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The A-Team

...a crack commando unit...

"In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prision by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade into the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire:
The A-Team!

This is my lowly A-Team page. You might say, hey, waittaminute, you were toddling when this show aired, and you don't even have FX! But that's okay. I saw the show when I was growing up; I was too young to really appreciate it, until they started showing the reruns again!

For those of you who A) weren't watching B) weren't alive during the early '80s, the A-Team stayed one step ahead of the military police while helping the downtrodden fight off their local despot. Hannibal, B.A., Face, and Murdock always had a plan, and it always came together, and they always loved it (for those of you who've never seen it, there was at least five minutes of actual construction with no dialogue and inspiring music.) There was always an extra chick who tagged along. For a while they were working for this shady dude whom nobody liked... but hey, they made lots of jokes at his expense so it was okay. If you're wondering, Murdock's my favorite.

I debated whether or not I should put The A-Team on my page. After all, it's a show I don't/can't watch anymore. It did take me a while to figure out that the normal-looking guy was called "Face," and that Mr. T.'s character wasn't named Mr. T. However, I was moved by certain confluences in my life...
1. I used to scream "Murdock!" for no reason when I was a little kid. I don't think I understood what it meant until they started showing the reruns again and my dad informed that I'd loved that show.
2. The actor who played Murdock appeared on Star Trek: the Next Generation, my fave show of mid-adolescence. If it exists, see my fan page for that.
3. My mother (pre-me) was on a plane with George Peppard, the guy who played Hannibal (may he rest in peace). Got his autograph, I think, but in this house stuff like that goes the way of the black hole of spring cleaning.

So there you have it. In actual A-Team news, Universal is planning a movie (or maybe they already dunnit); many people on the Internet are fighting to keep the original cast members in their roles (minus the late George Peppard.) Please confirm your rumors before you eat them.

Now here are people who really know what they're talking about...


Geocities Sites
The A-Team Home Page - a definitive guide, lots of multimedia
The Ultimate A-Team Site
Andrew and Marc's A-Team Page - well-made, vital stats and more
The A-Team Addict's Support Page
A-Team's Nighthawk Commandos - a site for Murdock fans
Mr. T: the Toughest Man in the World
Mr. T2 - movie crosses; awesome graphics, but take time to load
Fan Fiction Archive
Hannibal's A-Team Hideaway - nice .wav files
Greg's A-Team Homepage - UNDER CONSTRUCTION
The A-Team on the Web - one stop for all your A-Team info
Sockii's A-Team Homepage - features great FAQ
UK Page - frames needed (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
Hilarious A-Team / Star Wars Movie - comic style, great graphics

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