For The Love of A Satyr

As I have posted in Satyr's Desires, it is very difficult for a Satyr to think about things like monogamy. By his or her very nature, a Satyr desires to play. something stranged happened to me recently, though. Something I never thought could happen to a Satyr ... I fell in Love!!

It has not been an easy task, this Love. Conflicts between what the mortal "society" teaches us and what we are have caused more problems than I had originally wanted to believe. One thing that has helped is her own Satyristic nature. yet, even in that vein, I found myself hampered.

To my own shame and sorrow, I lost my path. I found myself rejecting both my desire to play and becoming insecure over her desires. And, again, I quote from Desires "I have known some who can handle the 'societal norm' and are quite happy with the 'one person' in their life. IMHO, however, this is a suppression of one part of themselves." I have experienced this selfsame sensation. (And let me tell you, it was a PAIN!! Just ask my beloved Arilyn!!!)

When a Satyr falls in Love, it can be a most traumatic time. I, honestly, hope that all Satyrs are as lucky as I am in finding that their soulmate understands their Satyristic nature as well as Arilyn understands mine ... and I hers (now).

FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO FIND YOURSELF INVOLVED WITH A SATYR: I promise you, it won't be easy. But I can also promise you that it will be worth the caring, understanding, and support you give. *DON'T* try to suppress your Satyr's love of playing. And don't let him/her suppress it as well. It will cause a bitter rift between the two of you. Set down groundrules if you have to, but don't try to destroy that desire. You will find that s/he will be much more attentive if given the opportunity to wander than if kept chained. And I can guarantee you that s/he will attempt to break those chains if one is foolish enough to try and tie him or her down. Or worse, s/he will let you "catch" him/her. Then you will lose that which probably attracted you to him/her to begin with as your love becomes embittered and angry (though not knowing at what). Be strong and understanding, and you will find happiness.

For those who care about a little personal news, Arilyn and I were handfasted on the 18th of March of '98. It has been a difficult road, and still is. But we are both prepared to face the realities of what and who we are. And we are both still growing by leaps and bounds because of it. (And looking forward to making it "legal" in Oct!)
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