In the earliest days of humanity.....survival, and getting to know our
planet were the primary missions. There was little thought as to religion, spirituality, or
much of anything beyond eating and simply staying alive. I suppose the Gods could
have made us more intelligent and civilized in those early days, but I think we would
have missed the entire point of having to interact with...and thus really understand our
place in the web of life on this planet. (Maybe this is what happened to the Atlanteans.
The legends relate a story of a people who evolved too quickly...gained too much power
beyond their ability to control it...and thus destroyed themselves completely.) The fact
that mankind today is so detached from nature and Gaea’s creations, and so many have
forgotten our place in the web, and so much damage has resulted from it, is proof enough
of the importance of those early lessons.
As time went on and humans learned more about their environment,
many settled in permanent or semi-permanent villages and learned such skills as
agriculture, herding of cattle, sheep, or goats, as well as raising and
domesticating other animals. Still others learned to skin animals and/or weave fibers to
make clothing. Carts and wagons were built, pottery was thrown, and even art and music
began to appear in more complex forms. No longer was survival a day to day concern,
and so humans turned their attention toward more community-related interests.
Everything from developing laws and simple governments, to social activities, to
wondering about such things as who they were and what was their purpose, became
commonplace in many tribes.
With the advent of so many new and varied activities, and because
people were living together in larger groups and having to depend on one another more,
individual skills and talents began to emerge. Some found they had a talent for
using/preparing herbs for medicinal purposes. Others learned they had a particular skill
with forging metals. While still others realized talents in the areas of teaching, hunting,
midwifery,etc...or as tanners, potters, artists, musicians, and the list goes on and on.
These talents and skills were based partially on innate abilities (see the discussion on
White/Gray/Black), and partially on what the clan needed at the time. The interesting
thing, is that over a period of several lifetimes these two factors merged until every
Advocate had developed a “specialty”.....a career or occupation if you will, that they
seek to perform each lifetime regardless of situation or standing.
Note:Although, on the surface it would seem there would be many Advocates
sharing the same specialty, each person developed a specific set of skills around their
occupation making it quite unique. Thus, only a handful of Advocates each generation
share a particular specialty, and even amongst them, each performs it with their own
distinct flair.
Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be as much call nowadays for tanners or
blacksmiths and so it is up to each Advocate to discover how to use their specialty. With
a little thought and creativity, however, this is not as difficult as it would first seem. In
today’s world, a tanner could just as easily be a clothing designer (specializing in leathers
and suedes), a clothing manufacturer, a tailor or seamstress (again, specializing in
leathers and suedes), a furrier, and so on. A blacksmith could be a steel structure
architect or builder, a plumber, a welder, a metal artist, an engineer, etc.... In a few
cases, Advocates have had to/will have to perform their specialty as a hobby, as a side
business, or somewhere else in their personal life. There is nothing wrong with any of
these situations, and the important thing is that an Advocate feel fulfilled in the area of
their specialty.
It should be noted that every specialty has a name which remains the
same throughout all the lifetimes of the Advocate. For this reason, the name will seldom
have a modern equivalent, and may even more closely resemble a foreign
language...although again, probably not a modern foreign word. If you have ever had a
word play at the edges of your mind....always on the tip of your tongue...but never quite
there. If you have ever had a group of letters float around in your head....wanting to form
a word...but never coming together.....it is probably the name of your specialty. Do not
worry, and most of all, do not push too hard. This specialty name is often “remembered”
during meditation, but can come to a person almost anywhere and at anytime. The
important thing to remember is that it will come to you.
Some examples of the specialties known today are shown below.
Note #1: Please remember that each generation has only a few of each specialty and
this list is by no means complete. In fact, there are virtually thousands of specialties,
many which are not currently known. Also, please resist the urge to choose or claim one
of the following specialties as your own without having spent considerable time in
meditation or in self analysis. The odds of one of these specialties being your specialty
are slim. Your specialty will make itself known to you when you are ready and when the
time is right.
Note #2: Each specialty is exclusive to a category of Advocate. For instance, the
Parva are all Grays. There is no such thing as a White or a Black Parva. There could be
a vaguely similar specialty within the White or Black ranks, but it would be more closely
based on the skills of that category, and it would have an entirely different
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