Part 2
Ghost Wolf: So, what happens is that when we lose self, when we lose the balance, we move into a warped perception.
Grandfather Foolscrow used to say to me: "The problem with man is that they’re looking at the world through the wrong side of the eye."
Now, I spent a long time trying to figure out what he meant by the statement. And he was talking about IT and IS. When we lose self, when we lose our connection to Spirit, when we lose our connection to the Source of Life, the God-Force, the Creator—whatever name makes you feel good, it’s a matter that you recognize the feeling — when you lose your connection to that, what happens is that the IT becomes very big.
All of a sudden it’s the IT that’s causing everything to you, and everything to happen to you, and every experience that you’re having, every mishap, every ecstasy, it’s all a result of the IT. That’s the philosophy of the material world.
In actuality, the IT can change in a moment through the right use of will, because the IT is simply the result of IS. So you could say, in a manner of speaking, IT isn’t! All there is, is IS.
This is the state that every spiritually-driven human being tries to attain. It’s the knowledge; it’s the "Keys of Enoch." Because the moment that you’re in the IS, there’s no more conflict. You don’t have any place to defend. You don’t have anything to justify. You simply ARE.
And in that moment you realize that your Energy can move all things, and you realize that all things are a result of how you FEEL, and all things are affected by your compassion. So the healer walks over to the person who has lost their sense of IS, and they’re caught-up in IT, and the healer lays their hand upon the person, and through the healer becoming as a hollow bone, with no agenda — there is no self involved, it’s a selfless state—the energy of IS moves back into the lost person and they call it a miraculous healing!
All you’ve done is help bring them back into balance. They did everything on themselves, on their own, because illness is the result of disharmony — usually, 90 percent of the time, emotional. When you remove that imbalance and you come back into harmony, what happens is that the physical structure, the molecules, the body, then goes into the state that it was created from, which is IS, which is Perfection.
In that state of Perfection, illness cannot exist! Illness only exists in disharmony. It only exists through conflict, and we can take that to any level. We can take that to quantum physics, we can take that to biochemistry, we can take that down to what happens when antigens come in and when they’re fighting pathogens and when things are happening in the body — and it will still come down to the same basic understanding of energy, because all things are energy.
When the energy flowing through you is connected to the IS, the IT does not exist because you KNOW that IT is the result of IS, and you’re the only one with access to IS. That’s what makes us such a walking miracle.
The condition of the world and all maladies that are going on, and the chaos, and the Earth changes, Y2K — look at all these ITs that are threatening us, no matter where we go!
Every four weeks I get a new prediction coming across my computer about "this is going to happen on this date". And we sit there and I listen, and I go:
"If you choose that to happen, it will occur. What’s wrong with your hypothesis is that not everyone is embracing the same thought. Some of us are embracing a higher octave. Some of us are embracing love and compassion, and we see a brighter outcome. And you can’t change that, so, therefore, the IT that you speak about will not occur with me."
How can the healer walk into a sweat lodge — let’s create a hypothetical situation: You’ve got 14 men. They all have AIDS. They all have lesions. They’re dying. And yet the healer could walk in there, perform the lodge, move into the higher octaves of spirit, and what occurs is that the people come out of that lodge and they’re healed.
Depending on how long they can hold the frequency of what occurred there, and not slip back into their own IT, determines the permanency of the healing. If you keep walking back into your old patterns, if you keep walking back into your mindless existence — and ITs mindless existence — you don’t know why you do what you do —y ou don’t know why you get angry, you don’t know why you respond the way you respond. Is the whole world suffering from post-traumatic stress, that we have no responsibility for our actions anymore? We have no responsibility for our thoughts anymore?
If that’s the case, then that’s called insanity, and there’s nothing that can be done in a state of insanity. There’s nothing that can be accomplished; there’s nothing that can be changed, because insanity is a total, reactionary state. It is the perception of being "the victim." And, in fact, there isn’t a victim on the face of the Earth. We ALL were given free will.
Martin: Ok, I’m going to shift this a little bit.
Ghost Wolf: Are we losing it?
Martin: No, you’re fine. I want to shift this just a bit. I know that our readers are going to want to hear from you, specifically, about the 5th, 6th, and 7th Thunders, and Mayan prophecy. Now, take as much time as you need on this one.
Ghost Wolf: That’s quite an unfoldment.
Martin: Yes.
Ghost Wolf: The 5th Thunder has already occurred. Most of the people who are familiar with that term, and with me, remember me talking about it on the Art Bell radio program. And I talked about it more than once. But it sometimes is very hard to get a linear conversation out on the show (laughter), because you’re only given 12 minutes in every half-hour.
[Editor’s note: Those of you who regularly listen to Art Bell’s late-night talk-radio program, especially over the past several years, have had to endure a steady increase in commercial messages along with Art’s rising popularity and ever-expanding listening audience. However, until Robert made the above comment, the problem was not really brought into focus from the point of view of a guest on Art’s show trying to get a few ideas across to the listening audience amidst this tidal wave of commercial interruptions. Several years ago one could expect about 21-22 minutes of non-commercial program space per half hour of show; now that number has shrunk considerably, yet another reflection of so many other aspects of runaway materialism in our modern world. And yet we must give Art due credit for providing a most unique "awareness service" through his radio show. At least one gets to hear ABOUT one such as Robert Ghost Wolf — even if one does not get to hear too much directly FROM the guest!]
The 5th Thunder has got to do with the Little Devils, and the Little Devils come from the sky. Understand that the explanation of this comes from visions of indigenous people, so there’s an area of perception and poetic license with how do you perceive what they’re seeing? When you see a vision, you don’t see things labeled and named and categorized, you simply see a picture of something.
The elders saw a green mist coming from the sky. And they saw the green mist coming to the Earth.
Martin: Now, may I just ask you one question? And I hate to interrupt you...
Ghost Wolf: Go ahead.
Martin: Do you think that the green mist is the ergot mold that Ed Dames and others have seen impacting the plant life of Earth?
Ghost Wolf: I think it’s that and more.
Martin: Ok.
Ghost Wolf: I think that Ed Dames is close, but I don’t think that he’s looking at the holistic picture. And what I mean by that is that, some of this—when the elders said "it came from the stars", one of the first perceptions that we had, when we first heard this 25 or 30 years ago, was that there was a comet going to come or something was going to come from outer space. And, then, if we go back to around the time that the now infamous Hale-Bopp was up in the air, there were some who talked about a projectile that seemed to come out of the comet, or whatever it was, and that it was headed toward Earth.
That brings us into some of the stories, now, about the Sun Cruiser, which is up on my website, which now Richard Hoagland and everyone else is starting to talk about, the anomalies of these strange structures around the Sun that are being seen. Are they UFOs or are they not? Well, the one thing that we know is that they’re not natural.
There’s another thing. Some of the technology that we have, that we’ve developed for bio-warfare, with the chemical experimentations that we’ve been doing for the last 50-60 years, some of these things, we’ve created some pretty horrendous monsters, from AIDS all the way up. There are thousands upon thousands of genetically engineered, mechanically-constructed viruses.
What do I mean by mechanically-constructed viruses? I’m talking about holographic viruses. I call them "stealth" viruses. When I looked at a computer analysis, one day, of the different things that would happen to the computer, and they called it a stealth virus in the computer, as I was looking along one side of the board at what was happening to the computer—what was happening to the loss of memory and the miscommunications between software programs, the disintegration of work that you’d be working on — I realized that, as I looked, on the other side, and I looked at the diseases that were starting to come up, and the new viruses that were coming up in man, that the symptoms were the same.
At first it scared me. Am I losing my mind, or are these the same symptoms? Computers are losing memory, people are losing memory. Computers are having their programs and documents being eaten-up, we’re suffering from ebola. How come these things are all similar? I mean, there’s a parallel between each one of them.
A lot of these things that have been developed, some of them coming from contrails, regardless of what is said, I know that I’ve been faced with both sides on this issue. I was talking to a scientist the other day who said that the whole myth about they’re killing people with contrails and the diseases that are coming about, is misinformation. What they’re really trying to do is—and this is a very high-up NASA scientist, who is working with the military and talking about the strange weather anomalies and the contrails—he said that what they’re trying to do is that they’re trying to repair holes in the ozone.
I said, "Oh, really? That’s interesting." We talked about the nature of these contrails. We talked about the fungus that comes out of the contrails. We talked about the phosphorescent type of clouds that seem to appear, and how, all of sudden these clouds—you’ll see these contrails go over—and within a period of an hour to two hours, they’re sometimes shorter, all of a sudden, instead of contrails, you’ll have a completely overcast sky. Then, from the overcast sky, you suddenly see these little, tiny, cumulus clouds forming. And the clouds are always phosphorescent. And he’s saying that the nature of what they’re using to try to repair the ozone is what’s causing that to happen.
Then he gave me all these wonderful explanations and I said, "Well, that’s great. How come everybody down below is suffering from a whole myriad of illnesses, usually respiratory, usually skin disorders?"
And he said — finally he admitted — that "Well, part of that is a side effect, but it’s ok, because you have to look at the fact that if we repair the ozone, we’re going to be saving millions and millions of lives."
And I said, "So, that sounds like good-ol’ World War II, John Wayne, military intelligence. If we have to sacrifice 100,000 people to save everybody, well, then, that’s what we’re going to do."
That’s what they did when they blew up the astronauts, that time that the 7 astronauts died, when the Shuttle took off, and they had the problem with the o-ring. They were all still alive. The order was given that this would probably go awry, and it could probably land in Tallahassee and would probably kill a quarter of a million people. So, it was better to do away with the 7 people up there, and a button was pushed. It was a "self-destruct." And I’ve talked to too many people about that, from David Adare all the way down the line. Everybody knows what happened with that one.
And since we haven’t got a lot of time, we might as well talk about the truth.
I’ve seen the fungus that comes out of these contrails, and I’ve seen the effects of it. I’ve seen thousands of birds laying dead in the woods, up here in the Pacific Northwest, thousands of birds. They all have fungus on their beaks. They all have fungus on their feet. I’ve turned around and seen blight on plants, on vegetables, and in trees, and there’s no reason to have the blight.
You try to grow a garden, and suddenly everything dies and withers. It looks like it was burnt by the Sun, and you go over to it and there’s this fungus on it. I’ve seen the fungus on caterpillars. I’ve seen it on beatles. I’ve seen it on the wood decks of houses. You turn around, and you pour bleach on it, and it doesn’t do anything. It comes right back, ok?
Martin: Now, we’re still on the 5th Thunder, I presume?
Ghost Wolf: Yes, we’re still on the 5th Thunder. This all has to do with these three Little Devils. They happen to be pathogens. Now, this goes into the question: how do bugs breathe? Bugs breathe through their bellies. So, what do bugs do, besides fly and annoy you? They crawl, they crawl on everything, correct? And while they’re crawling on everything, they’re picking up the fungus and they’re breathing-in the fungus. They’re taking it in with their food supply. They’re excreting it through their waste. It’s now on everything.
You turn around and you touch something, you eat something, the rain comes — usually after you see the contrails — it all washes into the water. You have the fish turning belly-up. You have the fish growing strange growths on their bodies, all sorts of funguses, dying by millions. Fish dying by the millions. I just got a telephone call from a fellow in Texas who said to me: "Ghost Wolf, you talked about this stuff and I’ve got to tell you that there’s this really strange thing happening down here. Is there any sort of enlightenment you can give us about what’s going on?"
I said, "Well, what’s going on?"
He says to me, "Well, all the redwing blackbirds all died one day."
I said, "What do you mean?"
He said, "Everywhere, all over the fields." Everywhere you went — it’s like a big, popular bird down there, it’s a popular bird to his people, he’s a Kiawa. And he said "They’re all dead."
I was sitting in Idaho, another incident, and one day there were at least 30 hummingbirds flying around. And my friend had the feeders out, and they had been doing this for years.
All of a sudden, the next day, there were NO hummingbirds — in one day! We turned around and we said, "Well, what was it? Did it get cold last night? Did something strange happen?" Nothing happened.
It appeared that — this is the talk amongst people everywhere, because the people up here in the Pacific Northwest like to live in the woods, and they like things that live in the woods, like deer and birds and rabbits and butterflies — well, it seems that the hummingbirds are dead everywhere.
Then people started to find them in the woods, and I asked them to bring them in, and let me see them. They all had this fungus growing on their beaks, encrusted around their eyes and on their feet.
We’re now sitting, in this country — and the medical proof is there folks, you just gotta go out and look at and read it — but greater than 95% of the people in America have tuberculosis. It may not be active to the point that they can’t breathe from it, that they’re dying from it yet — but they’re all suffering from chronic coughs. They’re all suffering from pains in the lungs, chronic flus, chronic respiratory things. The hospitals are filled beyond capacity with these new forms of TB that are immune, totally immune, to any antibiotics that they can come up with.
We have another thing going on, with these other things that are going on. It seems that everybody is suffering from a form of immune deficiency. There is no such thing as immune deficiency.
That’s a pretty powerful statement; you’re stepping out on the line, Robert. Ah-huh, I think everything’s working fine.
I think that what it is, and from our research and from working with different friends I have who have capabilities and labs that I don’t have, and I would say this is what I’m looking at—the behavioral patterns of what I’m seeing—what’s happening to everybody’s immune system. How come you have so many people coming to your house for healing? How come you can’t keep up with the amount of herbs that you’re making? How come these people are going to the doctors and the hospitals and they can’t get rid of the cough, and they can’t get rid of this thing, and having heart palpitations and heart attacks, and they’re getting migraine headaches, and they’re all suffering from lack of energy and intestinal things. What the heck is going on? And what they found out is that the pathogen — and this sort-of borders on science fiction—remember Kurt Vonnegut? Did you ever read any of Kurt Vonnegut?
Martin: I did.
Ghost Wolf: Well, we’re in Kurt Vonnegut-land now. You’re sitting here and you’ve got this pathogen that is holographically imprinted into a molecular form, the basic building-blocks of life, the proteins. They spray the trees, they spray everything. This causes a fungus, and the fungus becomes a breeding ground for these pathogens. The pathogen is ingested or breathed into the body, it’s drunk through the fluids, because every time it rains everything in the woods goes down through the creeks. People forget where the water comes from that they drink in L.A. It all comes from where we’re walking and looking at it, up here in the hills.
We’re looking at everything, that’s around the water, dying. We’re looking at the birds dying. We’re looking at the willows dying. We’re looking at the insects dying. We’re looking at the butterflies disappearing. We’re looking at ducks and geese laying by the sides of the creeks dead. We’re looking at hundreds and thousands of fish laying dead.
You walk along the pathway in the forest, the birds just laying by the side of the road, and you’re going "Wait a minute! What’s going on here?!" When we started to open up some of the birds, we found out that some of the birds — they all had brain lesions inside, their intestines were all being eaten-up alive. The same thing that happens when your dog goes out and accidentally eats rat poison.
It’s a form of ebola. We started to ask, "Well, what’s happening and how is this working on the immune system?" Well, if you, holographically, take the conditions and the frequencies — if everything is truly energy, and everything is truly frequency — and you "broadcast" it into the protein, and the protein then responds to frequencies, it responds to frequencies but you ingest the protein — whether you take it in through liquid form, through solid food, or through breathing the dust — it goes into your bloodstream; it’s sitting in your blood.
Now your immune system is checking everything out, and it goes "There’s nothing wrong. All I see is protein, everything is fine." It goes right by. Now, what happens is, depending upon where you have imbalances in your body and the frequencies alter, it’ll tend to coagulate. As it tends to coagulate, you’ll come out with a variety of symptoms, based upon what you, yourself, are projecting. So, if you’re prone to the frequency of cancer, you’ll produce cancer in your body. If you’re prone to the frequency of tuberculosis, you’ll produce tuberculosis. If you’re prone toward having cysts or tumors in your body, it’ll manifest that way. And it can’t be detected by the immune system, because it’s, literally, hidden in the protein. It doesn’t have a form as such. It’s a mechanically engineered, holographic virus. You can’t see the damn thing under a microscope, but it will respond to frequencies.
Martin: Well, fortunately, our readers have read enough interviews that I’ve done with Len Horowitz that this will not be too abstract for them. They’ll get that.