Masters Degree Programs in ESL
in Greater Boston

Boston University of Massachusetts,
Boston Campus

100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125-3393
ESL Dept.: (617) 287-5760
The program is designed to provide training for teachers instructing limited English proficient students at the elementary, secondary, or university level, or in adult education programs. Courses are offered in basic theoretical linguistics, applied linguistics of English and target languages, and the interdisciplinary areas of psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics. The program combines on-campus classroom work with on-site experience in ESL classrooms. All courses in the ESL programs are offered in the evening. The program can be completed in a minimum of two years; it is open to students wishing to attend on a full-time or part-time basis.
Boston University
Office of Admissions
121 Bay State Road
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
ESL Dept.: (617) 353-3233
Students in the program are required to take courses in linguistic theory, applied English grammar, language acquisition, methodology of teaching English to speakers of other languages, and cross-cultural communication. Candidates are also required to complete a semester of supervised student teaching in a field setting that matches their particular interests. Additional requirements must be met by those seeking ESL state certification, which should be discussed with the program coordinator. The Boston University TESOL program produces innovative teachers, well versed in both theoretical and applied teaching principles.
Simmons College
Department of Education
TESOL Program
300 The Fenway
Boston, MA 02115
ESL Dept.: (617) 521-2579
The MATESL Program empowers the emerging ESL instructor to assist non-native speakers in developing language and culture skills that will help them to participate fully in academic and non-academic settings. The program emphasizes the practical application of theory in its two-semester clinical teaching experience, during which the student works under the nurturing supervision of an experienced practitioner.
Salem Salem State College
352 Lafayette Street
Salem, MA 01970
The Master of Education - TESL program combines a master’s degree from The Graduate School and provisional and standard teacher certification as a Teacher of English as a Second Language from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Those applicants who are not provisionally certified in Early Childhood, Elementary, or Middle School Education may also work toward this degree prerequisite as part of this program. The program is also appropriate to prepare teachers of ESL for community, adult education, college or other settings where state certification is not required.

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