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Teachers' Knowing in Curriculum Change: A Critical Discourse Study of Language Teaching Wu, Zongjie (2005) The book explores the emerging perspectives in language teacher development which view teacher learning as the nourishment of life rather than the mastery of expertise , and curriculum innovation as the reclaiming of authentic discourse instead of rational manipulation of school systems. The book thus marks the decisive point where the traditional notion of knowledge-based teaching and teacher education is to be challenged by asking the philosophical question of teachers' being.The book synthesizes a wide range of contemporary western theories, and puts them under an eastern philosophical scrutiny, which results in fresh views of major issues relating to education, institutional change and East/West relationships.
Curriculum and Language Teacher Development (外语课程与教师发展) Wu,Zongjie, Coauthor with Huang et al (2005) Curriculum change has been articulated as a top-down process for reconstructing school subjects from policy making to school change, embedded in the bureaucratic educational structure. This book presents a completely different vision of curriculum and teacher development. Instead of being told how to teach and learn, the teachers, through a critical engagement into exploratory practice, re-equipped themselves for inquiry in a collaborative culture, which substantially changes the way of classroom teaching and educational outcome. The book provides a framework of theory, discussion and practical guidelines to help teachers make their own curriculum based upon the principles of Research-based study, Integrative curriculum, Community learning, and Humanistic outcomes. |
Cultural Diversity of Discourses: Facilitate Coexitence and Harmoney Wu, Zongjie co-editors with Fang, & Zhao (2005) The book explores the relation of multiculturalism with discourse studies, attempting to enhance cultural equality and democracy in discourse scholarship. Authors with diverse cultural backgrounds participate in exploring different intellectual traditions and agendas, and try to integrate both local and global, north and south and eastern and western perspectives. |
2007 (co-author with Huang)探索型外语课程:RICH课程实践与教师发展, 吴一安,周燕(编)《中国高校英语教师教育与发展研究》,外语教学与研究出版社. 2007 (co-author with Xiong)师徒教师教育中的身份转变 宁波大学学报(教育科学版) Vol.29(3) 33-37 2007(co-author with Lu) 自主教学与教师专业发展(Autonomous Teaching and Teachers' Professional Development: A Biographic Inquiry) 《当代教育科学》. 2007(co-author with Shao) Nurturing Language Learner Autonomy Through Caring Pedagogic Practice(在关怀教学中孕育自主学习). In Barfield, Andy & Steve Brown (eds) Reconstructing Autonomy in Language Education:Inquiry and Innovation: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007 (co-author with Lv) Discourse of Chinese medicine and Westernization. In Shi-xu (ed.) Discourse as Cultural Struggle. Hong Kong University Press 2006 (co-author with Yin) 探索超学科外语教育课程体系 (Exploring Transdisciplinary Curriculum for Foreign Language Education). Proceedings of Eastern China Annual Conference on Foreign Language Education. 2006 (co-author with Lv) 中医语言西化的话语秩序分析 (Discursive Transformation of Chinese Traditional Medicine) 医学与哲学(Medicine and Philosophy) Vol 27(4). 2006 Understanding practitioner research as a form of life: An Eastern interpretation of Exploratory Practice. (作为生活的实践者研究:探索型实践的东方阐释)Language Teaching Research, 2006 , Vol. 10. (SSCI) 2006 中西话语权势关系的语言哲学探源:话语学的文化研究视角(Exploring Philosophical Foundations of Doing Critical Discourse Studies in China) ,浙江大学学报 (Journal of Zhejiang University, Vol.36(2). 《人大复印资料》、《高校文科学报文摘》全文转载 2005 (co-author with Lv) 中医话语的语言哲学分析 (Philosophical investigation on the discourse of traditional Chinese medicine) 浙江中医学院学报 Vol.29(6) 2005 Being, Understanding and Naming: Teachers' Life and Work in Harmony (存在、思与言:教师生活与工作的和谐), International Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 41 307-323 2004 "Heteroglossia in Argumentation: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Language Testing. Journal of Foreign Languages, 2004(5) 2004 论证中的话语混杂:外语测试的社会分析 外国语 2004 "Symbolic control of curricular autonomy: Teachers' empowerment through discourse" Foreign Languages and Teaching 2004(6). 抑制课程自主性的控制符号:教师发展的话语权 外语与外语教学 2004. Research-Based Curriculum for Language Education. China Educational Reform, Series No. 41. 2004 Rationality of Genre US-China Foreign Language, Vol.2(1) 2004 "Beyond Curriculum: The Rationality of RICH Innovation" working paper "Critical Realism and the Study of Teachers' Knowledge", paper presented at the Conference of International Association for Critical Realism, Lancaster University. 1999 " 'Boxing, Change the Position': Investigating Teachers' Power-Knowledge Relations", paper presented in Applied Linguistics Conference, Lancaster University, Lancaster July 1999. 1998 "Trends in English Language Education: A Perspective from 97' ITEFL Conference", Language Teaching and Research, 98, 2. Beijing. 1997 "Curriculum Development for Language Teacher Education", Foreign Language World, No. 2, Shanghai. 1995 "Computer Assisted Analysis of L2 Classrooms: A Tool for Action Research", paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Teacher Education in Second Language Teaching, Hong Kong, March, 14-16. 1995 "Action Research: A Reflective Approach to Language Teacher Education", Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 95, 2. Beijing. 1995 "A Quantitative Analysis of Foreign Language Classrooms and its Realization in the Computer", Media in Foreign Language Instruction, No. 2. Serial No. 56, Shanghai. 1995 "Choice of Language: The Use of Mother Tongue in Classrooms", paper presented in the 22nd International Systemic Functional Congress, Beijing, July 18-22. 1994 "An Analysis of Turn Taking Categories of L2 Classrooms", Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 94, 4. Beijing. 1994 "A Guide to the Course of Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching Methodology", Adult High Education, No. 6. 1993 "A Sociolinguistic Analysis of L2 Classrooms", paper presented at the 7th East China Research Conference on TEFL Methods, Sept,12-15. 1992 "A Turn Taking Analysis of L2 Classroom Interaction", Journal of Zhejiang Normal University, 92 (1) 1992 A Comprehensive Dictionary of World Children's Literature (Co author), Beijing: Hope Press. 1991 "Issues in Course Design for Language Teaching Methodology", Shandong Foreign Language Teaching, Serial No.4, Jinan.
RECENT INVITED LECTURES 2007, Sept. "Critical Discourse for Langauge Teachers". Seminar at the College of Foreign Langauges, Beijing University. 2007, Sept. "Cultural Interpretation of Pedagogic Discourse: Chinese Spirits of Inquiry" The Second National Conference on Language Teacher Education and Development, Beijing, China. 2007 June. "Organisational Discourse and Teacher Learning". Department of English. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 2007, May "Recovering the Language of Tao: Cultural Transformation of Chinese Pedagogic Discourse. International Conference on the Redesigning Pedagogy: Culture, Knowledge and Understanding Conference, Singapore. 2006, Nov."Discourse and Novice Teachers' Confidence" Seminar at at the Graduate School of Letters, Osaka University. 2006, Nov. "Dancing with Genres:Transforming Organizational Discourse for Teacher Learning" Teacher Symposium: Professional Organizational Development - Dynamic Teacher Communities, Dokkyo University, Japan 2006, Nov "Exploratory Practice for Transforming Teachers' Professional Discourse" JALT 32nd International Conference, Kitakyushu, Japan. 2006, Mar " 教师存在、课程与学习群体构建 " 浙江科技学院 2005, Sept "开启教师知的语境:教师存在与学习的探讨" 北京:首届全国外语教师教育与发展学术研讨会主旨发言 2005, April "Doing Critical Discourse Studies in the Chinese Cultural Context如何在中国社会背景下开展批评话语学的研究" Beijing Foreign Studies University 2005, April "Analyzing Classroom Talk as Forms of Life" National Research Centre of Foreign Language Education" Beijing 2005, January "Being, Understanding and Naming: Teachers' Life and Work in Harmony" Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong 2004, Dec. "Discourse, Modernity and Authenticity: Reading Discursive Modernization of Chinese Traditions传统现代化的批判解读.“ China Academy of Art 中国美院. Hangzhou 2004, Aug. "International Discourse of Teacher Development and Teacher Research". East China Annual Conference on Foreign Language Teaching, Shaoxin. 2004, July. "Teaching for the nameless". International Conference on English as an International Language. Hangzhou. 2004, Apr. "The heart to teach: Teacher research and development". Zhoushan Teacher Training College, (Dinghai) 2003, Dec. "Towards a Curriculum Framework for Teacher Development", National Conference on Foreign Language Education in Normal Universities, (Nanjing) 2003, Apr. "Phenomenological Understanding of Teaching and Teacher", Workshop on Language Teacher Trainers, Organized by National Education Committee (Beijing) 2003,Mar. "Teacher Research and Teacher Development", District Conference on Language Teaching, Lishui Education Committee 2003, Mar. "Telling, Knowing and Understanding" School of Education, Shaoxin College of Science and Technology 2003, Jan. "Language and Teachers' Understanding", Zhejiang Normal University (Jinhua) 2002, Dec. "Story Telling in Search for the Meaning of Teaching Object" Teacher Training Seminar, organized by National Educational Committee (Beijing) 2002, Dec."On the Way to Language: Change Teachers' Professional Landscape", Beijing Normal University (Beijing) |