An Empire in Arms

The Thirty Years' War

and contemporaneous conflicts

1618 to 1648

This is a very early skeleton draft of a variant campaign for Empires in Arms, more useful discussion can be found in the design commentary. My web page also provides access to further Empires in Arms material.

This is mostly just the parts of The Old Regime in Arms that I'd like to keep.

[1.0] AN EMPIRE IN ARMS is a campaign for an indefinite number of players of EMPIRES IN ARMS. It covers the Thirty Years' War and various lesser conflicts in the period 1618 to 1648. You need to already have EMPIRES IN ARMS in order to play this campaign.

[1.1.1] The area of Artois adjacent to Paris is part of Ile de France.

[1.1.2] All areas in Hungary adjacent to Austria, Moravia or Silesia are part of West Hungary, a 4/2 minor with capital Pressburg. All the other northern border areas of Hungary are North Hungary, which is a 2/1 minor with capital ?. The rest of Hungary constitutes South Hungary, which is an 8/3 minor with capital Budapest.

[1.1.1] Add guerilla numbers to ...

[1.1.2] Divide Pomerania along the river into Hither Pomerania (3/1, capital Stettin) and Further Pomerania (2/1, capital Colberg).

[1.1.3] The Genoa country (3/1) consists of the Genoa (capital) and Piacenza areas.

[1.1.4] Redraw the map so that Toulon and Turin are connected but Genoa and Grenoble are not. Add a city "Chambery" with two spires and one fletch to the mountain area of Piedmont. The Toulon area is part of Piedmont.

[1.1.5] Place a city Azov in the coastal area across the river from Taganrog. Azov has two spires, one fletch, 1/0 trade and 20 guns. Azov province (1/0) contains just this area.

[1.1.6] Scania (3/1) consists of the Karlskrona (capital) and Malmo areas.

[1.1.7] Halland (2/1) consists of the Gothenburg (capital) area and the two adjacent coastal areas. (i.e. Those areas adjacent to the Baltic sea, but not those which are only adjacent to the lake.)

[1.1.8] Double the trade numbers of Venice and Genoa.

[1.1.9] Taganrog (2/0) consists of the Taganrog (capital) area and the areas north of Taganrog and northwest of Taganrog (all on the same side of the river).

[1.1.10] The mountain area in Bavaria is part of Duchies. The forest area in Bavaria without a city is the Upper Palatinate (2/1, add a city)

[1.1.11] Smolensk and all areas adjacent to it are part of White Russia.

[1.1.12] The forest area of Burgundy is Franche-Comte (?/?, add a city).

[1.1.13] Liege is a district (?/?) containing just the Liege area.

[1.1.14] Rename Palatinate to Rhenish Palatinate.

[1.1.15] Zara and the coastal area southeast of it make up Zara (?/?)

[1.2.1] LEADERS: A leader with an "ON" date is only available during and after that year. A leader with an "OFF" date is only available before that year.

POWER               LEADER              RATINGS     ON      OFF     NOTES

Austria             Ferdinand           1-2-4-A             1658
                    Hatzfeldt           1-3-3-C     1625    1647
                    Mercy               2-4-3-C     1634
Bavaria             Max                 2-2-3-A             1652
Brandenburg         Frederick William   1-3-2-A     1640                             
Castile             Piccolomini         2-2-4-B+    1632    1657               
                    Spinola             2-4-6-B             1631
Catholic League     Gallas              1-1-4-B     1630    1648
                    Tilly               3-4-5-B             1633
Denmark             Christian           1-2-2-A     1621    1627
England Parliament  Cromwell            4-5-3-C     1644      ?
                    Essex               1-1-3-B     1632    1647
England Royalists   Rupert              1-4-2-A*    1638
France Parliament   Conti               2-2-2-C     1649
                    Turenne             5-5-5-C     1638
France Nobility     Louis Conde         4-5-6-A     1642
France Royalists    Henri Conde         1-2-4-A             1639
                    Harcourt            2-4-1-C     1640              
                    Schomberg           2-4-2-C     1652                       
Holland             Frederick Henry     1-3-2-A+            1648
Lorraine            Charles             2-3-2-C     1627             
Mercenaries         Mansfeld            3-3-5-C             1627              
                    Wallenstein         4-4-5-B                    
Piedmont            Charles Emmanuel    2-3-2-A             1631             
Poland              Sigismund           2-2-4-A             1633
Protestant Union    Arnim               2-2-3-C     1626    1642                       
                    Bernhard            3-4-4-B     1632               
                    Christian           2-2-3-B     1621    1627
Saxony              John George         1-2-3-A             1657      
Sweden              Baner               3-3-3-B     1644              
                    Gustavus Adolfus    5-5-4-A               ?              
                    Torstensson         3-4-3-C     1631    1647                    
                    Wrangel             2-3-3-C     1641?         
Transylvania        Bethlen             3-3-2-A             1630
                    Rakoczy             2-2-2-A     1630    1649                   
Ukraine             Bogdan Khmelnitzky  2-2-2-B     1646    1658

An asterisk * in a leader's ratings denotes a cavalry leader. A plus sign + denotes a siege leader.

[1.2.2] The following changes and additions should be made to the 1805 corps markers. Markers are written as (Strategic Rating, Tactical Rating, Infantry Morale, Cavalry Morale).

[1.2.3] DEPOTS: The number of depots available to each power is:

[1.2.4] New counters will be required for

[1.5.1] CORPS AND FLEET MARKERS: The abbreviation B is used for galley capacity, R is used for (French) Guard Cavalry capacity. Roman numbers I,II, etc refer to infantry corps if unsuffixed, cavalry corps if suffixed with C, guard corps if suffixed with G and fleets if suffixed with F. The roman numeral I is omitted if it is the only one of its type.


Note: Corps names from the 1805 campaign have been retained for convenience, the unit types can be quite different.

See also the sections on ...

[3.0] A turn represents three months of real time. There are four turns per year, known as the March, June, September and December turns.

[3.4.2] Step D.(2) (Resolve siege combats) occurs after step A. (Depot Creation and Removal) and before step B. (Land Movement). (Note that if no attempt to break in has yet been made, the garrison is not besieged.)

[] Declarations of war on Turkey ...

[4.4] Delete peace conditions B.6 and C.9. Conditions C.6 may be applied against Holland but not England.

[4.5.4] A country which allies with Turkey ...


      TYPE                                 MONEY   MANPOWER   TIME
      Galley factor                          7        1        12


[5.1] The major powers place navy in this order:

[5.2] The major powers place land forces in this order:

[6.1] The major powers move in this order:

[6.2.1] Hollander and English fleets have 6 movement points ...

[] WINTER RESTRICTIONS: This section replaces the usual rules for the Ice Line.

The following activities do not occur during the December naval phase: naval interception [6.2.3], naval combat [6.3], naval transportation [6.2.5], invasion supply [7.4.4], disembarkation [7.3.5], sea crossing arrow movement [].

Entering areas north of the ice line costs two movement points.

All fleets must end their move in a port. This port must be controlled by the major power, by a free state with a fleet controlled by the major power, by an allied major power with more than one fleet marker, or by a free state with a fleet controlled by an allied major power. A fleet is given as many additional movement points as the controlling player wishes to be able to achieve this; roll a die, add the number of extra movement points used and subtract six.

If the modified roll is 0 or less there are no losses. If the modified roll is between 1 and 7 (inclusive) then use the naval combat table [6.3.3] to determine the percentage of the fleet which is lost (round up). If the modified roll is greater than 7, or if no such port exists, the fleet is eliminated.

[] Fleets which actually contain galleys cannot move into the Atlantic. The Atlantic is defined to be all sea zones between the sea zones adjacent to Seville and Gothenburg (inclusive). Fleets which can contain galleys but actually only contain ships may enter the Atlantic.

[6.2.7] There are no blockades in this campaign.

[] All naval combat losses are halved (round up).

[7.4.1] There is a +2 modifier to all foraging attempts.

[] Satisfaction of a foraging loss requires the removal of two militia factors, or 1 of any other kind of factor.

[] OPTIONAL: No sea supply trace may pass through more than three consecutive sea zones which do not contain a port controlled by the supplying power or an ally.

[] The presence of an enemy fleet in a sea zone blocks sea supply from being traced through that sea zone.

[] The besieging forces fight on the 2-1 3-1 4-1 tables, or 1-1 2-1 3-1 if the besieged forces have a siege leader and the besieging forces do not. The besieged forces fight on the 5-2 table, or the 4-1 table if the besieged forces have a siege leader and the besieging forces do not.

[8.0] The economic phase occurs at the end of the December turn only.



[] Spain receives half the usual gold convoy (round up). Modify the roll by -1 for war with each of Holland and England. If Spain is at war with both these countries then captured convoys ($8) are taken by the winner of a competitive dice-off. If using the piracy option [10.1.6] then use the modifiers in [] instead.

[8.5] Add the following rows to the table:

Galley factor7112
Guards Cavalry Factor (France)1829

Increase any other time on the chart as required to make it a multiple of three months.

[8.5.7] Any power may save one manpower point from year to year. Prussia has no special ability to save manpower.

[8.11] UMP control steps occur only during the following years: 1704, 1708, 1712 and 1716. See also [14.3.1].

[11.1] The major power Poland subsumes the political combination Poland, which cannot be created.

[11.2] The Kingdom of Italy cannot be created. The Venetian fleet is available to Venetia (or the Republic of Venice, see [11.E]) in the usual fashion.

[11.3] The Kingdom of Westphalia cannot be created.

[11.4] The Kingdom of Bavaria cannot be created.

[11.5] The Confederation of the Rhine is subsumed into the Holy Roman Empire (see [11.H]) and cannot be created.

[11.6] The Ottoman Empire can only be created by Turkey. It can also include Crete.

[11.7] The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies exists initially and is controlled by Spain.

[11.A] The Kingdom of the Netherlands is a two-district minor, just like Denmark-Norway in the 1805 game. Holland is the primary district, Flanders the secondary. It can't be formed before 1714, or if Holland is a player.

[11.B] The States of the Church exist initially. The primary district is Papacy, the secondary district is Romagna. It can be recreated by Austria, France, Poland or Spain, +1 PP.

[11.C] The Republic of Genoa exists initially and is neutral. The primary district is Genoa (see [1.1.3]), the secondary district is Corsica.

[11.D] The Kingdom of Sardinia can be created. The primary district is Piedmont, the secondary district is one or more of Lombardy, Sicily and Sardinia. Creation requires the primary district and at least one secondary district, the other secondary district can be added then or later.

[11.E] The Republic of Venice exists initially and is neutral. The primary district is Venetia and the secondary districts are Malta, Corfu and Greece. Some or all of Crete, Lombardy and Illyria may be added as secondary districts in any political combinations phase. Recreation requires the primary district and one or more secondary districts. If Austria creates the Republic of Venice and includes Illyria (which is not compulsory) then Illyria is not considered actually ceded but its money and manpower values do not contribute to Austrian money and manpower.

[11.F] If Prussia is not a player, it is a multi-district minor country which exists initially. The primary district is Brandenburg, and the secondary districts are East Prussia, Magdeburg, Further Pomerania and Kleves. Some or all of Duchies, Hither Pomerania, Berg, Silesia and West Prussia can be added as secondary districts later. Recreation of Prussia requires Brandenburg and at least one secondary district. If a major power incorporates an unceded province into Prussia then it is not considered actually ceded but its money and manpower do not contribute to the major power's money and manpower.

[11.G] The Kingdom of Denmark is a neutral multi-district minor country. The primary district is Denmark, the secondary district is Norway. One or both of Scania and Halland can be added later. Recreation of the Kingdom of Denmark requires Denmark and any secondary district.

If Sweden adds Scania and/or Halland then they are not considered to be ceded but their money and manpower values do not contribute to Swedish money and manpower. Norwegian manpower may be used to build Norwegian army factors or Danish ships, Danish manpower may be used to build Danish army factors or Danish ships.

[11.H] The Holy Roman Empire can only be created by Austria. The primary districts are Bavaria, Brandenburg (which may also be part of Prussia), Saxony and Palatinate. When a vote is called, each power receives one vote for each of these powers it controls as a free state. Also, the power controlling Bohemia receives one vote.

Powers may vote yes, no, or abstain. Neutrals always abstain. Powers not allied with Austria cannot vote yes. Powers at war with Austria must vote no. Austria may attempt to create the HRE in any political combinations phase (assuming it does not already exist). If there are at least four yes votes and there are zero no votes then the HRE is created. This is worth +3 PP to Austria the first time in a game and +1PP if the HRE is being recreated (see below).

Any power with a vote may attempt to dissolve the HRE in any political combinations phase (assuming it exists). If there are at least as many no votes as yes votes then the HRE is dissolved. Also, dissolution can be brought about by peace condition C.8, but this does not prevent recreation. Dissolution is worth -1 PP to Austria.

The secondary districts of the HRE are Berg, Duchies, Kleves, Mecklenburg, Lorraine, Baden, Hanover, Hesse and Wuerttemberg.

Primary and secondary districts of the HRE do not necessarily become controlled by Austria.

Rule [] is modified as follows: Austria only rolls during the new political combinations step. Whenever an HRE country changes control as a result of its controller's political status, it has a chance of becoming Austrian controlled. Austria rolls D6, adds the status modifier, +1 if Austria is the country losing control, +2 if the country would otherwise go neutral. If the result is 7 or more, Austria retains or assumes control.

Austria has voluntary access to all countries in the HRE, but not to garrison cities.

[12.2.4] This optional rule is recommended for this campaign.

[] For stacks which do not enter a port in their move (i.e. in cases where the corps will disembark by invasion in the land move) this limit is reduced to five factors per fleet.

[] Within the fleets of a nationality, the ratio of ships lost to galleys lost should be as close as possible to the starting ratio.

[12.3.2] No British training of Hanoverians or Portuguese is permitted.

[] ... committed for +1 or +2.

[] The land forces setup order is .

[] The naval forces setup order is .

[14.1.5] MINOR COUNTRY NATIONAL MODIFIERS: This table doesn't exist, and is replaced by...


[] NATURAL ALLIANCE TABLE: Neither does this ...


[14.1702.1.1] POLITICAL STATUS: delete?

[14.1702.1.2] The game starts with the political phase of the March 1618 turn. It ends when either Austria or Castile reaches zero morale, or the Habsburg player reaches his victory total.

[14.1702.2] There is no division of players as such. One player is the Habsburg player, and initially controls Castile and Austria. The others are non-Habsburg players, and initially control ... (Bohemia, etc.)

[14.1702.5] CONTROL:

Vassals occasionally come to the support of their superior, and a declaration of war on a vassal is a declaration of war on the superior.

Austria (Austria, Tyrol, West Hungary, North Hungary, Dalmatia) vassals everyone in Germany...

Bavaria (Bavaria, Liege)

France (1805 minus Picardy, Lorraine)

England (England, Wales)

Palatinate (Rhenish Palatinate, Upper Palatinate)

Bohemia (plus Moravia, Silesia?)

Russia (Moscow, Novgorod, Astrakhan)

Poland (Posen, West Prussia, East Prussia, Masovia, Lithuania, East Galicia, West Galicia, Podolia, White Russia, Polesia, Ukraine) (or separate Poland and Lithuania and cross-link vassal?)

Brandenburg (Brandenburg, Further Pomerania, Berg)

Castile (Old Castile, New Castile, Galicia, Leon, Murcia, Estremadura, Seville, Gibraltar, Flanders, Picardy, Lombardy, Franche-Comte) vassals Portugal, Aragon, Catalonia, Navarre(?)

Aragon (Aragon, Valencia, Balearics, Naples, Sicily, Sardinia)

Venice (Venetia, Crete, Zara)

Turkey (1805 plus Crimea, East Hungary, Military Border, minus Crete) vassal (Transylvania) vassal? (Tunisia, Algeria, Tripolitania) vassal?? (Egypt, Syria, Palestine)

Denmark (Denmark, Norway, Halland)

Sweden (Sweden, Livonia, Karelia, Finland, Scania, Hither Pomerania)

Genoa (plus Corsica)

Papacy (Papacy, Romagna)

[17.0] CREDITS:

Campaign Design is by David Bofinger.

This campaign is distributed in the spirit of the GNU General Public License. You are free to distribute it how you will, but not for profit and not without crediting the author.

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