As I have posted in Satyr's Desires, it is very difficult for a Satyr to think about things like monogamy. By his or her very nature, a Satyr desires to play. something stranged happened to me recently, though. Something I never thought could happen to a Satyr ... I fell in Love!!
It has not been an easy task, this Love. Conflicts between what the mortal "society" teaches us and what we are have caused more problems than I had originally wanted to believe. One thing that has helped is her own Satyristic nature. yet, even in that vein, I found myself hampered.
To my own shame and sorrow, I lost my path. I found myself rejecting both my desire to play and becoming insecure over her desires. And, again, I quote from Desires "I have known some who can handle the 'societal norm' and are quite happy with the 'one person' in their life. IMHO, however, this is a suppression of one part of themselves." I have experienced this selfsame sensation. (And let me tell you, it was a PAIN!! Just ask my beloved Arilyn!!!)
When a Satyr falls in Love, it can be a most traumatic time. I, honestly, hope that all Satyrs are as lucky as I am in finding that their soulmate understands their Satyristic nature as well as Arilyn understands mine ... and I hers (now).
FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO FIND YOURSELF INVOLVED WITH A SATYR: I promise you, it won't be easy. But I can also promise you that it will be worth the caring, understanding, and support you give. *DON'T* try to suppress your Satyr's love of playing. And don't let him/her suppress it as well. It will cause a bitter rift between the two of you. Set down groundrules if you have to, but don't try to destroy that desire. You will find that s/he will be much more attentive if given the opportunity to wander than if kept chained. And I can guarantee you that s/he will attempt to break those chains if one is foolish enough to try and tie him or her down. Or worse, s/he will let you "catch" him/her. Then you will lose that which probably attracted you to him/her to begin with as your love becomes embittered and angry (though not knowing at what). Be strong and understanding, and you will find happiness.