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Tracy's Guide to The X-Files

designated screamer show

News Briefs | Conspiracy Theory | Quick and Dirty Episode Guide | Links

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Don't even think about clicking here if you haven't seen "Redux II"!!!

Click here for Mulder and Scully's conversation in the forest ("Detour")!!!

News Briefs

Okay, kiddies, we've got some BIG BAD WRITING POWER jumping on board for February sweeps (ah, I love the sweet smell of sweeps.) First up, on February 8, is "Chinga" written by our man in black, Mr. Chris Carter, with THE horrormeister of the century, STEPHEN KING.
"It was wonderful to collaborate with Chris Carter on this episode -- I had a great time playing with Chris' toys," said King about writing the episode with THE X-FILES' creator and executive producer Chris Carter. (from
the official website)
Then, on February 15, "Kill Switch" rolls in, with writing credits of none other than science fiction mavens TOM MADDOX and WILLIAM "Neuromancer" GIBSON.
Are you drooling yet?
If that's not enough, the following two Sundays will be crammed with a lovely mythology two-parter....remember there used to be *aliens* on this show? Well, theeey're baaack. Enjoy, everyone!
"I knew there was a reason to live." (Scully, after Mulder gives her Superstars of the Superbowl for all her near-death trouble.)

The Secret of Roush- So, you've seen "Redux II." You want to know who or what roush is. Well, find out at The answer may surprise you. If not, email me immediately with your theories. Also, please tell me how I got this premonition; I swear I didn't change this archive entry nor had I any preknowledge of the roush site when I wrote it.

Conspiracy Theory

Here's a good trivia question: What network other than Fox has had the most actors crossover into The X-Files cast? Stumped? Here's the

In Forward Land, The X'mas Files is still available for copying or just gawking. It shall be trashed in January, so come visit!

Warning: the following is a review of "Christmas Carol" and "Emily"... view at your own risk! If you want to skip straight to the Quick and Dirty Episode Guide instead, click on that link.

Okay, potato-heads, I have finally seen both parts of Scully's Christmas journey, and I am much impressed. Mulder and Scully are still sticking to their "Redux II"-inspired notion that the government is behind all this. But naturally the writers have to raise some doubts. The two-parter is another excellent recap of most of the mythology elements; it covers what the finale/premiere trilogy missed. Namely, the big bad buzzword of season four: COLONIZATION. Remember the clones who bled green and could go underwater? Remember the fake Samanthas? Emily, apparently, can do that too (she's allergic to oxygen, for pete's sake.) Remember Mr. Alien Bounty Hunter? With his cool "whoosh" knife? The two dudes who killed her parents would be pals of his. (In that episode, Scully saved Mulder by putting him in a cold water bath though he was suffering from hypothermia... which they refer to in "Emily.") Remember Jeremiah Smith? Remember the *red-headed* clones who were trying to save their moms? Emily would be one of those, albeit a later generation. We've got references all the way back to Erlenmeyer Flask here, especially with the preserved alien fetus.
So what's happening?!! Well, back in season one we learned the government had these extraterrestrial (not necessarily alien) tissues and was making hybrids. First they were grown people (Erlenmeyer Flask.) Some of the earlier hybrids looked like little aliens, and those were mostly exterminated. The government was supposedly doing a lot of mixing of alien and human tissue, even injecting kids with the stuff. So anyway, they abducted Scully. As we learned in "Emily," they got Japanese surgeons to take her eggs. They may have even impregnated her as shown in her dreamy abduction scene. (Anderson was pregnant at the time.) So Emily is not really a clone, but she is probably a hybrid, born to that old lady tanked on estrogen and progesterone.
Why? Who knows. COLONIZATION, dear potato-heads. So far the aliens / government are like big ranchers in the sky. Breeding.



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The answer to the trivia question: NBC has had at least four crossovers. First was Antonio of "Wings" (Soft Light); then Mr. James of "Newsradio" (Tempus Fugit??? and/or Max???, as an FAA investigator) and most recently, Det. Munch of "Homicide" (Unusual Suspects), and Elaine's boss on "Seinfeld" as the mad scientist in Post-Modern Prometheus.

I Want to Believe

Other Internet X-Philes

The X-Files official website
great X-Files site in Geocities
The Ultimate, Biggest List of X-Files Links
Tiny Dancer's X-Files page
Pictures: Scully / Anderson | snaps from "Pusher"

"And it would have worked, too, if it hadn't been for you meddling FBI agents!"
Cerulean is a gentle breeze. Do me. Cerulean is a gentle breeze.

The X-Files (TM) and © 1998 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.
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