Information for New Users of the Internet
Why cruise the 'Net with an outdated browser?
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If you're viewing this document from my Geocities site, chances are pretty good that you don't need any help configuring your dialer, proxy server, and all the other what-not. But, you'll probably want to make sure you're using an up-to-date browser. When I upgraded from MSIE2 to version 3, it was a great improvement. The following are a few browsers you may download and try. (Some are freeware, some are limited-time shareware, and some might not be appropriate for your machine. Information is subject to change. So, I encourage you to read the documentation at their web sites first.)
Microsoft Internet Explorer is up to version 4.0 now for WinNT4.0 and Win95. They also have preview versions for Win3.1, WinNT3.51, Macintosh, and UNIX -- as well as some extra goodies. I haven't tried version 4.0 yet, because it would take quite a bit of disk space, and version 3.12 (which is still available) suits me fine. MSIE3.x and above supports Java and ActiveX, (those are some extra enhancements used by some web sites -- you'll probably be able to get along without them, but they're nice to have).
Netscape Communicator is up to version 4.04 for Windows 95/NT/3.51, Macintosh, and several varieties of UNIX. They pioneered the use of Java on the Internet, and they make an effort to keep up to date.
Opera is up to version 2.12, but there is also a version 3.0 beta 8 version. It is available as 90-day shareware on Win95, WinNT, and Win3.1. Versions for Macintosh, BeOS, OS/2, and X11 will soon be available -- check it out. This is a promising browser, which has a good number of features offered by the two above, but doesn't suffer from code bloat (the downloadable executables are only about one megabyte!) It should even be able to run on a 386SX with 16MB RAM.
NCSA Mosaic is up to release 3.0 now, and it works under Microsoft Windows 95/NT(Intel), Macintosh, and X Windows. Previous versions support Windows 3.1 and non-Intel versions of WinNT. Mosaic was the original web browser, and it's still pretty good although it is less aggressive about supporting other features. has links to all of the above, plus almost two dozen more browsers which will work under Windows95 (and many of them will work with WinNT4). The site also features many other networking and Internet goodies.
America Online client software is up to version 3.0 (Win95, Win3.1, Macintosh) -- if you are running an earlier version, I hear that the newer is far better. (This program is for use with their online service, which provides Internet access and a number of other features, for $19.95/month. Click the link for further information.) Also, check out their latest goodies.
More to come... tune in later, "Same Bat-Channel". ;^)
Since Geocities changed things around and exports Java with these pages whether or not they need them, I might have to take this off...
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