started on 14.02.1999 - finished on 23.01.2006
Sachverstand2 @
29. August 2006
As soon as I know what living is I will write it here, I promise. I guess the following things are essential:
To work in Spain, you must learn Spanish. No excuses. Look at diction.htm for a first guide to Spanish.
Many Spanish can write English, but most of them pronounce English in the Spanish way, so you don't understand a word.
Make sure you are used to the car and can find steering wheel, clutch, brakes and gas pedal. And gear shift.
You will find yourself driving the Spanish way one day:
Be always aware of usual obstacles. You have to pay what you destroy:
If possible, use Spanish streets in the following Order of Danger to get used to Spanish traffic terms:
Use safety belt. Always.
Keep both hands on the wheel. Always.
Steer consciously into curves, and steer consciously out of curves.
Do not let the steering wheel go when leaving a curve. It could be your last curve.
Do not drink when driving.
Do not smoke when driving.
Do not touch your passenger when driving.
Do not enjoy views when driving.
Do not seek radio stations when driving. There are only Spanish and Arabian stations.
Enjoy driving. I think that's what Spain is good for.
Driving motorcycle is real fun in Spain, because you can pass most problems with the small silhouette and the big force of a motorcycle much better than with a car.
And if something happens, you won't need a health insurance. Only a trip home in a black body bag, and a coffin.
Oh come on, it's not dangerous!
Only dangers that you are not aware of are really dangerous. But if you drive like a Spanish, wearing your jeans at the knees and your jeans jacket on the elbows, and ALWAYS peering into the next curve wondering if it's a truck, a pothole or a cow that will welcome you there, it's real fun!
If you are used to a healthy, satisfying, good tasting food, you will be bitterly disappointed, and most times hungry.
Spanish LOVE onions, oil, vinagre. But most, they love garlic.
You should start discovering Spanish food by insalata, filete de ternera, filete de cerdo, tortilla, white bread, and coca-cola or cerveza.
You could continue with patatas (oily pommes frites). If you can't stand oily pommes frites, you must earn a map of McDonald's and Burger Kings BEFORE you start your trip.
There is NO way to ask the waiter to leave off oil, garlic, onions, vinagre or any other things you dislike, if you cannot talk Spanish.
Spanish seem to think that they invented mixture of coffee and milk. There are different names for different proportions:
Name % Coffee % Milk Café solo 100 0 Cortado 75 25 Café con leche 50 50 Manchiado 25 75 Leche caliente 0 100 Americano Café solo, 100 % hot water added
There is no sufficient heating in spain, except you burn the furniture of your room.
I guess Spanish use sex only for reproduction. As with many other things, they are not very lucky with this.
If you LOVE small women with short legs, wide hips, strong bottoms, slim shoulders, big heads, dark hair, dark eyes and a loud and noisy voice without modulation, you will LOVE Spain.
Of course, you have to talk Spanish to get them in bed. Though I don't know the price - promising marriage or the like?
If you LOVE chairs and tables that are suitable for children, Spanish menu charts, garlic and oil -
If you LOVE films where your favorite actor says ''Sayonara, baby!'' -
If you LOVE futbol -
If you enjoy junky beaches -
then, I guess, you might find your time worth to be spent in Spain.
All others read texts from Project Gutenberg, write email, and drive, and work.
In my opinion, you should risk your life to see Spain, to laugh about Spanish culture, to eat ridiculous or healthy (Burger King or McDonald's) food and to drive all these wonderful, curve-spangled, narrow roads.
As long as it's fun, that's for 2 weeks.
started on 14.02.1999 - finished on 23.01.2006
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