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Linux Users' Help Page
started on 01.09.1998 - updated on 20.09.1999
Get going with the system
Files? What Files?
File Types
Directories? What directories?
Commands on Files and Directories
Programs? What programs?
How do I invoke a program? -
Which programs are available? -
Which program suits my needs?
Customizing the system for your needs
Welcome to mousehouse!
These help pages will help you to come into the system.
This help system will come up every time until you comment it out in ~/.profile.
Send any suggestions for bugs, further chapters and user-related questions (maybe with
answers) to sysop@mousehouse.
1 Get going with the system
Well then: Log in, move into your directory, hack in some data files,
store them in your home, and have the system process them.
Yes, that's all.
2 Files? What Files?
A file is a thing full of bytes. It is identified by its filename and the
directory it sits in.
A byte is an integer, somewhere between 0 and 255. System interprets bytes as
- letters;
- pictures;
- program, that means a set of instructions to work on other files;
- or anything else you came to think of
depending of with which program you want to work on it.
2.1 File types
There are different file types, most of them recognizable by their extension:
- *.txt = ascii text files.
View with MORE or LESS.
Edit with VI, VIM, JOE, AXE, XEDIT, MC, EMACS or an editor that you have
written for your own.
dos text files are usually not compatible with linux text files, because
dos wastes 2 bytes for every line break instead of 1. There is a smart program
called DUCONV that converts between the real and the want-to-be OS.
- *.tex = document file.
It actually is a ascii text file with additional commands how to process
the typed-in text. To be processed by TeX.
- *.dvi = output of tex. Can be
- converted to PostScript by DVIPS or
- directly sent to a dvi-capable printer or
- viewed under X with XDVI.
- *.ps = document file, ready for print-out.
It has all formatting and pictures in it, and does not contain a single
trace of how you made it.
Because it is text only, it consumes few disc space, and few time to be sent
all over the world or just to a PostScript-capable printer.
PC printers, who do not know PostScript, can print ps files by GHOSTSCRIPT.
- *.gif = picture, in CompuServe GraphicInterchangeFormat.
Uses less disc space than uncompressed picture, but contains all data of
original bitmap.
Can be
- viewed with ZGV.
- viewed and processed with XV and XPAINT.
- converted to *.jpg with CJPEG.
- converted to *.eps with XV and then be inserted into a tex file.
- *.jpg = picture, in JapanesePictureGroup Format.
Uses less disc space than gif file.
Contains nearly all data of original bitmap - YOU control how much. The less
you choose, the smaller is the file and the number of details.
Can be
- viewed with SEEJPEG.
- viewed and processed with XV and XPAINT.
- converted to *.gif with DJPEG.
- converted to *.eps with XV and then be inserted into a tex file.
- *.eps = EncapsulatedPostScript.
Contains graphic data (letters, pictures, tables, or alltogether, or more),
to go into a ps file.
- *.pov = povray input file (see povray.htm).
- * = file without extension.
maybe an executable. Executables (programs) tell the system how to process
your files.
- .* = file with a dot as first letter.
Usually configuration files. This way UN*X hides its files from been seen.
You can see all hidden files in the current directory by LS -a.
and many more.
3 Directories? What directories?
3.1 Welcome to the Linux file-tree.
This one is abbreviated. Its root is /.
| |
| |--larry
| |
| |--susan
| |
| |--txt diary.txt
| |
| |--tex
| |
| |--pictures
| |
| |--bin
| |
| |--local
| |
| |--bin
There are 2 users on the system: larry and susan. Susan already has created 3 directories within her home,
and 3 txt-files within /usr/home/susan/txt..
3.2 Commands on files and directories
- mousehouse:~$
- You are in your home directory.
- ls
- shows all unhidden files in the current directory.
- ls *
- shows all unhidden files in the current directory.
- ls a*
- shows all files starting with a.
Examples: aaaaaaa.txt armstrong.tex a.a.a.a.a.pov
- ls *a*.text
- shows all files that have an A in their filename and end on .TEXT
Example: a.text bbbbabbbb.text aaaaaaaaa.text
- ls -l
- gives you a long list of all files.
*xwrx-r--r is an executable, which may be
||| read, written and executed by the owner,
||| read and executed by the owner's group,
||| read only by the rest of the world.
- vi newfile.txt
- invokes vi and asks it
- to create newfile txt if it doesn't exist in the current directory;
- open newfile txt if it does exist in the current directory.
- mv oldfilename newfilename
- copies file oldfilename to newfilename, then deletes oldfilename.
- rm deletefile
- removes deletefile.
Please be careful! Any deleted file cannot be resuscitated! In NO way!
- cd /home/susan/txt
- Moves you in one of susan's directories.
If Susan does not want you to read her diary, most likely you have no permission to
go into that directory. In the same way, you can protect your files from being
read or changed or deleted by other users.
- pwd
- System tells you what directory you are in.
- mkdir newdirectory
- creates a new directory within the current directory.
- cd upperdirectory
- changes to upperdirectory.
- cd ..
- changes 1 directory down
- cd ~
- changes to your home directory.
- cd /usr/local/lib
- changes to /usr/local/lib, whereever you have been before.
- mv /home/larry/newtext.txt /home/larry/txt/newtext.txt
- moves ~/newfile.txt into ~/txt/newfile.txt.
- cd ~
mv newtext.txt txt/newtext.txt
- does the same as above.
4 Programs? What programs?
4.1 How do I invoke a program?
With UN*X, programs are usually fired up by
programname [options] [inputfile] [> outputfile]
This means:
- you must type the programname.
- If you have any options for the program, type them in.
(The manual pages will tell you which options are available for which program.)
- if you want the program to read a file instead of reading from the keyboard,
specify a inputfile.
- if you want the program to write to a file instead of writing to the screen,
specify a outputfile.
Do not omit the >. This is a piping command.
Usually, you will use a shell to fire up programs. Most common is bash. It is usually started automatically when you login.
There are other shells available, like ZSH, KSH, and more.
Please remember to switch OFF NUM LOCK. Else, BASH will behave unpredictable.
4.2 Which programs are available?
See List of recent applications.
4.3 Which program suits my needs?
See List of recent applications.
5 Customizing the system for your needs
On this system, all users use the same programs.
Users cannot change or delete programs, for programs sit in directories that
users may not write to.
Of course users may write programs and shells scripts of their own, and change
them, and execute them, and share them with other users.
Most users want to change the defaults of some programs a little, e.g. have a
blue-on-green desktop on the X Window system.
So the initialisation files of all programs are stored in ~ (your home directory)
and hidden from the unexperienced user by starting the filename with a "." (period).
ls -a shows all these files.
The existing programs have been set up by root to ensure that the according
programs can be used at once, without any pending configuration work by
unexperienced users.
Glance at them. Before changing ~/.anyrc, you should create
I want to learn more about .profile.
I want to learn more about .fvwmrc.
6 Glossary
Still under construction...
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