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About me
First Birthday Party
It´s kind of difficult to write about me, I am always asking myself what I should say; what is relevant or is not? Anyway, here you find some things about me!
At the moment I am finishing my master in Law (Magister Legum, LL. M.) at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin under the supervision of Professor Schlink supported by a scholarship from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. I just recently finished my master´s thesis about The Concept of Law by Kant (available in German language under the link: Papers). In February and March this year I was doing an internship in the workgroup for Human Rights at the German Parliament. That was quite a good opportunity to learn more about the way the government deals with this topic, since before I had always experienced the point of view from NGO's. In October I will start my PhD in Law at the same University under the supervision of Professor Baer. My topic is a comparison between basic rights in Germany and in Brazil.
I graduated in Law at UNIFACS - Universidade Salvador by the end of 2000. My bachelor thesis under the supervision of Professor Adroaldo Leão was on the Social Function of Property (available in the Portuguese language under the link: Papers). When I was in University in Brazil I did various internships at different institutions, like: Sindicato das Empregadas Domésticas, Grupo Gay da Bahia (Centro Baiano Anti-Aids), CPT - Comissão Pastoral da Terra, Ministério Público do Estado da Bahia and SAJU - Serviço de Apoio Jurídico. Most of these institutions work with social and/or human rights.
During my studies, I was also part of a free theater group (Joelho de Baco), coordinated by friends of mine: Alessandra Queirós and Edvaldo Bispo G. Filho. That was a very nice time.
At the Law Faculty I was President of the Organisation of the Students of the Law School for the year of 1996 and Representative of the Law School at the Forum of Students of the whole University for the year of 1997.
Another activity that I enjoyed a lot was a two year course on Popular Education with a group from São Paulo, named 13 de Maio. When I was in Brazil, I was activily organising and teaching courses at different communities.
Apart from Law School, I started to study Philosophy at the Universidade Federal da Bahia, which I couldn't finish, because of all the other actvities I was involved in. However, Philosophy is a very important subject to me, since I believe that in order to really know the things you have to get to the bottom of the matters. Right now, I am planning on restarting the project of studying Philosophy.
After graduation I worked as a lawyer at the Sindicato das Empregadas Domésticas and Associação de Mutuários before I came to Germany. During this period, I was also coordinating the Escola Superior de Advocacia at the OAB/BA - Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil - Seção Bahia. I also participated in an one year Specialization Course on Human Rights promoted by the Ministério Público do Estado da Bahia and UNEB - Universidade Estadual da Bahia.
If you are interested you can find more details about my work experience and education in my curriculum vitae. Maybe I should now begin to write a little bit about my hobbies.
Back in Brazil
was enjoying going out with my friends, either having serious conversations
just joking around and laughing a lot. I still enjoy hanging out with friends
here in Germany, but it is a different kind of atmosphere. In Germany
I started cooking, which is incredible, since I was doing absolutely nothing
like that ever at
home. If you're asking yourselve how the stuff is like, you should ask Uwe,
hehe. Well, cooking is of course not the only thing I spend my time with over
here. We travel
a lot (proof of that is provided in the Photo Gallery) and we
quite often go to the movies and to the theater (e.g. the Berliner
Emsemble, the Bertolt Brecht Theater). I also love languages. Due to the effort and support
of my parents I was able to spent a year with a very nice family in Switzerland as a exchange
student. That was where I learned German, with a little Swiss accent of course.
Apart from all that I am still reading
a lot (in German, Portuguese and English) and using
the internet like crazy every day for research, emails and to communicate with family and friends
via msn and netmeeting.
If I miss Brazil? Of course I do! I miss my family, my grandmothers, my aunts and uncles and my cousins. I miss the great weather of Salvador (if you don't care too much about the high humidity of the air), the beaches, the juices, the colour of the people, the music and dances, the kisses and hugs...
By the way, next year I am
getting married!!! It may sound cheap what I have to say, but I'm saying it
anyway: I am in love !!!! It's a
great feeling to be with someone you love and you trust, since you are also loved
and trusted. I am enjoying this harmonious relationship very much, in other
words: I am very happy with Uwe!!!
That's pretty much all I have to say about myself (be glad that I didn't write a hundred pages, objectivity is not really my speciality!). For old friends: keep in touch! For friends to make: get in touch!
See ya!
Reveillon 2001/2002