receives an additional +1 PP.

[] If the loser was commanded by Nelson, Great Britain suffers an additional -1 PP.

[] OPERATIONAL POSSIBILITIES CHART (Typographical Erratum) For "Escalated Assault" versus "Cordon" with a river. Round 1 attacker tables are 5-1, not 5-2 as shown. (Change) For "Escalated Assault" versus "Withdraw". "Throw less than strategic rating or a one to withdraw. If not successful ..."

[7.3.5] ... Corps may only land into countries with which they are at war if the fleet from which they land is also at war with that country.

[] If the victor was commanded by the NAPOLEON leader, France receives an additional +1 PP.

[] If the loser was commanded by the NAPOLEON leader, France suffers an additional -2 PP.

[] If a power grants voluntary access to a power at war with an ally, the ally may demand that the granting power break the alliance (-2PP).

[] ... see [10.5.2]) If the primary district is a neutral or controlled free state the secondary ... minor country. The same thing happens if the secondary district is neutral when the primary district becomes neutral, or if they become neutral simultaneously.

[] The Political Status marker cannot be moved below the top box of the fiasco zone as a result of the return of a leader.

[] CLARIFICATION: Garrison factors have morale 1.

[] The reductions to tactical rating given in [] and [] are also applied to strategic ratings. This cannot reduce the strategic rating below 1.

[14.3.1] A power pays VPs only for successful bids.

[17.0] Changes proposed by David Bofinger

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