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How much does a man live, after all?
Does he live a thousand days, or one only?
For a week, or for several centuries?
How long does a man spend dying?
What does it mean to say "for ever"?

Pablo Neruda

We think living is always in the present and dying is something that awaits us at a distant time. But we have never questioned whether this battle of everyday life is living after all.

Is it not a fact that we live in fragments? Are we not one thing at the office, another at home; don't we talk about democracy but in our heart are actually autocratic? Is it not a fact that one part of our soul is constantly looking and working independently of the other?

No, I am not criticising my existence or that of others. Like everyone else, I am also engaged in the pursuit of pleasure through a fragmented existence - intellectual, sensuous, cultural - the pleasure of reforming, telling others what to do, of modifying the evils of society, of doing good - the pleasure of greater knowledge, greater physical satisfaction, greater experience, greater understanding of life - the list is never ending.

But when we run after pleasure, can we avoid the pain? And what about the frustration, sorrow, fear and violence that follows? While travelling in search of light, can we avoid the darkness that follows?

I really do not have any definite answer to all these questions. Actually, I am still trying to figure out what I am. My homepage is also a step in that quest for self realisation. It is really a platform from where I can share my experiences and imaginations with others. Here I plan to present my achievements and interests through links to my favourite subjects - poetry, philosophy, music, Calcutta, India and Shipping Industry - in brief, a journey across the seven seas as seen through my own eyes.

If you find these pages interesting, don't be under the impression that I would be equally interesting. This world is full of contradictions and I am not an exception to this rule.

However, I will be extremely satisfied if someone tells me these pages have something meaningful to offer. Not only that will be an acknowledgement of the utilities of my effort but also my highest reward.

XXX Nabarun Halder <n.halder@mail.com> XXX