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The Chosen One: Dome Pakorn Lum


ARTICLE: Dome:Underneath The Bad Boy by Sou-chan

Dome and His Music

I admit that I didn't like Dome when I first saw him at an RS Promotion music show. Actually, I didn't like anything or anyone from RS Promotion, since I was annoyed by their ridiculous-looking outfits. Poor me, I only got enlightened on what a great singer Dome is when he released his fifth album, which is "Dome Question".

What attracted me to Dome is not his god-darned good looks, even though some bigoted people might assume so. I was more drawn to his music, which is absolutely amazing. His music is an interesting mix of so many different musical elements. Since I haven't listened to his other albums, I would like to focus on "Dome Question". Take his song "Nag Gark", for example. It starts quietly with a variety of sounds that must have been produced by a synthesizer, and the starting beat introduces "Nag Gark" as a dance song. However, it is immediately contradicted by the sudden insertion of a guitar, so we, the listeners might end up wondering, what type of song is this? I thought this was supposed to be techno-dance!

Oh, of course it is. But Dome, apparently has matured a bit in this album and considering that he co-produced it, means that the music is more of in-sync with himself. After listening to a bunch more songs in the album, its quite obvious that this album is not your usual techno-dance album. There is a presence of guitars, and even some DJ scratching. What's amazing, I find, is that Dome has managed to mix dance and rock, two completely different types of music, to create a whole new, and very pleasing to listen to, type of music. Though I have no idea how to define it, I would classify his music as crossing into alternative, considering that that music genre is hardly definable.

Dome as a Singer

As I said before, Dome seems to take his music seriously. His voice graduates to different styles in every album he releases. His voice is deep, and he has this rare ability to vary it anytime he wants to, even in the middle of the song. . I watched one of his concerts (actually, that was the one and only time I saw him perform, and that was the recent Jedsee concert for his 'Dome Question" album) and he sang the whole thing LIVE. I know I'm making too much of a big deal about this lip-synch thingie when it comes to thai singers, but come on. Singing live in a concert is a huge step by the singer in establishing a personal connection with his/her audience with his music and his voice as a medium. It worked pretty well for Dome's concert, I have to admit. I liked the way his voice changes from an angry snarl to a soft croon, like in one of his songs that I have no idea what the title is, since I can't understand thai.

Dome as a Performer

Performing. Now this is something Dome has mastered. I won't rant and rave, but he is amazing! He really is. The whole concert was fun to watch, for he was very natural in his singing, and you can clearly see how he "feels" his song. He knows his music in a way that almost every move he makes seems to move in-sync with it, in a rare kind of fluidity that I can't really describe. He seems one with his music, like he belongs with it or something. Basta, you should really watch Dome to really experience him and his music. Its intoxicating to watch and his voice is invigorating.

All in all, I think Dome should try making a shot in going international. I mean, singers like Tata Young who don't even sing live (at least, in almost all the concerts I watched) are allowed to go international, so why can't he? He has the talent: a great voice and a passion and genuine knowledge for music is a lethal combination. Not to mention that he's an amazing performer and he has looks that could charm the pants off anyone. I can't wait when he releases an album internationally.


*Sou-chan is a 20 year old studying music in New York. She tries her best to reconcile her interests in Dome's music and Dome as a man. She still refuses to comment on Kamiya Kaoru's inclusion on Dome not liking oranges.

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