Part 3
Ghost Wolf: Len and I have done some work together. This has to do with the mist.
As we’re moving from the 5th to the 6th, we’re moving into some of the things that we touched on earlier, which is the higher octave frequencies, causing a shifting of dimensional realities. As we shift in dimensional realities, we’re not only having an experience of different thoughts, we’re not only perceiving colors that we couldn’t perceive before, but these also have physical effects.
We’re seeing, upon this Earth, as we come into the 6th Thunder, things that come from other dimensions being leaped back into this dimension, such as chupacabra — things that were blocked out of this reality for so long that they became myth. We’re seeing new forms of animal life, and we’re seeing the old forms of animal life begin to disappear at a startlingly rapid speed.
The whales are almost gone. There are certain fish that don’t even exist anymore. I just had a report here that came into my newswire service, because we put out a magazine called The Wolf Report, and they sent me this report. On the East Coast, all of the lobsters and the crabs, from Maine all the way down to Georgia, are dead. They’re not there. They grow to a certain size, then they die.
So, the whole fishing industry back there—never mind all the other effects that it has on down the food chain — it’s completely falling apart. And it has been progressing that way over the last three years, to now they’re just not there.
There’s places where they’re just not there. For the most part, 90% of what they used to use and catch and harvest, is now defunct. Now that reminds me of things that I heard a certain lunatic talk about back in 1989, by the name of Jacques Cousteau, who tried to tell us that 80% of the oceans are dead. But they took his show off the air after he made that statement.
We’re seeing new forms of life. The new forms of life are happening in the microbiotic world; we’re seeing new forms of plankton being formed. They’re mutating — life will mutate — we have two philosophies to look at life: monomorphic and pleomorphic. If we go toward the original concepts of allopathic medicine, and we talk about Pasteur, and we talk about his theories of mono — everything comes from one cell, everything is related — next to pleomorphic, multiple forms, that life will transmute to adjust to the condition. Well, this is what we’re seeing, number one, in these viruses. These viruses tend to have their own intelligence. They proliferate themselves. The basic nature of the virus, as it enters the vehicle, whether the vehicle be the rabbit or the human, it then takes over the system. It adjusts the system and causes chemicals and things to be released in the system to change the environment within the system to better suit it.
Then it winds up taking over the consciousness of the person — I told you where we were going — because, all of a sudden you start desiring and craving certain foods. You start desiring and craving certain things that cause certain emotions, that cause your body to release adrenalin, that cause your body to become acidic, that cause your body to better "host" this pathogen.
So, what’s happening to you? You’re being taken over. It’s no longer you telling you what you want to eat. It’s no longer you telling you what kind of an emotion you’re going to have. You’re totally reactionary to this mysterious, mechanically engineered pathogen that’s moving inside of you. This is happening in all walks of life.
We’re seeing, also, as we’re moving into the 6th Thunder, and the dimensional shifts start to happen, we’re seeing many people deciding to leave. I talked about how, all of a sudden, people would even start leaving in groups. How whole groups of people would stop having children, because they would realize that the End Times were imminent, and that the shift was here, and until we’d gone through the Purification, there was no need to keep reproducing. Now we’re seeing evidence of that in many indigenous tribes around the world, where they have simply stopped having children.
We’re seeing where people are, literally, selling everything they own and going up to live in the woods because there’s no point in it anymore. Amongst our own indigenous Native American people, we’re seeing many of the elders totally stopping what they were doing. They’re going: "There’s no point anymore. There’s just no point anymore. The game’s over now."
We’re seeing thousands and thousands and thousands of people dying every day, especially amongst the elders who have the wisdom, because nobody is listening. This would be the beginning of what they call "the sorrows", because as that started to happen, there’s a balance that happens in this Earth.
Remember when we talked about IS and we talked about IT. One of the conditions of IT is that, when you forget the chain of consciousness, when you go out and you carelessly take down grandfather trees without realizing that they are beings of tremendous consciousness, that they HOLD consciousness, when you start losing all of the whales, and the whales hold the memory of the planet, they hold the memory of all that happened, when you start losing all of the dolphins, when you start losing all of the animal forms, when you start losing all of these ancient things, and you start losing your own people, the mysteries, the knowledge disappearing with them, what happens?
Consciousness beings to implode.
As the consciousness begins to implode, we would then suffer from an even greater abnormality. How we could once see along timelines, and how we could tell what would happen, we would no longer be able to do, because mankind would have gone in and manipulated that matrix that they call "the web of life" to such an extent that it could never be repaired.
We would start to see the fabric of time begin to dissolve, and we would start to see the consciousness of the planet — which is US, we are the ones who live on the planet, we dictate the nature of the consciousness here, at this point — as this began to dissolve and break apart, there would be a new consciousness that would come in, but they did not know what this new consciousness would be. That life would, among certain people, transmute to those who came and lived in the natural way, who lived according to the original teachings.
In small groups, life would transmute to be able to adapt to the new conditions on this planet, like interdimensional shifting. We would experience even further abnormalities because we would understand that people, souls, were being inserted into bodies; that you would be sitting there talking to a person who would not be a human being. They would look like a human being, but they would not be a human being. They would not have the feelings of human beings. They would not have the normal responses that we do to life of human beings.
I said, "Well, what did you mean by that?" That’s where, in Winds Of Change, I wrote about what the word waichitchu means. We’ve all seen the Indian movies, and we’ve seen Dances With Wolves, and he’s running up to the Indian camp and the woman goes running back to the camp, and she’s going "waichitchu, waichitchu!"
As a colloquialism we have come to accept it as meaning "Oh, it’s those bad, evil White guys." But it has nothing to do with that. It has nothing to do with race. It has nothing to do with culture.
Waichitchu means "soul-less beings." This comes from an understanding that all beings who are here from The Source, from the Original, gave out emanations, just like Source emanates Itself. We draw our energy from Source. We, ourselves, are nothing but vessels through which that Energy moves. Depending upon our connection to Source and our center, and our right use of will, we can connect to that Source and we are constantly replenished. The living proof of that is that, in every culture, even the Judeo-Christian culture, they talk about how our ancestors lived for very long periods of time.
But we don’t live that long anymore. Now our life is being extended because of technology. We now live to be 85. Probably in 20 years we’ll live to be 150 or 200, but there won’t be as many of us.
So, what are these soul-less beings? What do you mean, emanations? If you take a light and you put a light through a crystal, through every facet of the crystal a beam of light will come out, and every place that that beam of light hits, it will reduplicate the shape of the crystal. What that is, is an emanation of the crystal, but it is not the source of the light. It is simply a reflection.
What they’re talking about with the emanations is, they’re talking about beings, literally, being inserted into bodies. So this gives some credence to the talk about reptilians and other things.
Yes, things are occurring. They are not strangers to our world. There is, in every ancient culture, stories of these beings, and the stories of how they interwove with our society here; the story of how they interbred with our society here. It’s in every culture. It’s in every science, even the Judeo-Christian.
But you have to go to the "black robes" and you have to go to ancient vaults in the Vatican where all this stuff was hidden, and then that gets us into the little, interesting stories about the Illuminati and the Knights Templar and the Masons and all the secret societies that we’re not talking about now.
They talked about these souls being transferred in. They talked about the appearance of "walk-ins" — one of the phenomena that started appearing in the ’80s with people who would be coming out and they would be channeling. And they would say, "Well, where are you getting your information? What’s this?" And they would say, "I’m a walk-in."
Well, when I grew up that used to mean that you could walk into the barber shop and get a haircut, right? Walk-ins accepted. (Laughter) Now we understand that term from a whole different paradigm. And this is what they saw happening.
The other thing that they saw happening in the 6th Thunder was the total degeneration of the human spirit. That the human spirit — what I refer to as the tonal — the tonal would begin to weaken, along with the implosion of consciousness, and when this happened, other forms of life began to disappear because we were living without conscience. When they say these things, they’re not being moralistic. So, we have to understand it from that perception. They are simply talking, objectively, about why the result is happening.
Living without conscience means that you kill 3,000-year-old cedar trees along the West Coast and you don’t care what happens. You turn around and you change the course of a river, and you don’t care what happens. You go out into the Pacific Ocean and you do sonar testing and you kill 5,000 whales, and you don’t care what happens. It means that you turn around and you hold experiments by spraying contrails all over millions of people to see what the effect would be, and you don’t have a conscience. It means that you turn around and you put Ritalin and fluoride and all of these things into the water, which, people don’t know what they are. They tell you that it protects you from cavities. That’s the biggest bunch of malarkey in the world.
Did you know that fluoride is the same thing that Ralphia was, that the Romans used to put into the water to control the moods of the people? It’s just a chemical version of it. It’s a tranquilizer. And what does it do, physically, to the body? It throws the pineal gland into absolute atrophy. What does that mean? It means you can’t use your third eye, I don’t care how many mantras you use. You can’t because your pineal gland is drugged, it’s totally drugged.
They turn around and they’re spraying these chemicals on cigarettes. Is it the chemicals that are causing the cancer? No, that’s not causing the cancer. But you know one of the things that the chemicals absolutely do? They paralyze your thymus. Now, do you know what the thymus does? What the thymus does is, the thymus regulates the reproduction of the cells. The thymus is, literally, the ductless gland — it’s right by where the center of your heart is, in your chest—and the thymus, when you’re born, is probably about the size of an apricot pit. By the time a person is 50 or 60, it’s usually the size of a very small pea, and it’s all shriveled up, like a raisin, because it goes into atrophy because of all the chemicals and toxins.
Well, when that happens, what happens is you automatically kick into your body a "death hormone." It’s an automatic process. The body doesn’t have a mind. The body comes from IS. The body doesn’t have an agenda, it comes from IS. It reacts through a mechanical matrix. So, you throw on the death hormone and you stop reproducing cells. You stop rejuvenating. Your skin starts to sag. Your mind starts to slow down. Your muscles don’t rejuvenate and replenish. You start to get aches and pains. You can’t move up and down the stairs. You’re not able to pump enough oxygen through your system, and you’re suffering from chronic fatigue.
There’s nothing wrong with you except that you’re suffering from the effects of these things. These are all the things that we saw going into the 6th Thunder, which was preparing for the 7th.
The 7th has two possible scenarios. In the 7th Thunder, human consciousness would reach a state of such complete collapse that we would, literally, be taken over by another consciousness, so that life would continue here. But as we perceive humanity, we would no longer be. That could mean, as this world once was, it would be the home to many people, from many different parts of the universe.
There are many races out there who are dying because they have lost the gift that we had, as humanity. The gift that we had as humanity was our emotion, or feeling. They don’t know what love is, they’re bewildered by it. They don’t even have tears. Tears are like precious gems to them. They come here and they experiment with us. They experiment with our bodies. Can anybody deny the rate at which children are, literally, disappearing in this country? It’s unbelievable. We’re talking about tens of thousands of children every month. Read the reports.
You see, they fill us with all this other stuff, and a lot of static, so that we don’t get focused and look at these kinds of things. But last year alone, in the state of New York, 8000 children disappeared under the age of 16. Where did they go? That’s only one state.
So, where are all these thousands, and tens of thousands of children, going? Where are they disappearing to? What are all these mutilations going on? What are all these abductions going on? And, now, we can sit down and we can talk and we can have a show, and we can listen to Bud Hopkins and Ed Dames will get on and a couple of other people, and we’ll realize that, well, Whitley Streiber is doing a narration, then we realize that, well, these things are really going on.
Ok, so we’re starting to wake up, but are we waking up fast enough? If we do not take the responsibility of this Earth, then someone else will come in and take it over, because it was never ours to begin with. We just became the dominant species. And everything in our history, and everything that we’re relating to, does not come from myth, because you can go to the ancient buildings that are still there, and the writings are there, if you know how to look. They’re coming up with discoveries every day that are talking about things that we’ve thought, even 20 years ago, would have been impossible.
I’m working on a dig, an archeological site, right now, where we have Grecian, Hebrew, Egyptian, Sumerian art artifacts, things that have nothing to do with Native American Indians. We’re talking about vessels in jars, and we’re talking about tablets that have Hebraic writing, Venetian writing, Celtic writing—it’s right here in the U.S.A.
It’s not something that we found over by the Great Pyramid. We found 12 chambers. Originally we thought there were only 2. These things are now coming to the surface. That was something else that I spoke about in Winds Of Change, which was: all things hidden shall be revealed.
Two scenarios, I said. To touch on what happens between the 6th and 7th, I have to touch on something that I’ve spoken about for many years now, which is: In 1953, something happened near Bear Butte, while Eisenhower was President. They made a movie in this country called Close Encounters, right? It wasn’t based entirely on fiction. There was information that we got, based upon what we refer to now as the Montauk experiments, or the Phoenix experiments, there were many, many experiments. They’re still going on. There were thousands of experiments. They’ve experimented with time.
It started with the Nazis. It started with the Germans. There’s a major underground complex in Antarctica. Part of the problem in Antarctica is that the underground city that they have there is so big that the heat that’s being generated from it is cracking the ice. It’s melting the ice. It’s causing it to fall off in chunks that are unbelievable. They think they just lost a chunk there, a few weeks ago, that was the size of Rhode Island. If we go to the ancient teachings of the Mayans and the Tibetans, we have to understand something first, and be able to—or, let’s say, rather than understand, we have to be willing to look at a possible other scenario.
I do a lot of work now with the Mayans and with the Hopi. The reason why I do the work with them, extensively, is that they never denied the existence of star people. They never denied the existence of the great teachers in the other world. And they never denied that we are, actually, the children of the stars, and that means literally — that the beings who came from the stars came here and created us. They’ve never denied that; they’ve never lost that knowledge. They’re not so steeped in traditionalism that they do not talk about it to the outside world.
The Mayans speak about it freely. There are not that many Hopi left, who are true Hopi, who are Hopi Sinom. Last year I lost 8 elders, including Chief Dan Evahema. He’s the last Hopi chief. They have no Hopi chief now. He was the last high priest. So, the Hopis, right now, are in a sad place. They’re waiting for the children to come up. But the children are coming up in a world that the Hopis never thought they would come up in. There’s no one to turn over the information, there’s no one to hand down the information to them. The Mayans have been luckier than that.
When we experimented with time, when we traveled interdimensionally, when we moved the U.S.S. Eldridge in the Philadelphia Experiment from one place to another, we ripped open holes in time. Beings came here from other places. They exchanged knowledge with our leaders, because they needed something. They needed to repair what they had that got here that was damaged. In the exchange for what they needed, they gave us information that they never thought we would do anything with. hey never thought that we would be able to figure out and calculate time-travel. But, we fooled them. We did it. Despite all the bad qualities, you know, of being an American and not being cultured, and not being smooth, and being crazy cowboys and yanks, we are tremendously ingenious. We can figure out anything. And we figured it out. When we did that, we changed everything.
In exchange for the information that we kept getting from the ETs, the ETs asked that they would be able to experiment with us, with our cattle, with our planet, in a relationship with them, with the world leaders, so that they could help their own dying races, they could help their own situation. The abductions began, the mutilations began. The contracts that were made, whatever those contracts were, the date that those contracts were up is 1997.
In 1997, things started to happen, in the UFO world, if you look back. All of a sudden there were sightings eveywhere. It wasn’t just Billy Meier talking about things, these things were everywhere. I mean, we were getting reports from the Swedish airport, from Mexico, from Argentina, from China, from Paris for crying out loud, from England, everywhere. The ships were being found everywhere, they’re everywhere—10, 12, 20 at a time—almost, sometimes, on a hourly basis in some places. It began. And what they began was, they turned around and they gave us an ultimatum. The ultimatum was that we had 2 years to get this Earth back in order, because it was so environmentally unbalanced it was set on a time-clock for self-destruct. If we did not get this Earth back in order, if we did not get our social orders back in order, they would intervene.
The 7th Thunder—we have two alternatives. Again, if we do not get our planet in order, if we do not come back to our original understandings, teachings—understanding that the value of life and the importance of it being based upon your spiritual evolution, not the technological evolution — if we didn’t stop enslaving our own people, if we didn’t stop manipulating our own races and consciousness to build slave races, that those who had original claims to this place would return. There is much talk in many cultures where the term is used "This will be yours until the end of time" or "This is here until the end of time" or "May the Gods be with you until the end of time." It was literal, it wasn’t metaphorical.
The time-space continuum, if we understand what time is, time is not linear. Time is spherical. The other peculiarity about time is that time stands still. Time goes nowhere. What gives us the perception of time passing is our moving through time. If we go into the studies of ancient geometry and the ancient texts of the Mayans, the Tibetans, or the Egyptians, we understand that moving through time, moving through dimensions, didn’t have to do with angles, it had to do with curves. We understand the different sciences and the physics. Now we have this incredible new school, or church, that was started by the great priest Einstein, who talked about relativity: E=MC2.
You see, he understood energy. He understood the holographic universe. He understood so much about it that he couldn’t even communicate to half the people around him because, back then, they didn’t know what Albert was talking about. But he was talking about the very knowledge that we’re talking about now.
We have, within our bodies, 22-24 strands of DNA. Some of the new children being born into the planet have 24 strands of DNA. They are immune to every disease and every stealth virus. At the age of 4, 5, and 6, they can speak 3 or 4 languages, they can work out calculus and mathematics, they can play music. They’re absolutely amazing. These children are being born up in Canada, they’re being born down in South America, they’re being born in what we would call the "outback" countries. You know, not where the sophisticated technology is.
We tend to think a lot that the whole world is Silicon Valley and nothing exists beyond it. And that’s a fallacy. Because, in reality, that whole part of reality at this time is the smaller part of life on the planet. But, because we do everything on the Internet, we do everything through the media, and we do everything on television, we do everything in the movies, we don’t go out and experience life for ourselves, so we’re buying the package. We’re buying the programing of limitation. We don’t realize that that represents less than 20% of the planet. That the other 80% is living a totally different reality.
These new children that are being born with 24 strands of DNA, again, have tremendous abilities that we’re seeing thus far. This has been going on for the last 10 years. We’re seeing, also, that they have tremendous telepathic powers. They also have abilities to turn around and control their parents, at will.
Martin: The so-called Indigo Children.