During the earliest times of physical existance, (when learning and growth first began to occur) the spirits noticed that many of them had characteristics in common. Strenghts, weaknesses, skills, talents, focus, and even frequency vibration were somewhat similiar across certain groups. After some time and analysis, they discovered that there are three general categories into which the spirits fall. These categories have the “labels” Black, White, and Gray. Let me make it
clear immediately, that these labels in no way, shape, or form refer to any particular race, nor do they relate to evil or good. (since these are relative terms anyway). If you think in terms of the yin yang symbol, with gray being a combination of the other two, you will have a more accurate idea of what these labels represent. In fact, that is more or less the reason for the three types of spirit. As we would soon discover, although each was an individual, with individual thoughts and desires, and each solely responsible for their own actions, none would ever complete the journey alone, for balance and connectedness is the key. Without each other, the journey would prove an insurmountable struggle. One...and yet not one. Additionally, it is important to remember that no two spirits are exactly alike, and even those who belong to the same category will have very distinctive ways of exhibiting the characteristics of that category. For example, if you think in terms of astrology, people born under the same sign have a multitude of similarities, but always remain unique. With that out of the way, let me proceed with a brief description of each category type.
Note: Please realize that the following descriptions are general explanations only, and are meant to give the reader a “feel”, if you would, of each category-type. It would be unreasonable to attempt to discuss every possible aspect that each would/could possess. Additionally, I would like to re-emphasize that each person is an individual and not everyone will possess every characteristic of that category, nor at the same level. In the same light, a characteristic listed under a particular category does not imply that the other categories do not or can not possess it also. It simply means that characteristic is a particular strength of that group. As you will see, Gray do not have great difficulty with any of the characteristics of the other groups. White and Black, however, do possess very specific skills and strengths. The other group can perform these same skills, but with no where near the effectiveness or efficiency, and only with a much greater expenditure of energy and resources.
As you come to know your spiritual self better, you will discover your own talents, gifts, strengths, and weaknesses, which may or may not directly reflect what is written here. These descriptions are designed to be general guidelines...and/or a good place to start when beginning your journey down the Advocate Path. They also serve to give each of the categories a working knowledge of the other two.
One more thing to note is that as each of you come to “remember” your specialty (see the section on specialties), you may find an even greater diversion from these general category descriptions.
White are the Healers. Their frequency vibrates with the organic.
They represent the yang in the universe.
Their elements are water and earth.
White are of the
night and preferred (most effective) ritual times (for those who perform them) are during
the full and new moons.
White speak to nature and so relate
most strongly to the Gaea aspect of the deity. (She is their “patron” deity so to speak.)
White are more directly connected to, and thus specialize in,
things of the physical plane. Consequently, their focus is life (and preserving it), with
particular emphasis on entering the wheel. (This plane of
White are linked to those animals considered
“real” and which currently exist on the planet. (With a few
The senses most associated with White are the
ones perceived as more tactile and sensual...i.e., touch, taste, and smell.
For those White who perform divination, they may find they
have an exceptional talent in the area of past sight, such as past life regression therapy or,
if they read Tarot for example, they may find their most insightful translations occur with
those cards dealing with past actions/experiences.
“see” into the body and heart and so can heal both physical and emotional ills. (The term
see in this instance refers to the White’s ability to scan the body and/or heart using the
third eye or other empathic abilities, for problems, injuries, etc.... Many are actually able
to visualize the inside of a person’s body, organs and so forth, while others “feel’ or
simply “know” what is wrong). Because the White vibrate with all things organic, this
healing ability extends to humans and animals, as well as plants and trees.
Note:I find that the following characteristics are best
described in terms of what those of each category would teach to others. Hopefully this
method will provide a better understanding of the kinds of insights possessed by each
In terms of nature, the White teach love of and communing
with Gaea and all her creations. Their direct connections with the organic, life, and the
physical plane make this a rather obvious conclusion.
reference to interacting with others, the White teach how to understand and deal with
emotions within a relationship. This includes any and all emotions ranging from
happiness or sorrow....from pain and anger, to joy and love. A White would be good
counsel to seek when confused about one’s own emotions and how they are affecting
one’s relationships as well as how past emotions and relationships are affecting the
present ones. Along these same lines, White teach when to feel and when not to feel....or
in other words, control of one’s emotions. Be aware that this does not mean that all
White have a total grip on their own emotional health. I think we are all familiar,
however, with people who seem to be much better with other people’s issues than they
are with their own.
The White focus on teamwork,
cooperation, and partnerships. They think in terms of others and are group (or perhaps a
better word might be “clan” or “tribe”) oriented.
White are
for truth.
White seem to be attracted to those paths most
closely associated with nature, the moon, and/or the maiden or mother aspects of the
Goddess. After the betrayal, they were more likely to gravitate towards Wicca,
witchcraft, wizardry (in it’s more nature-oriented forms), and some forms of Druidry.
(again...those most nature oriented).
Generally speaking, the
White are the second most powerful of the three categories in terms of raw power.
Please realize that in actual practice...this will vary greatly!!! Consider phrases such
as...”The bigger they are....the harder they fall” and you will understand that true power is
measured more by how clever, creative and effective/efficient one is than how much raw
power they possess. On a scale of 1-10, the White are typically around 5 or
White are always located to the left of the gray in a
Gray are the Balance. Their frequency vibrates at a much broader range than
Black or White and so is compatible with both organic and
They represent the yin and yang combined. In
fact, many Gray use the yin yang symbol as their personal
The Gray work with all four elements on an equal
Gray are neither of the night nor of the day. “Never in
full light nor in full darkness be.” Thus, preferred ritual times are dusk, dawn, and the
odd moon phases. (i.e., all those except the full and new
The Gray speak to the spirits and specialize in those
things of or related to the spiritual plane.
With reference to
life, the Gray’s emphasis is on the “living” or truly experiencing of
The Crone in all her aspects (e.g., All Mother, Chaos,
etc...) is the deity form most connected to the Gray.
The sense
most associated with Gray is intuition, or what some refer to as the sixth sense. Let me
state immediately that all the categories are capable of intuition, just as all are capable of
experiencing smell, touch, sight, etc.... It is simply more closely associated with the Gray
because of their connection to the spiritual plane.
The Gray
are masters of present sight and often excel in the fields of meditation and/or dream
therapy. Being in the here and now is the focus of many Gray
The Gray can “see” into the soul or spirit of
another and so can heal the spirit. They are also the ones to assist with most spiritual
problems or issues. Their ability to see the spirit makes the Gray the most effective at
determining if an individual is an Advocate. (this is done by “scanning” for the presence
of the spirit room). (The spirit is neither organic nor inorganic, making it difficult for
either White or Black to detect it’s presence). Additionally, this allows the Gray to lead
or guide others to their spirit room, initially to show them the way, (but also if needed
for subsequent visits), and to actually “accompany” them as well. White and Black are
capable of walking someone through the steps needed to find or visit the spirit room,
however they cannot “see” the room, nor can they accompany the individual. For this
reason, the activities described above are best left to a
Gray teach connection with nature on a spiritual level.
That is, that nature is a direct reflection of the universe, and to understand the
connectedness of all things in nature is to understand the universe and our place in
With reference to relationships, Gray teach about the
connection between people and the many and varied levels involved in all relationships.
Whenever two or more people come together, whether in friendship, as coworkers,
lovers, mates, etc..., a complicated mix of standards, expectations, emotions, and beliefs
begins to build which results in many layers within that relationship. Understanding
these layers and what motivates them can lead to better interactions with others. Within
this same context, Gray teach when to trust and when not to trust...both your own choices
and decisions as well as those of others.
Gray focus on
communication and compromise with each other. They think in terms of how things
affect the self, both in the context of the self within a group, and the self as an
Gray are for
Although the Gray are more dispersed among a wider
variety of paths than the White or Black, they seem to be most attracted to those paths
associated with spirituality, sorcery, shamanism, and/or paths associated with the Crone
aspect of deity.
Generally speaking, Gray are the weakest of
the three categories of Advocates. (again, with reference to raw power only). Once
more, I must caution the reader not to be mislead by this statement. Gray are the focus,
much like a magnifying glass, or better yet, a laser beam for the White and Black’s
energy within the triad. Without a Gray, a White or Black can only “spray” an area with
energy. If you think in terms of healing or manipulating a piece of machinery or metal,
the ability to pinpoint energy is crucial. Additionally, a Gray can penetrate defenses
more easily than either of the others because of the broader range of their vibration, and
are also quite adept at reflecting back energy thrown at them. On a scale of 1-10, the
Gray are typically 3 or 4.
Gray are always located at the base
or in the middle of the triad.
Black are the Enforcers. Their frequency vibrates with the
They represent the yin in the
Their elements are fire and
Black are of the day and preferred ritual times are during
full sunlight.
The Black speak to astral entities and those
spirits who have passed from this incarnation, but who have not finished their journey to
the spiritual plane. (typically the recently departed).
relate most strongly to the God aspect of deity. (For those of you not familiar with the
God aspect, or who are incorrectly associating him with the Christian depiction, please
read D.J.Conway’s Lord of Light and Shadow).
Black are most connected to, and so specialize in those things of the Astral Plane. Black
are also specialists in death, or exiting the wheel. There are entire specialties dedicated
to assisting people in dealing with death, whether their own or others and preparing and
guiding people through this process. The familiar figure of death....scythe in
hand....coming to “collect his due” actually a warped/altered portrayal of a black
The Black are linked to those animals considered “mythological” and/or not of
the physical plane. (see the discussion on spirit animals for
Because their frequency vibrates
with the inorganic, Black are masters of working with metal, machinery, and things made
of stone, crystals and gems. They also have the ability to find ore and gem deposits as
well as locate “lost” items made of the above stated materials.
The senses most associated with the Black are sight and sound. (especially
words). Black are known for their understanding and manipulation of words to achieve
desired results. They are keen observers and seldom miss a trick.
Black are experts at future sight and thus excel at all types of divination, vision
questing, etc...
Black are equally adept at “seeing” into the
mind as they are at projecting visions into it. This allows them to “heal” in a sense, by
placing images of good health, happiness, confidence, and so forth, into a person’s mind.
In this way, a Black is able to assist people with altering their beliefs about themselves,
which according to Psychologists, is the first real and effective step in changing one’s life
for the better. This ability also proves invaluable during times of extreme duress or
during battle.
In terms of nature, Black teach respect and
protection. This is one of the areas in which their title of Enforcer is most apparent. This
role actually extends to most actions by Advocates, with the Black being motivated by
the desire to ensure adherence to the standards laid out by the Goddess, the clan, the
triad, etc...
With reference to relationships, Black teach
respect and responsibility. This is especially relevant when speaking of relationships
involving physical intimacy. Black stress the importance of treating a partner with
respect, whether before, during, or after intimacy, as well as ensuring the safety of both
parties with respects to pregnancy, disease, injury, etc...Black do not look favorably upon
those who use, abuse, intimidate, or manipulate others to gain sexual favors, or during or
after intimacy. This has nothing to do with the number of partners one has....but has
everything to do with the way in which each partner is treated. Respect and
responsibility is just as crucial though, in relationships involving friends, coworkers, etc...
Openness and honesty are always an appropriate choice
Along similar lines, Black teach camouflage and protection. This is sort of the flip side
of respect and responsibility if you will. There are times when a person becomes the
target of negative behavior by others. At these times, it is desirable to be able to protect
oneself...whether though the use of (energy) shields, verbally, or through one’s actions.
Additionally, one may find it convenient or helpful to “disappear into the woodwork” so
to speak...or become less noticeable or obvious to others. The Black would be the ones
to turn to in such cases. Within the same context, Black teach when to take action and
when not to take action.
The Black are concerned with how
things affect the individual. They tend to be more singular in there duties, rituals,
The Black are for
Black seem to be most attracted to those paths
associated with ceremonial magick, alchemy, paths that favor a solitary practice, and/or
those paths associated primarily with the God or masculine deity(s). After the betrayal,
they tended to gravitate towards paths such as the Golden Dawn or other Cabalistic paths,
Egyptian paths, Chaos magick, etc...
Generally speaking,
Black are the most powerful of the Advocates with reference to raw power. I have
already cautioned the reader as to the dangers of taking this comment out of I
will not reiterate it here. On a scale of 1-10, the Black are typically 7 or
Black are always located to the right of the Gray in a

In learning about each of the categories of spirit, it quickly became apparent that no one category was in a superior position over the others. In addition, although there was some overlap in the skills, talents, and/or characteristics of the three, each was very much “different” than the others. This created a paradox of sorts since each Advocate was obviously an individual, with individual abilities and gifts, and each
would come to find their specialty or “niche” that very few others would share.....and yet none would ever truly achieve balance as long as they walked the path alone. As was stated previously, only when the three came Black, one Gray, and one White, would they realize the feeling of completeness that each lacked on their own. This situation was deliberately created to teach us that even though we have the freedom to choose our own path....that we alone are responsible for the events of our lives.....we are never truly “alone” in our journey....and only in realizing the connectedness of all things, will we
reach our final destination.
With this understanding, the triads were created. For our purposes, a
triad is defined as a “partnership” between three Advocates; one each of Black, White,
and Gray, who link (bond) in order to balance and enhance their own energy and spiritual
This bond may be no more than a business arrangement between the
three if that is what they all desire and agree upon. However typically, the triad functions
more as a family unit. I would like to make it clear immediately that within the
Advocate Path, a triad should in no way be an “excuse” for sexual activity
between any or all of the participants. That is not to say that there will not be instances
of such involvement, only that it should not be the purpose for coming together, nor the
focus of the group.
Even when a triad is initially established under the pretense of
friendship or business, because of the nature of the link , it will commonly grow into a more
cohesive, dedicated, and loving unit. Unlike some of the temporary or tentative links
possible between Advocates, in a triad link the Black and White Advocates actually
place (plug in) a (semi-permanent) tendril of their energy (generated from their spirit
rooms) into the spirit room of the Gray, and vice versa. This allows the triad to be in
constant contact so to speak....”aware” of each other on a more extrasensory level. The
love, support, and caring that results from this bond are extremely powerful, and for a
triad to have only a “casual” bond would be uncommon, although not
NOTE:A link of this type can only be (voluntarily) removed by the person who
placed it. In extreme circumstances, however, the link can be forcibly removed by another. In either case, it is a painful
experience for the Gray since once linked, a Gray finds it quite disconcerting (to say the
least) to be without one or both of the links for any length of time. A link which is
forcibly removed will also cause discomfort or pain to the individual being “evicted”,
and a Black and/or a White can experience feelings of emptiness or loss when
disconnected from their Gray. For these reasons alone, (although there are numerous
others) a triad should never be entered into lightly or without at least some familiarity
and/or knowledge of each potential member.
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