The Old Regime in Arms

The War of the Spanish Succession
The Great Northern War
1702 to 1720

This is a variant campaign for Empires in Arms, see also the design commentary. My web page also provides access to further Empires in Arms material.

[1.0] THE OLD REGIME IN ARMS is a campaign for up to theoretically ten but realistically eight players of EMPIRES IN ARMS. It covers the War of the Spanish Succession, the Great Northern War and a few minor conflicts from 1702 until 1720. You need to already have EMPIRES IN ARMS in order to play this campaign.

[1.1.1] Add guerilla numbers to the following provinces and countries: Hungary (5), Ireland (4), Scotland (4), Ukraine (4), Masovia (5), West Prussia (4), Posen (4), Lithuania (5), Polesia (4), White Russia (3), West Galicia (3), East Galicia (3), Podolia (4), Portugal (5), Astrakhan (5), Transylvania (4), Switzerland (5) and Languedoc (6).

[1.1.2] Divide Pomerania along the river into Hither Pomerania (3/1, capital Stettin) and Further Pomerania (2/1, capital Colberg).

[1.1.3] The Genoa country (3/1) consists of the Genoa (capital) and Piacenza areas.

[1.1.4] Redraw the map so that Toulon and Turin are connected but Genoa and Grenoble are not. Add a city "Chambery" with two spires and one fletch to the mountain area of Piedmont. The Toulon area is part of Piedmont.

[1.1.5] Place a city Azov in the coastal area across the river from Taganrog. Azov has two spires, one fletch, 1/0 trade and 20 guns. Azov province (1/0) contains just this area.

[1.1.6] Scania (3/1) consists of the Karlskrona (capital) and Malmo areas.

[1.1.7] Halland (2/1) consists of the Gothenburg (capital) area and the two adjacent coastal areas. (i.e. Those areas adjacent to the Baltic sea, but not those which are only adjacent to the lake.)

[1.1.8] Double the trade numbers of Venice and Genoa.

[1.1.9] Taganrog (2/0) consists of the Taganrog (capital) area and the areas north of Taganrog and northwest of Taganrog (all on the same side of the river).

[1.1.10] The capital of Hungary is Pressburg.

[1.2.1] LEADERS: A leader with an "ON" date is only available during and after that year. A leader with an "OFF" date is only available before that year.

    POWER       LEADER          RATINGS     ON      OFF     NOTES

    Austria     Daun            3-3-2-C
                Charles         1-2-3-A                     (1)
                Eugene          4-4-5-B                     (2)
                Starhemberg     2-2-3-B     1706
                Styrum          2-1-2-B
    Baden       Louis           1-2-3-B                     (3)
    Bavaria     Max-Emmanuel    1-2-2-B                     (3)
    Brandenburg Frederick       2-1-3-B                     (3)
    England     Galway          3-3-3-B     1705    1708
                George          3-3-2-A     1714            (4)
                Marlborough     5-4-3-B             1712    (2)
                Twin Captains   5-5-7-B             1712    (2)
                Peterborough  1/4-4-2-C     1708            (5)
                Stanhope        2-2-3-C     1708
    France      Berwick         4-3-3-C     1704    1708
                Boufflers       2-3-4-B/D                   (6)
                Catinat         4-3-3-C             1703
                Marsin          3-2-2-D
                Philip          1-3-3-A                     (7)
                Tallard         2-2-4-D
                Tesse           2-3-3-D
                Vendome         3-4-4-B     1702
                Villars         4-4-4-C*    1703
                Villeroy        2-2-2-C
    Hanover     George          3-3-1-B             1714    (4)
    Holland     Orange          3-2-1-C     1708    1714    (8)
                Orange          3-2-2-B     1714            (8)
                Overkirk        1-2-3-C*
    Piedmont    Victor Amadeus  1-3-1-B                     (9)
    Poland      Leszczynski     2-2-3-B     1703
                Lubomirski      2-2-4-C
    Russia      Croy            1-2-2-B
                Peter           3-3-4-A
                Menshikov       2-3-3-B
    Saxony      Augustus        2-3-3-A                     (3)
                Flemming        3-2-3-B*
    Spain       Charles         1-2-3-A                     (1)
                Philip          1-3-3-A                     (7)
                Warwick         3-3-3-C
                Victor Amadeus  1-3-1-A                     (9)
    Sweden      Charles         5-4-4-A
                Loewenhaupt     4-3-1-C
                Rehnskjold      4-4-3-B
                Stenbock        3-3-2-C
    Turkey      Baltaji         2-2-4-B             1712
                Yussuf          1-3-2-C
                Damad           3-4-4-A     1715


(1) The Austrian leader Charles is available unless Austria is a Spanish Succession Ally or Spanish Succession Victor, in which case the Spanish leader Charles is available instead.

(2) Use the "Twin Captains" ratings if Marlborough and Eugene are both present (on the same side) from the start of any day of a battle. Also see [7.1.1].

(3) See [7.1.1].

(4) The English leader George replaces the Hanoverian leader George.

(5) Peterborough uses the better strategic rating when attempting to outflank, and the worse one when attempting to withdraw or reinforce.

(6) The French player may choose either seniority for Boufflers at any time.

(7) The French leader Philip is available unless France is a Spanish Succession Ally or Spanish Succession Victor, in which case the Spanish leader Philip is available instead.

(8) The second Orange replaces the first.

(9) The Piedmontese leader Victor Emmanuel is available unless Piedmont is a Spanish Succession Ally or Spanish Succession Victor, in which case the Spanish leader Victor Emmanuel is available instead.

Some minor countries have leaders. These behave much like the Bernadotte leader (see [10.6.5]) does after 1810.

Some historical leaders are represented by more than one counter, in particular, the leaders described in notes (1), (4), (7), (8) and (9). Whenever one of these counters must be replaced and the controlling player of the new counter is not the same as the controlling player of the old one, the new player has a choice of immediately removing the leader (even if besieged) or of leaving the leader where it is (if there is a corps there with which it can stack). If the same player controls both counters then he must choose to leave the leader in place if this is legal, otherwise the leader is removed. If the leader has died then the new counter is not available. If the leader is a prisoner then it remains a prisoner unless or until peace exists between the new controlling power and the imprisoning power.

[1.2.2] The following changes and additions should be made to the 1805 corps markers. Markers are written as (Strategic Rating, Tactical Rating, Infantry Morale, Cavalry Morale).

Brandenburg (1,1,3,4);
Denmark (1,1,2,4);
East Prussia (*,1,2,4) (but see [11.F]);
England (1,2,4,4);
France (1,2,3,4);
Georgia (1,1,2,2);
Hanover (*,*,3,3);
Holland (1,2,2(3),4) (Holland Infantry have morale 3 if Holland is a player, or if fighting in Holland or areas of Flanders adjacent to Holland, or if using []. They have morale 2 otherwise);
Hungary (*,1,2,4);
Lombardy (*,*,3,3);
Morocco (1,1,1(2),2(3)) (Morocco infantry factors have morale 2 and Morocco cavalry factors have morale 3 if fighting in North Africa, otherwise Morocco infantry have morale 1 and Morocco cavalry have morale 2);
Norway (1,1,2,4);
Palatinate (*,*,3,4);
Poland regular (1,1,2,4), feudal (1,1,2,3);
Portugal (*,*,2,3);
Russia regular (1,1,3,3), feudal (1,1,2,2);
Saxony (1,1,2,4);
Sweden (1,2,4,4);
Ukraine (1,1,2,3).

Note some minor corps (e.g. Algeria) have been deleted.

The following minor countries have no corps but may build garrison infantry factors (see []). Their morale is as follows: Algeria 1; Berg 2; Genoa 3; Lorraine 2; Papal States 2; Switzerland 3; Tuscany 3.

French guard cavalry have a morale of 5, and all the special abilities of cavalry and guard.

[1.2.3] DEPOTS: The number of depots available to each power is: Austria 7, England 6, France 10, Holland 3, Poland 5, Prussia 2, Russia 7, Spain 5, Sweden 8, Turkey 6. Prussia has no depots if it is not player controlled.

[1.2.4] New counters will be required for privateers controlled by France (2, including one labelled "Jean Bart" if playing a campaign that begins in 1700), England (2), Holland (2) and Spain (1) and for corsairs from Albania, Algeria, Illyria, Morocco, Tripolitania and Tunisia (1 each).

[1.5.1] CORPS AND FLEET MARKERS: The abbreviation B is used for galley capacity, R is used for (French) Guard Cavalry capacity. Roman numbers I,II, etc refer to infantry corps if unsuffixed, cavalry corps if suffixed with C, guard corps if suffixed with G and fleets if suffixed with F. The roman numeral I is omitted if it is the only one of its type.

    POWER           MARKER                          MAXIMUM

    Austria         IG, IIG                         4G, 2C
                    I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX    10I/M, 2C
                    IC,IIC                          6C
                    LT INF                          3I, 3C
                    Tyrol                           10M, 2C
                    F                               20S/B
    Baden           I                               10I, 2C
    Bavaria         I                               12I, 3C
    Brandenburg     I,II                            9I, 3C
    Cyrenaica        I                               5I, 5C
    Denmark         I                               10I, 2C
                    C                               6C
                    IF                              30S
                    IIF                             30S/B
    East Prussia    I                               10I, 2C
    Egypt           I,II                            8I, 4C
                    F                               20B
    England         I                               2G, 14I/M, 1C
                    II,III                          12I/M, 1C
                    IV,V,VI                         9I/M, 1C
                    C                               6C
                    IF,IIF,IIIF,IVF,VF              30S
    France          IMP GD                          10G, 4C
                    I,II,III,IV                     14I/M, 3C
                    V,VI,VII,VIII                   12I/M, 2C
                    IX,X,XI,XII,ARTY                10I/M, 2C
                    IC                              6R
                    IIC                             8C
                    IIIC,IVC                        6C
                    IF, IIF, IIIF                   30S
                    IVF                             10S, 10B
    Genoa           F                               20S/B
    Georgia         I                               10I, 8C
    Hanover         I                               10I, 2C
    Hesse           I                               8I, 2C
    Holland         I,II,III                        12I
                    C                               6C
                    IF,IIF,IIIF                     30S
    Hungary         I,II                            6I, 2C
    Lombardy        I                               12I, 2C
    Morocco         I                               10I, 8C
    Naples          I                               10I, 3C
                    F                               20S/B
    Norway          I                               10I, 2C
    Palatinate      I                               6I, 2C
    Piedmont        I,II                            10I, 1C
                    C                               6C
    Poland          I,II,III                        9I, 1C
                    IC,IIC                          6C
                    Masovia I                       7FI
                    Lithuania                       7FI
                    White Russia                    7FI
                    East Galicia                    7FI
                    Livonia                         7FI
                    Masovia C                       6FC
                    Posen                           6FC
                    Polesia                         6FC
                    F                               20S/B
    Portugal        I                               14I, 3C
                    F                               30S
    Russia          I                               12I, 1C
                    II                              10I, 1C
                    III,IV                          10I
                    ARTY                            6A
                    IC,IIC                          5C
                    Moscow I                        8FI
                    Novgorod                        8FI
                    Crimea                          8FI
                    Karelia                         8FI
                    Moscow C                        6FC
                    Astrakhan                       6FC
                    IF, IIF                         30S/B
    Saxony          I,II                            10I, 2C
    Spain           I,II,III                        10I, 2C
                    IV,V,VI                         8I, 1C
                    C                               4C
                    IF                              30S
                    IIF                             20S/B
    Sweden          GD                              6G, 2A, 4C
                    I,II                            14I/M, 2A, 3C
                    III,IV,V                        12I/M, 2A, 2C
                    IC, IIC                         6C
                    IF, IIF                         30S/B
    Syria           I                               10I, 6C
    Tripolitania    I                               5I, 5C
    Tunisia         I                               5I, 5C
    Turkey          I,II                            10I
                    NIZAMI                          15I
                    IMP CAV                         10C
                    Albania                         9FI
                    Anatolia I                      9FI
                    Bosnia                          9FI
                    Bulgaria                        9FI
                    Greece                          9FI
                    Macedonia                       9FI
                    Podolia                         9FI
                    Serbia                          9FI
                    Transylvania                    9FI
                    Anatolia II                     8FC
                    Anatolia III                    8FC
                    Crimea                          8FC
                    Rumelia                         8FC
                    IF, IIF                         20S/B
    Ukraine         I                               12I, 6C
    Venetia         I                               10I, 2C
                    IF, IIF                         20S/B
    Wuerttemberg    I                               8I, 2C

Note: Corps names from the 1805 campaign have been retained for convenience, the unit types can be quite different. The French ARTY corps, for instance, now represents a regular infantry corps, whereas the French IC corps represents a guard-cavalry corps.

See also the sections on irregular forces: guerillas ([10.1.1]), cossacks ([10.1.2]) and privateers and corsairs ([1.2.4] and [10.1.6]).

[3.0] A turn represents three months of real time. There are four turns per year, known as the March, June, September and December turns.

[3.4.2] Step D.(2) (Resolve siege combats) occurs after step A. (Depot Creation and Removal) and before step B. (Land Movement). (Note that if no attempt to break in has yet been made, the garrison is not besieged.)

[] Declarations of war on Turkey by Austria, Poland, Prussia and Russia cost only 2 PP.

[4.4] Delete peace conditions B.6 and C.9. Conditions C.6 may be applied against England or Holland. If Holland is not a player it can be applied against both England and Holland simultaneously. Peace condition C.9 works slightly differently, see [11.H].

Add a new peace condition C.10: Change of Dynasty: (Can only be applied at the conclusion of a Spanish Succession War. May be applied by several major powers in a single surrender.) (see [14.1702.3])

Add the following text to peace options B.7: If Russia chooses this option and the loser controls Karelia, Russia may insist that the province be Karelia.

Add the following text to peace conditions B.7 and C.4: see [].

Double the periods of compulsory peace in B.2 and C.2.

Double the period of control of the a borrowed corps in peace condition B.4.

[] OPTIONAL: Only consider using this rule if Russia is a player.

If Russia controls Karelia it may choose to move its capital to Saint Petersburg. This must be done at the first opportunity, or not at all. (This rule is included in this section because a peace condition is the most likely way Russia will acquire Karelia, but Russia has the option regardless of how it acquires Karelia.)

This has the following effects:

[] Karelia is now an unceded province of Russia.

[] Saint Petersburg is now a capital of Russia, see [4.4.8], [], [] and [].

[] For "18 months" read "3 years".

[4.4.8] A major power's home province(s) (one containing a home nation capital) can never be ceded under any circumstances. (Note this includes Holland before 1714, Hanover after 1714, Saxony, possibly Saint Petersburg and possibly Piedmont.)

[4.5.4] A country which allies with Turkey does not gain any political points (but Turkey does). Also any of Russia, Poland, Austria and the power controlling the Republic of Venice (if it exists) which do not themselves have alliances with Turkey may demand that the allying power break any alliance it has with them.


                    STATE   Infantry Cavalry Ships Galleys  Notes

    Algeria         Neut        2
    Baden           Neut        5       2            
    Bavaria         Neut        9       3
    Berg            Neut        2
    Cyrenaica       Tu F        3       2
    Denmark         Po F       10       3      19     6      (1)
    Duchies         Neut
    Egypt           Tu F       12       7             4
    Genoa           Neut        3                     8      (2)
    Georgia         Neut       10       8
    Hamburg         Neut        1       
    Hanover         Neut       10       2
    Hesse           Neut        6       2
    Hungary         At C
    Ireland         En C
    Karelia         Sw C
    Lombardy        Sp C
    Lorraine        Neut        5
    Mecklenburg     Neut        1       
    Morocco         Neut       10       8
    Naples          Sp F       10       2             5      (3)
    Norway          Po F        8       1                    (1)
    Palatinate      At F        4       1
    Palestine       Tu C
    Papal States    Neut        6                            (4)
    Piedmont        Neut       18       6
    Portugal        Neut       14       3             6
    Switzerland     Neut        6
    Syria           Tu F        3       4
    Transylvania    At C
    Tripolitania    Neut        5       5
    Tunisia         Neut        5       5
    Tuscany         Neut        5
    Ukraine         Neut        6       3
    Venetia         Neut        8       2      17    11      (5)
    Wuerttemberg    Neut        5       1


(1) Denmark includes Norway as a secondary district.
(2) Includes Corsica as a secondary district. Genoa does not have a corps but may be freed to use its fleet (see []).
(3) Includes Sicily as a secondary district.
(4) Includes Romagna as a secondary district.
(5) Includes Corfu, Greece and Malta as secondary districts.

The forces of Prussia and Holland can be found in [14.1700.4].


               STATE   Infantry Cavalry Ships Galleys Notes

    Algeria         Neut        2
    Baden           Ho M        6       2            
    Bavaria         Neut       11       3
    Berg            Neut        2
    Cyrenaica       Tu F        3       2
    Denmark         Neut        8       2      19     6      (1)
    Duchies         Neut
    Egypt           Tu F       16       8             4
    Genoa           Neut        3                     8      (2)
    Georgia         Neut       10       8
    Hamburg         Neut        1       
    Hanover         En M       10       2
    Hesse           Ho M        8       2
    Hungary         At C
    Ireland         En C
    Karelia         Ru C
    Lombardy        Sp C
    Lorraine        Neut        5
    Mecklenburg     Neut        1       
    Morocco         Neut       10       8
    Naples          Sp F       15       3             4      (3)
    Norway          Neut        6                            (1)
    Palatinate      At F        5       1
    Palestine       Tu C
    Papal States    Neut        6                            (4)
    Piedmont        Fr M       18       6
    Portugal        Sp M       14       3      10
    Switzerland     Neut        6
    Syria           Tu F        5       5
    Transylvania    At C
    Tripolitania    Neut        5       5
    Tunisia         Neut        5       5
    Tuscany         Neut        5
    Ukraine         Neut        6       3
    Venetia         Neut        8       2      17    11      (5)
    Wuerttemberg    Neut        5       1


(1) Denmark includes Norway as a secondary district.
(2) Includes Corsica as a secondary district. Genoa does not have a corps but may be freed to use its fleet (see []).
(3) Includes Sicily as a secondary district.
(4) Includes Romagna as a secondary district.
(5) Includes Corfu, Greece and Malta as secondary districts.

The forces of Prussia and Holland can be found in [14.1702.4].

[5.1] The major powers place navy in this order: France, Spain, Austria, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, Holland, England.

[5.2] The major powers place land forces in this order: Turkey, France, Spain, Austria, Prussia, Poland, Russia, Holland, England.

[5.3.1] The EUGENE leader may be removed from the map and placed on the same stack as MARLBOROUGH in a single reinforcement phase, provided that MARLBOROUGH was already on-map and Austria and England are moving simultaneously.

[6.1] The major powers move in this order: England, Holland, Turkey, Sweden, Russia, Poland, Austria, Spain, France.

[6.2.1] Hollander and English fleets have 6 movement points. All other fleets which can contain only ships (no galleys) have 5 movement points. Fleets which can contain galleys have 4 movement points (even if they actually contain only ships). Galley fleets never suffer a modifier worse than -1 due to the presence of other fleets.

[] WINTER RESTRICTIONS: This section replaces the usual rules for the Ice Line.

The following activities do not occur during the December naval phase: naval interception [6.2.3], naval combat [6.3], naval transportation [6.2.5], invasion supply [7.4.4], disembarkation [7.3.5], sea crossing arrow movement [].

Entering areas north of the ice line costs two movement points.

All fleets must end their move in a port. This port must be controlled by the major power, by a free state with a fleet controlled by the major power, by an allied major power with more than one fleet marker, or by a free state with a fleet controlled by an allied major power. A fleet is given as many additional movement points as the controlling player wishes to be able to achieve this; roll a die, add the number of extra movement points used and subtract six.

If the modified roll is 0 or less there are no losses. If the modified roll is between 1 and 7 (inclusive) then use the naval combat table [6.3.3] to determine the percentage of the fleet which is lost (round up). If the modified roll is greater than 7, or if no such port exists, the fleet is eliminated.

[] Fleets which actually contain galleys cannot move into the Atlantic. The Atlantic is defined to be all sea zones between the sea zones adjacent to Seville and Gothenburg (inclusive). Fleets which can contain galleys but actually only contain ships may enter the Atlantic.

[6.2.7] There are no blockades in this campaign.

[] All naval combat losses are halved (round up).

[7.1] At the start of the phase Sweden announces when its forces will be moving in the sequence defined in [7.1.2].

[7.1.1] GRAND ALLIANCE MOVEMENT: The English player may designate certain corps to be part of the Grand Alliance army. These corps are moved at the beginning of the turn instead of in their usual position. The creation of the Grand Alliance army is optional, will not always be possible and lasts for one turn.

[] In order for a corps to be included in the Grand Alliance army, the following conditions must be met:

[] The corps must be stacked with EUGENE (of Austria). It must have been continuously stacked with MARLBOROUGH (of England) from the start of the turn.

[] The corps' controlling power must agree to the inclusion. All the corps in the army must be moving simultaneously with each other. The army must contain at least one English-controlled corps and one Austrian-controlled corps.

[] If the corps is from Austria, Denmark, England, Holland or Norway it can be included.

[] If the corps is from Baden, Bavaria, Hesse, Palatinate, Prussia, Saxony or Wuerttemberg then it may be included in the army as long as one or more of the following leaders is stacked with it: LOUIS (of Baden), FREDERICK (of Brandenburg), AUGUSTUS (of Poland) or MAXIMILIAN-EMMANUEL (of Bavaria)

[] The Grand Alliance army moves before all other powers (including Sweden). The entire army must move together except that corps can be dropped off after expending zero or more movement points at the option of either the English player or the owner of the corps. MARLBOROUGH and EUGENE must remain with the army. At least one of the leaders in [] must remain with the army as long as a corps of one of the countries mentioned in [] is present.

[7.1.2] The other major powers move in this order: Turkey, France, Spain, Austria, Prussia, Poland, Russia, Holland, England.

If Spain is not player-controlled, it moves simultaneously with its controlling power. If Holland is not player-controlled it moves with England. If Prussia is not player-controlled it moves with its controlling power, if any.

[] A "valid" supply chain is one where the intervening areas between any of a supply chain's depots are not blocked by the presence of enemy corps, garrisons, guerillas or cossacks. Exception: supply is not blocked by guerillas if there is also an unbesieged friendly corps in the area. Note that the presence of a besieged garrison in the area does block supply.

[] Cavalry corps and cossacks have 5 movement points. Swedish infantry corps and infantry corps stacked with the MARLBOROUGH leader from the beginning of the turn (regardless of whether they are using Grand Alliance movement) have 4 movement points. Other infantry corps have three movement points. Guerillas have a movement allowance of one area.

[] OPTIONAL: DUTCH COURAGE: This rule is recommended if there is no Dutch player. It shouldn't be used otherwise.

[] Holland infantry have morale 3 at all times.

[] Before any Anglo-Holland land phase roll D6. This determines under what conditions Holland corps may be used to attack. Holland corps cannot be used to reinforce an attack they would not have participated in initially.

      1       Enemy must be in Holland.
      2       As 1, or in an area of Flanders adjacent to Holland, or in the
                London area.
      3       As 2, or in the same area as a Holland garrison, or in Flanders,
                or in England.
      4       As 3, or in Hanover, Wales, Scotland or Ireland.
      5       As 4, or the enemy forces include corps from France or Spain.
      6       No restrictions.

[] None of these restrictions apply to defensive battles, trivial combats or sieges.

[7.4.1] There is a +2 modifier to all foraging attempts.

[] Satisfaction of a foraging loss requires the removal of two militia factors, or 1 of any other kind of factor.

[] OPTIONAL: No sea supply trace may pass through more than three consecutive sea zones which do not contain a port controlled by the supplying power or an ally.

[] The presence of an enemy fleet in a sea zone blocks sea supply from being traced through that sea zone.

[] The besieging forces fight on the 2-1 3-1 4-1 tables. The besieged forces fight on the 5-2 table.

[8.0] The economic phase occurs at the end of the December turn only.

[] Neither Holland nor Prussia may declare victory. (They can still win, once someone else has declared victory.)


      MAJOR POWER      1702-20     1702-14     1700-20   NOTES

        Austria       165 (155)   120 (110)
        England       185 (165)   130 (115)               (1)
        England       175 (155)   120 (105)               (1)
        France        175 (160)   115 (105)
        Holland       130 (115)    90  (80)               (2)
        Poland        140 (130)    95  (85)   165 (155)
        Prussia       125 (110)    85  (75)   140 (125)   (2)
        Russia        150 (135)   100  (90)   170 (155)
        Spain         130 (115)    85  (75)   145 (130)
        Sweden        170 (160)   125 (115)   175 (165)
        Turkey        155 (140)   105  (95)   170 (155)


(1) Use the lower numbers for England if Holland is controlled by a player, and the higher numbers otherwise.

(2) Holland and Prussia cannot declare victory (see []).

[] If Holland (England, if Holland is not a player) controls Flanders at the end of the game, it receives +10 VP. If Hanover has been ceded at the end of the game England suffers -10 VP.

[] If Russia has moved its capital to Saint Petersburg (see []), and Saint Petersburg is not occupied by unbesieged enemy factors, then Russia receives +5 VP.

[] For "Russia" read "a Russia which has moved its capital to Saint Petersburg".

[] Halve the taxation money collected from Poland (except for Saxony) and Russia. If The War of the Spanish Succession is in progress then halve the taxation money collected from Spain (except for Piedmont). Double the taxation money collected from Holland.

[] All domestic trade is considered to be done with England and/or Holland. Eligible ports may trade with either or both of these countries. The power controlling the port gains the second trading value if it trades with both Holland and England, and half this much if it trades with one but not the other. Each of Holland and England receives half the first trading value. Total trade revenue for any country is rounded up.

If not using piracy [10.1.6] then reduce English and Holland trade by 3 each for war with each of England, Holland and France.

[] Ignore the ice line.

[] Ports on the Baltic Sea may only trade if given permission by the powers controlling Copenhagen and Gothenburg. Permission can be obtained from a neutral power by giving it $0.5 for each port traded with (round up).

[] There is no colonial trade.

[] There is no American trade.

[] Spain receives half the usual gold convoy (round up). Modify the roll by -1 for war with each of Holland and England. If Spain is at war with both these countries then captured convoys ($8) are taken by the winner of a competitive dice-off. If using the piracy option [10.1.6] then use the modifiers in [] instead.

[] Halve the manpower collected by Poland (except for Saxony) and Russia. Double the manpower collected from Holland.

[] Some countries have forces that consist only of garrison factors or of garrison factors and fleet markers. During an economic interphase such a country, if a free state, can be treated as conquered or freed at the controller's option.

[] Paris or Constantinople occupied: -3 PP.

[] Vienna or Stockholm occupied: -2 PP to Austria or Sweden respectively.

[] London occupied: -2 PP to England. If Holland is a province of England then the occupation of London does not prevent England from collecting tax from Holland or Flanders. If Hanover is a province of England then the occupation of London does not prevent England from collecting tax from Hanover.

[] Moscow occupied: -2 PP to Russia if the capital has not been moved to Saint Petersburg, and -1 PP if it has.

[] Saint Petersburg occupied: -1 PP to Russia if the capital has been moved to Saint Petersburg.

[] Amsterdam occupied: -2 PP to Holland if Holland is a player, and -1 PP to England if Holland is a province of England. If Amsterdam is occupied then England cannot collect money from either Holland or Flanders.

[] Warsaw, Krakow or Dresden occupied: -1 PP each to Poland. If both Warsaw and Krakow are occupied Poland can only collect money from Saxony.

[] Madrid occupied: -1 PP to Spain if Spain is a player, or to her controlling power if Spain is not. If Madrid is occupied then Spain can only collect money from Piedmont, and only if it is a province of Spain (see [14.1702.3.4.1]).

[] Hanover occupied: -1 PP to England if Hanover is an unceded province of England.

[] Berlin occupied: -1 PP to Prussia if it is a player, and to its controlling power if Prussia is not.

[] Turin occupied: no PP penalty, even if Turin is a capital of Spain.

[8.5] Add the following rows to the table:

      TYPE                                 MONEY   MANPOWER   TIME
      Galley factor                          7        1        12
      Guards Cavalry Factor (France)        18        2         9

Increase any other time on the chart as required to make it a multiple of three months.

[] Several major powers have provinces with their own forces and hence their own economy. These are Saxony (Poland), Holland (England until 1714 if Holland is not a player), Hanover (England after 1714) and Piedmont (Spain if Piedmont is a Spanish Succession Ally or Spanish Succession Victor).

Money and manpower from such provinces is kept separate from other money and manpower. If England controls Holland as a province and Flanders as a conquered minor then Flanders revenue goes to Holland. Factors must be built using money and manpower from one of these sources and will be of that nationality. Money used for other purposes may come from either source.

[8.5.7] Any power may save one manpower point from year to year. Prussia has no special ability to save manpower.

[8.11] UMP control steps occur only during the following years: 1704, 1708, 1712 and 1716. See also [14.3.1].

[8.11.1] MINOR INTERVENTIONS (OPTIONAL): This rules section adds historical realism but is optional because it requires some extra bookwork.

Certain minor countries will assist major powers even if neutral. In every UMP control step roll three times on the following table to determine the kind of intervention.

    1-3     A minor country (see []) may provide a corps or fleet
            as mercenaries (see [8.11.2]).
    4-5     A minor country (see []) may become a free state of a
            major power (see [8.11.4])
     6      Roll twice more.

[] For each intervention, determine the minor country by rolling two dice, one after the other.

                                   FIRST ROLL
                       1-2            3-5             6
         1           Baden          Denmark         Genoa
         2           Baden          Ukraine         Genoa
         3           Bavaria        Piedmont        Venice
         4           Bavaria        Hesse           Venice
         5           Portugal       Hanover         Wuerttemberg
         6           Portugal       Brandenburg     Wuerttemberg

If a minor country is currently neutral, follow the procedure below ([8.11.2] or [8.11.4] as appropriate). Otherwise, ignore the roll (do not roll again). If a minor country is part of a multi-district political combination, the roll applies to the entire power, not just the listed country.

[8.11.2] MERCENARIES: Any power wishing to bid for the minor power's services secretly writes down a positive integer number of money points. The largest bid is successful, and is paid out immediately. Controlled free states are permitted to bid.

[] The successful power chooses one corps or fleet from the minor country. As many factors as will fit and exist in the minor's army or navy are put into the corps or fleet.

[] The marker must be placed in the next reinforcement phase in a city of either the major power's home nation, a controlled free state or the minor country itself.

[] The marker behaves as though it had been borrowed under peace condition B.4, except as noted below.

[] If any power assumes control of the marker (either by assuming control of the minor or by hiring it as a mercenary), it may choose to remove the marker and place it again as though it had been offmap.

[] If any power hires a different marker from that minor power then the previously hired marker is removed immediately.

[] When a mercenary marker is removed from the map (for whatever reason) the force from which it was drawn is restored to its normal strength (printed on the Minor Countries Chart).

[] If a marker was hired last year but the minor is not hiring this year then the contract can be extended for one more year by paying half the original fee. (Note: this is not a new contract, the corps is not filled up again and the number of factors lost is not forgotten, etc..)

[8.11.3] PLAYERS AS MERCENARIES: In addition to the procedure listed in [8.11] and [8.11.1], players may also hire out mercenaries. No major power or controlled free state may hire out more than one marker at a time. The power hiring out mercenaries gets the money paid as a bid.

[] The procedure for hiring is the same as in [8.11.2] except as noted below.

[] The player decides which marker is up for hire, and which countries may bid for the marker. The player may impose arbitrary restrictions on the use of the mercenary corps, e.g. that it will not be used to attack certain major powers, that it will remain within a geographical area, that it will be not be forced to forage on less than a 5. Any bidding country must be allied with the hiring major. The strength of the marker is revealed to all bidding players, and the hiring power decides which bid, if any, to accept.

[] The marker is not placed as a reinforcement, ignore []. Rather, the marker must be on map when hired.

[] There is no rehiring provision, ignore [].

[] If a power A lends out a mercenary corps to power B, power B is at war with power C, and power A and power C are allied, and the contract does not prohibit attacks by the mercenary corps on the forces of power C, then power C may demand that power A break its alliance with power C (-2PP).

[] The marker need not be removed under the usual circumstances for a borrowed corps' removal, but can be. It must be removed if the alliance between the two powers is broken. The hiring power may cancel the contract in any reinforcement phase (-1PP, and the other power may demand it break the alliance).

[8.11.4] MINORS ALLYING WITH MAJORS: The bidding procedure is identical to that for UMPs (see [14.3]), except as noted below.

[] Use the Minor Countries Chart rather than the Natural Alliances Chart for modifiers.

[] The minor country becomes (and remains indefinitely) a free state of the successful bidder. There are no PP modifiers.


[] During the Time Record Phase before each December turn roll one die. On a roll of 1 the winter will be especially harsh. There can only be one fimbulwinter during the game. The following rules apply.

[] Foraging rolls in the following districts are at an additional +2 above the usual winter modifiers: Finland, Karelia, Livonia, Moscow, Norway, Novgorod, White Russia. Foraging rolls in the remainder of the winter zone are at an additional +1 above the usual winter modifiers.

[] Normal winter rules apply during the subsequent March turn.

[] Polish guerillas use the same rules as Spanish guerillas.


[] Guerilla factors from all other provinces and minor countries, and from Valencia, Aragon and Catalonia if a Spanish Succession War is in progress, are only rolled for under either of the two following circumstances.


[] The province or country must be controlled by a particular power (the occupier). Another power (the supporter) must be at war with the occupying power. The supporting power controls the guerillas. If there are several possible powers given then the guerillas are controlled by the power highest up the list.

[] If at the start of any guerilla step there are no forces in the district belonging to the occupier and guerillas occupy the capital then the occupier loses control (-1PP). If there is a corps belonging to the supporting power present then it becomes controlled by the supporting power (+1PP) otherwise it becomes neutral.


[] The country must be a free state. It must be at war with some other power which has forces in the country (the occupier). The major power controlling the free state (the supporter) controls the guerillas.

[] Guerillas from Aragon and Valencia are interchangeable. Guerillas from Hungary and Transylvania are interchangeable. Thus, for instance, guerillas levied in Transylvania can enter Hungary, while guerillas levied in Aragon cannot enter Catalonia.

[] Hungary and Transylvania: Occupier must be Turkey or Austria.

[] Aragon, Valencia and Catalonia: Occupier must be Spain or a Spanish Succession Ally. Supporter must be a Spanish Succession Enemy.

[] Ukraine: Occupier must be Poland, Turkey or Russia. Supporter must be Sweden, Poland, Russia or Turkey.

[] Portugal: Occupier must be Spain or a Spanish Succession Ally. Supporter must be a Spanish Succession Enemy or England.

[] Astrakhan: Occupier must be Russia.

[] Switzerland: Occupier must be France, Austria or Spain.

[] Languedoc: Occupier must be France. Supporter must be Austria, England, Holland, Prussia or Spain.

[] Scotland: Occupier must be England. Supporter must be France or Holland.

[] Ireland: Occupier must be England. Supporter must be France or Spain.

[] If, during any levy step, Ukraine is a free state and there are no Ukrainian cossack markers on the map, the Ukrainian cossack marker is placed in any area of the Ukraine that does not contain an enemy corps.

[] As is implicit in the date, Austrian and Prussian freikorps are not available.

[] Feudal corps which are associated with minor countries use the same rules as those associated with provinces. They are available if and only if the country is controlled by the appropriate major power.

[] Russian feudal corps behave like Turkish feudal corps.

[] Polish feudal corps behave like Turkish feudal corps.

[10.1.4] Austrian insurrection corps are not available.

[10.1.5] The Tyrolean revolt corps is available to Austria, with slightly changed rules. Its maximum strength is given in [1.5.1].

[] If Tyrol is ceded, the Tyrolean revolt corps is available as normal except that Tyrolean factors cannot be detached.

[] If Tyrol is not ceded, then the Tyrolean revolt corps behaves as an insurrection corps. The only "border province" for the purpose of this rule is Tyrol.

[10.1.6] OPTIONAL: PRIVATEERS AND CORSAIRS: Pirates are irregular naval units which do not contain any ships or galleys, and are of two types: corsairs and privateers. For a listing of all corsair and privateer markers see [1.2.4].

Corsairs are only used if certain major powers are active (directly player controlled or active UMPs). In the table below, the corsair from the listed country is only active if at least one of the countries on the right is active.

    Algeria and Morocco: England, France, Holland, Spain.
    Tunisia:             England, France, Holland, Turkey.
    Tripolitania:        England, Holland, Turkey.
    Albania and Illyria: England, Holland, Turkey, Venetia.


[] Privateers are controlled by the appropriate power.

[] Control of corsairs is determined during the UMP control step. Each player records a number of money points they will bid for each corsair. Highest bid controls the corsair until the next UMP control phase.

[] CREATION: Pirates of both kinds are created during levy steps.

[] Roll a die for each privateer whose controlling power is at war with England, Holland or Spain. Subtract 1 from the die roll for each of these powers with which the controlling power is at war. On a modified roll of 1 or less the privateer is created.

[] Roll a die for each off-map corsair. On a roll of 2 or less the corsair is created.


[] Privateers when created are placed in coastal areas of their home nation or a controlled minor which does not contain an enemy corps or unbesieged enemy garrison.

[] Corsairs when created are placed in a coastal area of their home country or province which does not contain a corps or unbesieged garrison.

[] REMOVAL: Privateers (not corsairs) are immediately removed if their controlling power is at peace with England and Holland.


[] Pirates always move individually, never in groups or in combination with fleets.

[] Pirates have five movement points.

[] It costs a pirate one movement point to enter a coastal sea zone, one movement point to enter a coastal area or port and one movement point to attack a port.

[] Pirates may only occupy land areas and ports to which they have access, except that corsairs may occupy areas (not ports) in their base country. They may not occupy a vacant port or coastal area if the capital of the country or province is occupied by an unbesieged enemy corps. If a pirate's presence in a port or area becomes illegal then it is immediately retreated to the nearest (owner breaks ties) legal location.

[] Some coastal areas (e.g. Athens) have a disjoint coastline. When entering such an area the pirate must specify which part of the coastline it is on. Movement between a partial coastline and another location (a coastal area, a part thereof, or a sea zone) is only possible if they are connected.

[] Whenever a corsair enters a coastal area of its base country, or a privateer enters a coastal area of a country or province controlled by its power, the pirate is turned face up.

[] NAVAL COMBAT: Pirates do not participate in naval combat alongside fleets.

[] When a stack enters a sea zone containing hostile fleets and/or pirates, it first fights a battle with any hostile fleets, then each fleet in the moving stack may fight a separate battle with each hostile pirate.


[] Evasion from naval combat [6.3.2] succeeds on a 1-3 instead of a 1-2.

[] Pirates may also attempt to evade a successful attempt to intercept. Evasion is successful if the pirate's die roll is less than or equal to the roll that succeeded in intercepting.

[] Before 1701 (only) the Jean Bart privateer receives a -1 modifier to all evasion attempts (i.e. is harder to intercept).

[] If evasion succeeds then apply the usual retreat rules, except that the pirate retreats to the nearest friendly coastal area or port.

[] Pirates may not intercept.

[] Pirates do not fire in naval combat.

[] Any loss eliminates a pirate.

[] Any battle between fleets and pirates is considered a victory for the fleet for all purposes, except that there is no change in PP.

[] Pirates never initiate combat with fleets.

[] Initiation by fleets of combat with pirates is at the fleet's option. Fleets may only initiate combat with or intercept privateers if they are at war with the power controlling the privateer. Any fleet can initiate combat with or intercept a corsair.


[] In order to attack a port, a pirate must be face up in a sea zone connected to the port's blockade box. After the port attack has been completed, turn the pirate face down. Making a port attack does not end movement, but no more than one port attack may be made in a turn. A single port may not be attacked more than once a year.

[] Add a notional port to the Copenhagen sea zone. The only effect of this port is to act as a target for port attacks.

[] Roll one die, and cross-reference against the Guard Commitment Table [12.3.4]. Privateers (not corsairs) only reduce the trade of powers with which their controller is at war. All effects last only until the end of the next economic interphase.

[] If the target of the port attack is an English- controlled port within the 1805 borders of Great Britain, then English trade is reduced by twice the number in the "+2" column.

[] If the port is Malta, Gibraltar or the notional port in the Copenhagen sea zone (see []) then each of English and Holland trade is reduced by the number in the "+2" column.

[] If the port is in Spain and cannot be reached by galley then apply a -1 modifier to the next Spanish gold convoy. Captured gold convoys ($8) are taken by the power which inflicted the largest modifier, or if equal by a competitive dice-off.

[] If the target was any other port then the normal trade is reduced by the number in the "+2" column and each of English and Holland trade is reduced by the number in the "+1" column. These reductions cannot be greater than the trade provided by the port. (If the country is at war with England and Holland, there will be no trade and hence can be no effect.)

[] Whenever a corsair (not a privateer) attacks a port, increase Leghorn trade by one less than the number on the "+1" column. Leghorn is immune to corsair attack.

[10.4.1] The political combination Denmark-Norway has been subsumed into the political combination Kingdom of Denmark, use [11.G].

The political combination Sweden-Finland has been subsumed into the major power Sweden and cannot be created in this campaign.

[] This rule applies to Norway (to Denmark), Sicily (to Naples), Corsica (to Genoa), Malta, Crete and Corfu (all to Venetia) and East Prussia, Further Pomerania, Magdeburg and Kleves (all to Prussia, if not a player).

[10.A] THE ENGLISH SUCCESSION: At the start of 1714:

[10.A.1] If Holland is not a player then Holland ceases to be an English province and becomes an English free state. If Flanders is English-controlled then the Kingdom of the Netherlands is immediately formed (and is an English free state). Holland inherits the Holland treasury.

[10.A.2] Hanover becomes an English province, either unceded (if controlled by England, neutral or a free state) or ceded (otherwise). If it is ceded then the Hanoverian corps is not available to England, otherwise it is.

[11.1] The major power Poland subsumes the political combination Poland, which cannot be created.

[11.2] The Kingdom of Italy cannot be created. The Venetian fleet is available to Venetia (or the Republic of Venice, see [11.E]) in the usual fashion.

[11.3] The Kingdom of Westphalia cannot be created.

[11.4] The Kingdom of Bavaria cannot be created.

[11.5] The Confederation of the Rhine is subsumed into the Holy Roman Empire (see [11.H]) and cannot be created.

[11.6] The Ottoman Empire can only be created by Turkey. It can also include Crete.

[11.7] The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies exists initially and is controlled by Spain.

[11.A] The Kingdom of the Netherlands is a two-district minor, just like Denmark-Norway in the 1805 game. Holland is the primary district, Flanders the secondary. It can't be formed before 1714, or if Holland is a player.

[11.B] The States of the Church exist initially. The primary district is Papacy, the secondary district is Romagna. It can be recreated by Austria, France, Poland or Spain, +1 PP.

[11.C] The Republic of Genoa exists initially and is neutral. The primary district is Genoa (see [1.1.3]), the secondary district is Corsica.

[11.D] The Kingdom of Sardinia can be created. The primary district is Piedmont, the secondary district is one or more of Lombardy, Sicily and Sardinia. Creation requires the primary district and at least one secondary district, the other secondary district can be added then or later.

[11.E] The Republic of Venice exists initially and is neutral. The primary district is Venetia and the secondary districts are Malta, Corfu and Greece. Some or all of Crete, Lombardy and Illyria may be added as secondary districts in any political combinations phase. Recreation requires the primary district and one or more secondary districts. If Austria creates the Republic of Venice and includes Illyria (which is not compulsory) then Illyria is not considered actually ceded but its money and manpower values do not contribute to Austrian money and manpower.

[11.F] If Prussia is not a player, it is a multi-district minor country which exists initially. The primary district is Brandenburg, and the secondary districts are East Prussia, Magdeburg, Further Pomerania and Kleves. Some or all of Duchies, Hither Pomerania, Berg, Silesia and West Prussia can be added as secondary districts later. Recreation of Prussia requires Brandenburg and at least one secondary district. If a major power incorporates an unceded province into Prussia then it is not considered actually ceded but its money and manpower do not contribute to the major power's money and manpower.

Regardless of whether Prussia is a major or a minor power, any corps from a secondary district is available to Prussia and has the same morale and intrinsic leadership as a Brandenburg corps.

[11.G] The Kingdom of Denmark is a neutral multi-district minor country. The primary district is Denmark, the secondary district is Norway. One or both of Scania and Halland can be added later. Recreation of the Kingdom of Denmark requires Denmark and any secondary district.

If Sweden adds Scania and/or Halland then they are not considered to be ceded but their money and manpower values do not contribute to Swedish money and manpower. Norwegian manpower may be used to build Norwegian army factors or Danish ships, Danish manpower may be used to build Danish army factors or Danish ships.

[11.H] The Holy Roman Empire can only be created by Austria. The primary districts are Bavaria, Brandenburg (which may also be part of Prussia), Saxony and Palatinate. When a vote is called, each power receives one vote for each of these powers it controls as a free state. Also, the power controlling Bohemia receives one vote.

Powers may vote yes, no, or abstain. Neutrals always abstain. Powers not allied with Austria cannot vote yes. Powers at war with Austria must vote no. Austria may attempt to create the HRE in any political combinations phase (assuming it does not already exist). If there are at least four yes votes and there are zero no votes then the HRE is created. This is worth +3 PP to Austria the first time in a game and +1PP if the HRE is being recreated (see below).

Any power with a vote may attempt to dissolve the HRE in any political combinations phase (assuming it exists). If there are at least as many no votes as yes votes then the HRE is dissolved. Also, dissolution can be brought about by peace condition C.8, but this does not prevent recreation. Dissolution is worth -1 PP to Austria.

The secondary districts of the HRE are Berg, Duchies, Kleves, Mecklenburg, Lorraine, Baden, Hanover, Hesse and Wuerttemberg.

Primary and secondary districts of the HRE do not necessarily become controlled by Austria.

Rule [] is modified as follows: Austria only rolls during the new political combinations step. Whenever an HRE country changes control as a result of its controller's political status, it has a chance of becoming Austrian controlled. Austria rolls D6, adds the Austrian status modifier, +1 if Austria is the country losing control, +2 if the country would otherwise go neutral. If the result is 7 or more, Austria retains or assumes control.

Austria has voluntary access to all countries in the HRE, but not to garrison cities.

[12.1.1] MILITIA CONVERSION: This option is recommended for this campaign.

[12.2.4] This optional rule is recommended for this campaign.

[] For stacks which do not enter a port in their move (i.e. in cases where the corps will disembark by invasion in the land move) this limit is reduced to five factors per fleet.

[] Within the fleets of a nationality, the ratio of ships lost to galleys lost should be as close as possible to the starting ratio.

[12.3.2] Since Great Britain is not a power in this game, no British training of Hanoverians or Portuguese is permitted.

[] The French Guard Cavalry corps or the Swedish guard corps may be committed for +1 or +2. The Austrian grenadier corps and the French Guard corps may be committed for +1.

[] If both French guard corps are present and France commits the guard for +1, losses from the Guard Commitment Table can be taken on either corps.

If the guard are committed for +2 then there must be at least two factors of guard cavalry present, and guard losses must be taken first on the guard cavalry corps and then on the guard infantry corps (if present). If this causes elimination of the guard cavalry corps but guard factors survive from the guard infantry corps, then the improvement in morale level is reduced to +1 (but the losses obtained from the +2 table stand). The automatic break described in [] is applied only if all French guard and guard cavalry factors present are eliminated.

[12.3.5] Artillery factors which are part of either an artillery or an infantry corps can be used to bombard in the usual fashion.

[12.7] (OPTIONAL) Leader casualties occur on a roll of 11 or 12.

[] The land forces setup order is Spanish Succession Ally (see []), Poland, Turkey, Spain, Russia, Austria, England, Holland, France, Sweden.

[] During the Spanish Succession Ally setup step a Spanish Succession Ally may sets up some, all or none of its forces inside Spanish controlled territory. Those forces not set up in this step are set up inside the Spanish Succession Ally's own territory at the usual time.

[] The naval forces setup order is Turkey, Sweden, Spain, France, Holland, England.


    COUNTRY             At  En  Fr  Ho  Po  Pr  Ru  Sp  Sw  Tu     NOTES

    Algeria             -1   0  +1   0  -2  -2  -2  +2  -2  +2
    Baden               +2  +1  +1   0   0  +1  -2  -1  +1  -3
    Bavaria             +1   0  +3  -1   0  +1  -3   0  -1  -2
    Berg                +2   0  +1   0  -1  +2  -2   0  +1  -1
    Brandenburg         +1  +2   0   0  +1      -1  -2   0  -1      (1)
    Corfu               -1   0   0   0  -2  -2  +1   0  -2  +1
    Corsica              0   0  +1   0   0   0  -2  +2  -2  -3
    Crete               -2   0   0   0  -2  -2  +1   0  -2  +2
    Cyrenaica            0   0   0   0  -2  -2  -2  +1  -2  +3
    Denmark              0  +1  +1  +2  +2   0  +1  -1   0  -2
    Duchies             +2   0  +1   0  +1  +1   0  -1  +1  -2
    East Prussia        +1  +1  -1  -1  +2       0  -2  +1  -1      (1)
    Egypt               -1   0   0   0  -2  -2  +1   0  -2  +3
    Flanders            +2  +1  +3  +3  -1   0  -2  +3  -1  -2
    Further Pomerania   +1  +1  -1  -1  +2       0  -2  +1  -1      (1)
    Genoa               +1   0  +1   0   0   0  -2  +2  -2  -3
    Georgia             +2  -1  -2  -1  +1   0  +1  -1  -1  +1
    Gibraltar           -1   0   0   0  -2  -3  -3  +3  -3  -1
    Greece               0  -1  -1  -1   0  -1  +1  -1  -1  +1
    Hamburg             +2  +1  +1  +2  +2  +2   0  -1  +1  -2
    Hanover             +1  +3  +1  +1   0  +1  -1  -1   0  -2      (2)
    Hesse               +1  +1  +1   0  -2  +1  -3  -1   0  -2
    Holland             -2  +3  +1      -1  +1  -1  -3   0  -1      (3)
    Hungary             +2  -1   0  -1  +1   0  -1   0  -1  +1 
    Ireland             -2   0  +1  -1   0  -2  -2   0  -1  -3
    Karelia             -2  -1  -2   0  -1  +1  +1  -2  +1   0
    Kleves              +1  +1  +2  +1   0      -2  -2  -1  -1      (1)
    Lombardy            +1  -1  +1   0  -1  -2  -2  +2  -2  -3
    Lorraine            +2   0  +3   0  +1   0  -2  +1  -2  -3
    Mecklenburg         +2   0   0  +1  +1  +3  -1  -2  +1  -3
    Magdeburg           +1  +1  +1  +1   0      -2  -2  -1  -1      (1)
    Malta               -1   0   0  -1  -3  -3  -2   0  -2  -3
    Morocco             -2  +1  +1  +1  -2  -2  -2  +2  -2  +2
    Naples              +1  -2   0  -2  -2  -3  -3  +2  -2  -3
    Norway               0  +1  +1  +2  +1  -1  +1  -1  +1  -2
    Palatinate          +2  +1  +1   0  -1  +1  -2   0  +1  -3
    Palestine           -2   0  -1   0  -2  -2  -1  -1  -2  +2
    Papacy              +2  -1  +2  -1   0  -1  -1  +1  -2  -3
    Piedmont            +2   0  +2   0  +1   0  -2  +1  -2  -3
    Portugal            -1  +3  +1  +2   0  -1  -1  +3  -1  -2
    Romagna             +2  -1  +2  -1   0  -1  -1  +2  -2  -3
    Rhodes              -2   0   0   0  -2  -2  -1   0  -1  +2
    Sardinia            +1   0   0   0  -1  -1  -2  +3  -1  -1
    Sicily               0  -1   0  -2  -3  -3  -3  +2  -2  -3
    Switzerland         +2   0  +2  +1  -1  +1  -1  +1  -2  -3
    Syria               -2   0  -1   0  -2  -2  -1  -1  -2  +2
    Transylvania        +1   0  -1   0   0  +1  -1  -1   0  +1 
    Tripolitania         0   0   0   0  -2  -2  -2  +1  -2  +3
    Tunisia             -1   0  +1   0  -2  -2  -2  +2  -2  +2
    Tuscany             +1   0  +2   0   0   0  -2  +1  -2  -3
    Ukraine              0  -2  -1  -2  +1   0  +1  -2  +2  +1
    Venetia             -1   0  +2   0  -1  -2  -1  -2  -2  -3
    Wuerttemberg        +2  +1  +1   0   0  +1  -2  -1  +1  -3


(1) Only if Prussia is not a player.

(2) Before 1714.

(3) After 1714, and only if Holland is not a player.

If Holland is not a player then England uses the better of the English and Hollander modifiers until 1714 and the English modifiers thereafter.

[14.1702.2.1.1] Bids are revealed in the following order: France, England, Sweden, Turkey, Austria, Russia, Poland, Spain, Holland, Prussia. Before making bids it may be necessary to conduct the Spanish Succession Procedure (see [14.1702.3.1]).

[14.3.1] Rolling for uncontrolled major powers occurs only during the UMP control steps of 1704, 1708, 1712 and 1716. If a Spanish Succession War is in progress, any power which is Spain, a Spanish Succession enemy or a Spanish Succession Ally and controls Spain, a Spanish Succession Ally or a Spanish Succession Enemy retains control of the UMP without the need to bid.


      MAJOR     At  En  Fr  Po  Ru  Sp  Sw  Tu

    Austria         +2  -2  +2   0   0  -1  -5  
    England     +2      -5   0   0  -2  +1  -1
    France      -2  -5      +1  +1  +1  +1  +1
    Holland     +2  +5   0  -1  +2  -5  +1   0
    Poland      +2   0  +1      +1  +1  -5  -5
    Prussia     +1  +3  -1  +1  +1   0  +2  -1
    Russia       0   0  -1  +1      +1  -5  -5
    Spain       +2  -3  +2  -1  -1      -1  -2
    Sweden       0  +1  +2   0  -1   0      +3
    Turkey      -5  -1  +2  -5  -5  -2  +3

[14.1700] THE GREAT NORTHERN WAR: At the beginning of the 1700 campaign Russia, Poland and Denmark-Norway plot the dismemberment of Sweden's trans-Baltic empire.

[14.1700.1.1] POLITICAL STATUS: Poland N8, Prussia N5, Russia N6, Sweden N5, Turkey I9.

[14.1700.1.2] The game starts with the political phase of the March 1700 turn. It ends after the victory point phase of the 1720 economic interphase (or perhaps sooner, in accordance with []).

[14.1700.2] The following division of major powers is recommended.

    5 PLAYERS: Poland, Prussia, Russia, Sweden, Turkey.
    4 PLAYERS: Poland, Russia, Sweden, Turkey.
           or: Poland, Prussia, Russia, Sweden.
    3 PLAYERS: Poland, Russia, Sweden.
           or: Poland, Russia, Turkey.
    2 PLAYERS: Russia, Sweden.
           or: Russia, Turkey.
Three or four players is probably best. The options for four players are given in decreasing order of recommendation.

See [14.1702.2] for how to handle major powers without a player.

[14.1700.3] EXISTING WARS AND TREATIES: Poland cannot declare war on Turkey until 1703. Turkey cannot declare war on Poland until 1703. Poland is allied to Russia.

[14.1700.4] FORCES SETUP:

POLAND: 12I, 12C, any depots, $9. All available feudal corps begin at full strength and may be placed on the map if desired. The Polish player also sets up the Saxon corps with 11I, 4C, and the forces of Denmark-Norway.

PRUSSIA: 17I, 6C, no depots, no money.

RUSSIA: 26I, 6C, 3S, 6B, any depots, $8. All available feudal corps begin at full strength and may be placed on map if desired. One cossack may be placed on map.

SWEDEN: 40I, 15C, 10A, 4G, 22S, 13B, 4 depots, $25.

TURKEY: 10I, 8C, 24B, no depots, no money. All available feudal corps start at full strength but may not be placed on map.

[14.1700.5] CONTROL:

Poland consists of Masovia, West Prussia, Posen, Lithuania, Polesia, White Russia, West Galicia, East Galicia, Podolia and Saxony. It controls Denmark-Norway as a free state.

If Prussia is player-controlled then it consists of Brandenburg, Further Pomerania, Magdeburg, East Prussia and Kleves.

Russia consists of Moscow, Novgorod, Taganrog (see [1.1.9]), Azov (see [1.1.5]) and Astrakhan.

Sweden consists of Sweden, Scania, Halland, Finland, Hither Pomerania and Livonia. It controls Karelia as a conquered minor.

Turkey consists of its 1805 home nation minus Greece and Crete, plus Crimea and the Military Border. It controls Rhodes, Palestine and Crete as conquered minors, and Cyrenaica, Egypt and Syria as free states.

[14.1702] THE WAR OF THE SPANISH SUCCESSION: At the beginning of the 1702 campaign, Austria, England, France and Holland argue the future of stricken Spain.

This campaign uses the same rules as the Grand Campaign with the following changes.

[14.1702.1.2] The game starts with the political phase of the March 1702 turn. It ends after the victory point phase of the 1713 economic interphase (or perhaps sooner, in accordance with []).

[14.1702.2] The following division of major powers is recommended. Note that the Spanish Succession Procedure (see [14.G.3.1]) may need to be conducted before countries are chosen.

    5 PLAYERS: Austria, England, France, Prussia, Spain.
    4 PLAYERS: Austria, England, France, Spain.
    3 PLAYERS: Austria, England, France.
    2 PLAYERS: England, France.

Three or four players is probably best.

[14.1702] GRAND CAMPAIGN GAME: At the beginning of the grand campaign, Austria, England, France and Holland argue the future of stricken Spain. Meanwhile Sweden, having already knocked Denmark-Norway out of the enemy coalition, prepares to do the same to Poland.

[14.1702.1.1] POLITICAL STATUS: Austria N7, England N8, France N10, Holland N6, Poland N4, Prussia N5, Russia N5, Spain N1, Sweden D3, Turkey N2.

[14.1702.1.2] The game starts with the political phase of the March 1702 turn. It ends after the victory point phase of the 1720 economic interphase (or perhaps sooner, in accordance with []).

[14.1702.2] The following division of major powers is recommended. Note that the Spanish Succession Procedure (see [14.1702.3.1]) may need to be conducted before countries are chosen.

   10 PLAYERS: Austria, England, France, Holland, Poland, Prussia,
                 Russia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey.
    9 PLAYERS: Austria, England, France, Holland, Poland, Russia, Spain,
                 Sweden, Turkey.
    8 PLAYERS: Austria, England, France, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden,
    7 PLAYERS: Austria, England, France, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Turkey.
           or: Austria, England, France, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden.
           or: Austria, England, France, Holland, Poland, Russia,
    6 PLAYERS: Austria, England, France, Poland, Russia, Sweden.
    5 PLAYERS: Austria, England, France, Russia, Sweden.
           or: Austria, England, France, Poland, Sweden.
    4 PLAYERS: Poland, Russia, Sweden, Turkey.
           or: Austria, England, France, Poland.
           or: Austria, England, France, Sweden.
           or: Austria, England, France, Spain.
    3 PLAYERS: Austria, England, France.
           or: Poland, Russia, Sweden.
    2 PLAYERS: England, France.
           or: Russia, Sweden.

Six or seven players is probably best. The options are given in decreasing order of recommendation.

The following rules apply for major powers which do not have a player. Some of the consequences of these rules are that there will sometimes be no point to bidding for a country since it will immediately become neutral. Most powers have limitations on which major powers they make declarations of war against (there are no restrictions on declarations of war against minors), and circumstances under which they will become inactive, regardless of the modified roll which gained control.

[14.1702.2.1] AUSTRIA:

Austria will exercise any opportunity to make a declaration of war during the Spanish Succession procedure. If it is at war as a result of this procedure then roll for control, otherwise it is a neutral UMP with no controlling player.

If Austria is a Spanish Succession Ally (Enemy) then no Spanish Succession Enemy (Ally) may bid for it.

Austria immediately becomes an uncontrolled neutral UMP if it is at peace, France is not player-controlled and Poland and Turkey are not at war. Note this means there may be no point to bidding for Austria in an UMP control step, if it will immediately go neutral anyway.

Austria may only declare war on France, Turkey, a power which received an Austrian surrender in its last war with Austria, or a major power controlling or at war with Baden, Bavaria, Berg, Duchies, Hanover, Hesse, Kleves, Mecklenburg, Palatinate, Papacy, Saxony, Switzerland, Venetia or Wuerttemberg.

[14.1702.2.2] ENGLAND:

England will exercise any opportunity to make a declaration of war during the Spanish Succession procedure. If it is at war as a result of this procedure then roll for control, otherwise it is a neutral UMP with no controlling player.

If England is a Spanish Succession Ally (Enemy) then no Spanish Succession Enemy (Ally) may bid for it.

England immediately becomes an uncontrolled neutral UMP if it is at peace and neither of France and Spain is player-controlled.

England may only declare war on France, Spain, a power which received an English surrender in its last war with England, or a major power controlling or at war with Denmark, Holland, Hanover or Portugal.

[14.1702.2.3] FRANCE:

France will exercise any opportunity to make a declaration of war during the Spanish Succession procedure. If it is at war as a result of this procedure then roll for control, otherwise it is a neutral UMP with no controlling player.

If France is a Spanish Succession Ally (Enemy) then no Spanish Succession Enemy (Ally) may bid for it.

France immediately becomes an uncontrolled neutral UMP if it is at peace and none of Austria, England and Spain is player-controlled.

France may only declare war on Austria, England, Holland, Prussia, Spain, a power which received a French surrender in its last war with France, or a power controlling or at war with Flanders, Lorraine, Papacy, Piedmont, Romagna or Switzerland.

[14.1702.2.4] PRUSSIA:

Prussia becomes a multi-district minor power, see [11.F].

[14.1702.2.5] HOLLAND:

Holland becomes a province of England. The Holland corps, fleet and leaders are controlled by the English player. (Until 1714, see [10.A.1].)

[14.1702.2.6] POLAND:

If Russia is player-controlled then Poland is a Russian UMP. If Sweden is player-controlled but Russia is not then roll for control of Poland. Otherwise Poland is a neutral UMP with no controlling power, and the wars between Poland, Russia and Sweden end.

Poland immediately becomes an uncontrolled neutral UMP if it is at peace, none of Russia, Sweden and Turkey is player-controlled and Austria is not at war with Turkey.

Poland may only declare war on Prussia, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, a power which received a Polish surrender in its last war with Poland, or a major power controlling or at war with the Ukraine.

[14.1702.2.7] RUSSIA:

If Poland is player-controlled then Russia is a Polish UMP. If Sweden is player-controlled but Poland is not then roll for control of Russia. Otherwise Russia is a neutral UMP with no controlling power, and the wars between Poland, Russia and Sweden end.

Russia immediately becomes an uncontrolled neutral UMP if it is at peace, and none of Poland, Sweden and Turkey is player-controlled.

Russia may only declare war on Poland, Sweden, Turkey, a power to which it has previously surrendered, or a major power controlling or at war with the Ukraine.

[14.1702.2.8] SPAIN:

Spain is an UMP, controlled according to the Spanish Succession procedure as long as a Spanish Succession War is in progress, and a normal UMP thereafter. If there is no Spanish Succession Procedure then Spain is a neutral UMP with no controlling player.

Spain immediately becomes an uncontrolled neutral UMP if it is at peace and none of Austria, France, England and Holland is player-controlled.

Spain may only declare war on Austria, England, France, Holland, a power which received a Spanish surrender in its last war with Spain, or a power at war with or controlling Flanders, Gibraltar, Lombardy, Naples, Papacy, Portugal, Sardinia or Sicily.

[14.1702.2.9] SWEDEN:

If neither of Poland and Russia is player-controlled then Sweden is a neutral UMP with no controlling player. Otherwise, all the non-Russian, non-Polish players may bid for Sweden as an active (regardless of die rolls) UMP.

Sweden immediately becomes an uncontrolled neutral UMP if it is at peace and neither of Poland and Russia is player-controlled.

Sweden may only declare war on Poland, Russia, a power which received a Swedish surrender in its last war with Sweden, or a power controlling Denmark, Karelia, Mecklenburg, Norway or Ukraine.

[14.1702.2.10] TURKEY:

Turkey is a neutral UMP with no controlling power. Turkey immediately becomes inactive if it is at peace and the last UMP control step was not 1708.

Turkey may only declare war on Austria, Poland, Russia, a power which received a Turkish surrender in its last war with Turkey, or a major power controlling Algeria, Crete, Cyrenaica, Greece, Egypt, Hungary, Morocco, Palestine, Rhodes, Tripolitania, Tunisia or Ukraine

[14.1702.3] EXISTING WARS AND TREATIES: Russia and Poland are allied to each other and at war with Sweden. Austria and Poland are allied. If Holland is a player then England and Holland are allied. Austria and Poland cannot declare war on Turkey until 1703. Turkey cannot declare war on Poland until 1703, or on Austria until 1704.

If at least one of Austria, France and Spain is player controlled, conduct the Spanish Succession procedure [14.1702.3.1].

[14.1702.3.1] SPANISH SUCCESSION: Before powers are chosen roll one die. The power rolled is the initial Spanish Succession Ally.


    1-3         France (see [14.1702.3.2])
     4          optional rule: Piedmont (see [14.1702.3.4])
                    otherwise: France (see [14.1702.3.2])
    5-6         Austria (see [14.1702.3.3])

Some of the consequences listed below are at the option of the player controlling a particular power. These decision on whether to take up the option is made as soon as all players have been allocated powers. Some of the states of war have a special status connected with the concept of Spanish Succession Allies and Enemies. The Spanish Succession procedure is the only way in which such wars can be created.

[14.1702.3.2] FRANCE: If France is the Spanish Succession ally then:

[14.1702.3.2.1] A state of war exists between France and Austria, and between Spain and Austria. This latter war is considered a Spanish Succession War, and Austria is considered a Spanish Succession Enemy.

[14.1702.3.2.2] England and, if a player, Holland may make an immediate declaration of war (no change in PP) on both France and Spain (cannot declare on only one). This also creates an alliance with Austria (+1PP).

[14.1702.3.2.3] An alliance exists between France and Spain. If Spain is not a player, then Spain becomes an inactive French UMP.

[14.1702.3.3] AUSTRIA: If Austria is the Spanish Succession Ally then:

[14.1702.3.3.1] An alliance exists between Austria and Spain. If Spain is not a player, then Spain becomes an inactive Austrian UMP.

[14.1702.3.3.2] A state of war exists between France and Austria, and between France and Spain. This latter war is considered a Spanish Succession War, and France is considered a Spanish Succession Enemy.

[14.1702.3.3.3] England and, if applicable, Holland may make an immediate declaration of war (no change in PP) on France. This also creates alliances with Austria and Spain (+2PP), and the declaring power is considered a Spanish Succession Ally.

[14.1702.3.4] PIEDMONT: If Piedmont is the Spanish Succession Ally then:

[14.1702.3.4.1] Piedmont becomes a Spanish province. If Spain is not a player, then Spain becomes an inactive British UMP. Turin becomes a Spanish home nation capital (so Piedmont can't be ceded).

[14.1702.3.4.2] Each of France and Austria may make an immediate declaration of war (no change in PP) on Spain. Any such war which is declared is considered a Spanish Succession War, and the declaring power is considered a Spanish Succession Enemy.

[14.1702.3.4.3] Any of France, Britain, Holland and Austria may make an immediate declaration of war (no change in PP) on any power which declared war on Spain. If this power is not at war with Spain then this also creates an alliance with Spain (+1PP).

[14.1702.3.4.4] Since Piedmont is not neutral, France does not control the Piedmontese mercenary corps initially.

[14.1702.3.5] When a Spanish Succession War ends, attempt to determine the Spanish Succession Victor. This may not be immediately possible.

[14.1702.3.5.1] If C.10 was never imposed, the Spanish Succession Victor is the Spanish Succession Ally (England in the case of Piedmont).

[14.1702.3.5.2] If C.10 was imposed by only one major power, then that power becomes the Spanish Succession Victor.

[14.1702.3.5.3] If C.10 was imposed by several major powers then make a list of all such powers. Whenever one of the powers surrenders to any other of the powers on the list, remove it from the list. The last entry on the list is the Spanish Succession Victor. If Piedmont is a province of Spain, it remains one until Piedmont is crossed off the list (or indefinitely if Piedmont is the Spanish Succession Victor), then reverts to a neutral minor free state.

[14.1702.3.5.4] If the Spanish Succession Victor cannot be determined (e.g. if the game ends before the war does) then there is no Spanish Succession Victor.

[14.1702.3.5.5] If condition C.10 was never imposed, Spain receives +10 VP. If it was, Spain suffers -10 VP.

[14.1702.3.5.6] When and if a Spanish Succession Victor has been determined, make the following changes to the VP totals of the major powers, or to their controlling power if they are UMPs.

[14.1702.] If France was the Spanish Succession Victor: +10 VP for France, and -8 VP for Austria. -4 VP each for England and (if a player) Holland.

[14.1702.] If Austria was the Spanish Succession Victor: +10 VP for Austria, -8 VP for France. If the year is 1712 or later, -4 VP each for England and (if a player) Holland.

[14.1702.] If Piedmont was the Spanish Succession Victor: +10 VP for England, +6 VP for Holland (if a player).

[14.1702.4] FORCES SETUP:

AUSTRIA: 54I, 22C, 4G, 5 depots, $9. Austria also sets up the Palatine forces.

ENGLAND: 14I, 4C, 90S, 2 depots, $25. If Holland is not a player then England also sets up the Hollander forces. England also controls a Hanoverian mercenary corps which for continuation purposes (see []) costs $10. If Holland is not a player then England also sets up the Hollander forces.

FRANCE: 93I, 38C, 4G, 5R, 70S, 5B, 10 depots, $16. France also controls a Piedmontese mercenary corps (unless controlled by Spain, see [14.1702.3.4]) which for continuation purposes (see []) cost $5.

HOLLAND: 54I, 6C, 48S, 1 depot, $4. Holland also controls a Baden mercenary corps and a Hessian mercenary corps, which for continuation purposes (see []) cost $10 each. If Holland is not a player then all these forces are set up by England.

POLAND: 8I, 8C, 4 depots, $5. All available feudal corps begin at full strength. Half (round up) of the available feudal corps, including half (round up) of the available feudal cavalry corps, may be placed on the map if desired. The Polish player also sets up the Saxon corps with 11I, 4C. Place 5 guerillas in Lithuania and 3 guerillas in White Russia. Non-guerilla forces (regulars and on-map feudals) placed in Lithuania or White Russia must be placed inside cities.

PRUSSIA: 17I, 6C, no depots, no money.

RUSSIA: 22I, 5C, 6S, 12B, 7 depots, $4. All available feudal corps begin at full strength. Half (round up) of the available feudal corps, including half (round up) of the available feudal cavalry corps, may be placed on map if desired. One cossack may be placed on map.

SPAIN: 23I, 10C, 22S, 5 depots, $2. Spain also sets up the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies forces, and possibly the Piedmontese corps (see [14.1702.3.4]). Spain controls a Portuguese mercenary corps or fleet, which for continuation purposes (see []) cost $5.

SWEDEN: 30I, 16C, 10A, 5G, 26S, 12B, 8 depots, $14. Swedish forces may be set up in Swedish territory, in Lithuania and in White Russia. They may be set up in the field, inside unoccupied cities, or besieging Polish forces in cities.

TURKEY: 20I, 8C, 17S, 7B, no depots, no money. All available feudal corps start at full strength but may not be placed on map.

[14.1702.5] CONTROL:

Austria consists of its 1805 home nation plus Silesia, minus Hungary, Military Border and Transylvania. It controls the Palatinate as a free state, and Hungary and Transylvania as conquered minors.

England consists of England, Wales and Scotland. It controls Ireland as a conquered minor. If Holland is not player-controlled then England also controls Holland as an unceded province. Note, however, that England and Holland have separate economies.

France consists of its 1805 home nation minus Lorraine.

If Holland is player-controlled then Holland is its only province.

Poland consists of Masovia, West Prussia, Posen, Lithuania, Polesia, White Russia, West Galicia, East Galicia, Podolia and Saxony. Note, however, that Poland and Saxony have separate economies.

If Prussia is player-controlled then it consists of Brandenburg, Further Pomerania, Magdeburg, East Prussia and Kleves.

Russia consists of Moscow, Novgorod, Taganrog (see [1.1.9]), Azov (see [1.1.5]) and Astrakhan. It controls Karelia as a conquered minor.

Spain controls the same provinces as in 1805. It controls Gibraltar, Flanders, Lombardy and Sardinia as conquered minors and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies as a free state.

Sweden consists of Sweden, Scania, Halland, Finland, Hither Pomerania and Livonia.

Turkey consists of its 1805 home nation minus Greece and Crete, plus Crimea and the Military Border. It controls Rhodes, Palestine and Crete as conquered minors, and Cyrenaica, Egypt and Syria as free states.

[17.0] CREDITS:

Campaign Design is by David Bofinger. A previous campaign for a slightly shorter period was written by an EIA group at Trondheim. I'm not sure who amongst them wrote the campaign but I found out about it through Yngve Moxness.

There is no real connection between the campaigns but a handful of ideas have been stolen.

Thanks to a Baltimore/Washington DC EIA group, and in particular to Tim Francis, for a playtest report and their list of house rules, some of which have since been included.

Thanks to The Big Experiment, an internet-based playtest game, for more bug fixes.

Thanks to Alec Habig for running the EIA mailing list, without which this campaign probably wouldn't have existed.

This campaign is distributed in the spirit of the GNU General Public License. You are free to distribute it how you will, but not for profit and not without crediting the author.

This page is hosted by GeoCities, in return for carrying their advertising they will give you a free home page much like mine. Everything on this site varies without notice, especially after I get feedback.