Dear Colleagues and Friends,

This PAT FAQ SHEET is designed to give you important information concerning the Professional Association of Teachers (PAT). Please take a few moments to review it. We believe it will help in your choice of a professional association. Thank you.

What is the Professional Association of Teachers (PAT)?

PAT is an independent, non-profit and non-partisan education association. PAT was founded in 1995 by teachers for teachers. Our grassroots mission is to pursue excellence in education by promoting the professional development of teachers and other educators, while protecting and promoting their legal, economic and professional rights and interests. PAT holds the same professional philosophy and approach for education as the AMA holds for medicine and the ABA holds for law.

Our chief goal is to give our members an alternative in professional association by providing the best quality and variety of service(s) at a reasonable cost-our annual dues are an affordable $100 per year as compared to the $400-500 cost in annual dues charged by the national education unions. This does not mean that PAT is "anti-union." Quite the contrary.

We believe that the unions play an important and vital role in addressing educational issues and change. But we also believe that complementary and alternative approaches are mutually beneficial-just like individual members of a soccer team have unique roles to play to reach a winning outcome. Most importantly, we hold that teachers and educators deserve the basic right of professional choice.


What services does PAT provide for its members?

PAT members receive a variety of services. As our association expands and evolves, we will continue to improve current services and develop new ones that our members tell us they need and want. At present the specific services provided are:

EDUCATORS PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE - Underwritten by Scottsdale Insurance Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nationwide Insurance.

MEDIATION AND ALTERNATIVE RESOLUTION SERVICES - Provided upon request to members in need of resolving employee/employer issues.

SALARY AND BENEFITS ADVOCACY - Researched advocacy on salary and compensation benefits and an evolving program for membership consumer and discount services.

PROMOTION OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & RECOGNITION - Focused on professional development opportunities and recognition of professional achievement.

NON-PARTISAN STANCE ON EDUCATION POLITICS - Based on political inclusion and the belief that effective solutions to educational come from people of all political viewpoints.


How does PAT specifically differ from unions?

PAT provides our members a choice that is affordable, independent, non-profit and non-partisan. As educators, we realize how hard you work for the paycheck you earn. Therefore, we keep dues affordable by eliminating the "state and federal tax" that the unions require to advance their highly complex and expensive political approach. Besides our individual members, we are not affiliated or indebted to any political, religious or other organization. Our principal focus is our mission-to protect and promote our members and their professional development, rights, and interests.

PAT focuses more on improving how teachers perform in the classroom and less on how politicians perform in the "backrooms." Our experience as teachers informs us to spend our efforts where learning and education really take place-in the schoolhouse-not in the statehouse.


Who sets PAT policy?

The Association Board of Directors. PAT members have direct access to the advisory board and the association directors. The board of directors sets policy at the annual meeting and throughout the year as needed. Members are encouraged to contact any of the advisory board members with matters of concern or policy making. Additionally, members can directly contact the directors who will personally work with them on whatever issues and concerns they have.


Does PAT ever get involved in any political issues?

Yes. Education and politics are influenced and dependent on each other. This is a healthy relationship in a democracy with the philosophy and practice of universal education. Thus, when a political issue arises that can or will affect the education profession, we research the facts, receive advice from the advisory board and listen or solicit feedback from our members. We then pass this information on to our members so they can decide for themselves. Additionally, if an issue warrants it, we will inform the appropriate legislators for their consideration and action. We might also contact the various media outlets to make our members' position known.


Who is eligible to join PAT?

Any person employed in education, any student preparing for a career in education, or any person concerned with education may become a member of PAT. Our policy of inclusion is based on the beliefs that education is everyone's business, that it really does "take a village" to educate our youth, and that a world-class education benefits everyone. Those employed in education who hold current certification or licensure join as "Active" members; those employed in education without certification join as "Associate" members; students join as "Students" members; individuals and organizations who are friends of education join as "Affiliate" members.


How do I join PAT?

To join PAT, please fill out a membership application online today!

We can also mail you an application. Please contact us by phone, mail, or email.



3419 Virginia Beach Blvd.
PMB 190
Virginia Beach, Virginia
(757) 463-6050
(800) 955-6050
The Professional Association of Teachers
and the Professional Association of Teachers Foundation
are duly incorporated, nonprofit, educational organizations.


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