sysop @ mousehouse:
Recent applications on mousehouse:
started on 01.01.1998 - updated 01.09.1998
Text Editing
ascii editors
vi oh, yes.
axe Xwindows menue-driven text-editor
joe simple but effective. no tutorial required.
Text processors
tex processes *.tex files to *.dvi files. LaTeX preferred.
latex recommended. processes *.tex files to *.dvi files
xdvi views *.dvi files on X
dvips processes *.dvi files to *.ps files
ghostview views *.ps files on X.
lpr spools *.ps files to the printer.
xtexsh a shell to invoke an editor, TeX, LaTeX, dvips and lpr
by buttons. Recommended.
ghostscr PostScript processor, previewing included
transfig translates figures made by xfig into something latex-understandable
gentle Introduction to TeX. Use LaTeX with XTeXShell.
sc simple but effective spreadsheet
xess3 Xwindows spreadsheet.
xspread easy but powerful Xwindows spreadsheet
System programs
Job control
bash recommended.
File control
less quick and easy ascii file viewer
duconv converts ms-dos to unix, and reverse. duconv -? for help.
Note: inputfile MUST be other than outputfile.
find finds files. Better use allfiles.txt or mc.
grep searches files for patterns.
Example: grep align * searches for string "align" in all files in current
mc midnight commander, does all in one.
xfm a filemanager.
Compressing and archiving
gzip packs or unpacks single file.
tar combines many files to one, or reverse.
unzip unzips pkzip(tm) and winzip(tm) files.
arena Xwindows html browser. Quits when he sees the tag <table>.
lynx text-screen html browser. fast and reliable. no pictures.
seyon terminal program, for dialup remote login
pine mailer system. use mail.
sendmail sends mail
pppd goes via ppp and pap or chap online. dialing by chat. options in /etc/ppp.
setup by root.
mailx user sends mail to user. close message with . on single line.
pine manages personal mail.
Without X
workbone plays cd's.
X required
flying Billard
gchess chess.
xearth92 see the earth from outer space. Mono and svga servers only.
xephem views configuration of our solar system, moon phases, 3d
xgammon backgammon
xtacy only on svga server
xlock screen saver
Picture processing
xv extremely nice bitmap editor, can almost everything.
jpeg seejpeg, djpeg, cjpeg, unjpeg.
povray raytracer
tgif some sort of coral_draw
xfig another great drawing program
xfract fractint: creates fractals, and makes them 3-D
xli image viewer
xpaint very nice bitmap editor
gcc gnu c compiler
bash shell script interpreter
lisp AI-near programming language
f2c converts fortran to C, C++
p2c pascal to c translator
perl ai-near programming language
dip handles dialup ip connections
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