Obviously, you will know the theme of this homepage is "Worlds' Affairs". Therefore, you can conclude that this homepage talks everything which regards the world and so the phrase of my homepage is: Talking about everything excluding politics and sex. So, don't expect to find anything about politics and sex!
As you enter this homepage, you may find some articles, articles which talks about the world. For example, article which revolves about crimes, discrimination, philosophy, wisdom, justice and many more.
Inside this homepage, I also have input my biodata and links to official and unofficial homepages. Also please spare some time to visit my friends homepage and sign my guestbook. Yes, please sign my guestbook too. I love to hear comments whether it is short or long. I don't mid if your comments will turn up to become a criticism. Who knows your criticisms will let me make this homepage better.
There is also some poems to read. I have loads of comments regarding my poems. People say all my poems are great. Simply great. So, enjoy my poems.
There is an index of my homepage with music. The music is just to entertain you a little bit while you browse my homepage. So, hope you won't mind if I put the music there. If you don't want music, there is an alternative index.
So, I hope this summary tells you everything of my homepage. Enjoy my articles and my poems!
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