A Charismatic Prayer Group, "Our Lady's Community of the Lord's Praise" was established in Amherst in 1972. This group has been ministered to over the years principally by Deacon Rick Hartnett. This prayer group has been a powerful force for prayer in the Amherst community. Its membership comes primarily from Saint Charles and Nativity Parishes although the group has always included people of other faith communities.
The Saint Vincent de Paul Society in Amherst is made up of parishioners of both Saint Charles and Nativity of Our Lady Parishes. This group has provided all types of assistance to people in need in Amherst and the surrounding area. The Society collaborates with other churches in the town in the "Amherst Food Network". Through this common effort we have been able to serve the needy with a "Food Bank" which operates three days each week.
The Knights of Columbus Council 2916 has been established in Amherst for many years. We also have an Assembly of Fourth Degree Knights, the Monsignor W. H. Smith Assembly. Knights come from Saint Charles, Nativity and other parishes in the area. Their Hall at 5 Robie Street in Amherst, is a centre for the Knights activities and is used also for many community events.
Saint Charles - Nativity Ladies Auxiliary has been supporting
youth activities and religious education programs for many years. The members
meet monthly to plan their activities. Through craft sales and other activities
they have provided great assistance to our young people.