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enough television to make your cerebrum hurt

Do you hear that sound? That's your grey matter leaking out of your head. This page is devoted to all things television. Every week (hopefully) I'll conduct a search for links, and maybe even news, on my favorite TV shows. I'll also make a few exceptions to the TV theme and include movies, videos and series. Everything will be organized by theme, station, and title.
Please be extra patient with this page. Search engines take forever and sometimes the news travels awfully slow to this particular tube head. (Plus, I actually don't watch that much television.) You can help me out by emailing links, news, and juicy tidbits about any of the programs listed below.

And here's a plug for Ain't It Cool News, home of up-to-the-minute Hollywood production rumors and two geeky Texans.

Special Feature: AFI's List of 100 Greatest Movies.

Coming later (in alphabetical order):

Absolutely Fabulous
Ally McBeal
The A-Team
Connections 1, 2, and 3, with James Burke
Dr. Who
Highlander: The Series
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Muppet Show
Mystery Science Theatre 3000
Red Dwarf
Remember WENN
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Sneakers (of course!)
Star Trek: The Next Generation
The Sting
Welcome Back, Kotter
Wallace and Gromit
The X-Files



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