The following in-depth interview with Robert Ghost Wolf is a copy of the front page story of the December issue of The SPECTRUM newspaper.
Robert Ghost Wolf’s Vision:

Winds Of Change
"Where Do We Go From Here?"
11/30/99 Rick Martin
You’ve often heard the marketing expression "We sell no wine before its time." Well, as with fine wines, certain conversations are worth waiting for. On November 4, I finally caught-up with Robert Ghost Wolf long enough to have this much-anticipated conversation and interview. As seems to frequently be the case these days, the conversation moved from one urgently relevant topic to another and, before you know it, four hours passed! In keeping with our usual policy, we’ll now offer that entire conversation for your spiritual and intellectual satisfaction.
I believe you will join in my enthusiasm and gratitude for what Ghost Wolf has to say, and perhaps you will better understand why we gave such a thorough background statement about him in the last issue of The SPECTRUM. As a side-note, it’s interesting (and predictable, these days) that the more important the message a speaker has to bring, the more he seems to be "villainized" by the adversary in an attempt to either silence or discredit the information. (We at The SPECTRUM are certainly no strangers to this phenomenon!) Ghost Wolf, too, has not been exempt from such efforts, however unsuccessful they’ve proven to be.
Ghost Wolf’s message to SPECTRUM readers is universal and DEEPLY APPRECIATED. This is the kind of article that’s a good read when you have quiet, uninterrupted time, perhaps sitting in front of the fireplace, with a clear view of Nature nearby. We are reminded, while listening to Ghost Wolf, about taking time for the little things—the touch of a hand of appreciation on the shoulder, a kind word of thanks or praise, the aroma of a stately evergreen or the melody of a happy songbird along a winter’s walk—in short, stopping the merry-go-round long enough to enjoy and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, given to us by our Creator for our enjoyment and growth. There are many such reminders sprinkled herein. Also, this is the type of article that may be read once, then gone back over at a future time, for the message is as timeless in some respects as it is so imperatively timely and even urgent in others!
For those of you with access to the Internet, several of Ghost Wolf’s conversations with Art Bell are available on Art’s website. You may also wish to look at Robert Ghost Wolf’s website directly.
Let’s stop right here and move directly into a conversation that I believe you will glean much from, and the blessings contained herein are representative of but a small fragment of that which is to come. Enjoy!
Martin: I’ve structured a couple of what to many of our readers will be basic questions and will be, really, old ground for a lot of people. But, for some people, they will be new. So, I want to ask you some of these pre-prepared questions as a springboard, so you can just kind-of go and run with it. Just let me know when you’re done talking, then we’ll go to the next one. Take as long as you need and, if we have to sit here all night, we will. I’ll run out of tape, but we’ll sit here all night! (laughter) Ok, let’s talk about "The Quickening." We’re in "The Quickening".
Ghost Wolf: We have been in "The Quickening" for quite awhile.
Martin: Right. And, you use the term "increase in octave." What, exactly, do you mean by increasing the octave?
Ghost Wolf: Where I am coming from with the statement "an increase in octaves", has to do with the understanding that absolutely everything in the Universe is energy—that we, ourselves, are energy. Essentially, in my understanding of it and my experience of it, everything that is around us, everything that we are connected to, is all connected through a matrix and the matrix is Light. We can get into a quantum physics discussion on that so the scientists get satisfied, but essentially—there is a movie called CONTACT. Did you see the movie?
Martin: I did.
Ghost Wolf: And in the movie there’s a part of the dream where she has this vision, if you will, and as she moves, everything moves. That’s really the nature of reality.
Martin: Much like What Dreams May Come.
Ghost Wolf: That was a phenomenal movie.
Martin: Much like that.
Ghost Wolf: Much like that. Now, when I say a higher octave, consciousness follows energy, because energy is the force that moves consciousness. If we’re dealing with just consciousness, we could be dealing with almost a catatonic state. Consciousness, of its own, has no energy, it’s just potential everything, but materially it’s nothing.
There has to be an energy that moves consciousness, and in the Egyptian words, they use the word ska, in the Lakota word, they use the word ska-skun, and that is "the mystery that moves things." We don’t know WHY it is, we only know that it IS. We could call it, in common vernacular, contemporary language, we could call it "The Life Force" — that which causes things to move.
It’s a Universal Law as we’re coming out of the darkness of our spiritual awareness, because for the last 2,000 years mankind has been degenerating in spiritual capability, as well as spiritual awareness, until we reach the present society where everything is technology.
I mean, kids can’t even count change anymore. They have to rely on a computer telling them how to count that change. Everything that we do is reliant upon technology. We have no concept or grasp, really, of how far we have become totally computer reliant. And, what we’re missing is that WE are the ultimate computers.
We are, as living beings of Light, we are transducers of that Light, which means that we receive and we transmit. The Light comes through us and we transmit it. We transmit the Light through us as thought. How we become activated in consciousness is, there’s new thought that enters our realm of reality. I’ve also said, along with "The Quickening", that we’re moving into the 5th World. Now, there’s a lot of interpretations of that and a lot of them are incorrect, meaning, we are now in the 4th World. The 1st World was mineral, with spirit. The 2nd World was mineral. The 3rd World was vegetable, or plant. The 4th World is animal. This is the experience that we are in now. Mankind has been here in this 4th World for — we’re not certain how long — depends on which school you talk to.
The Sphinx that I found in Colorado is well over 200,000 years old. There are scientists who are estimating that the age of the Sphinx in Giza is well over 28,000 years old, based upon what they’re looking at. If you go to Mayan history and you speak to the Mayans, they speak about civilization in the Mayan culture as being well over 30,000 years old. We speak to the Hopi, they talk about their remembrances of their beginnings go back 12-14,000 years. When the prophecies were given to them on the Hopi tablets, we’re talking, roughly, 10,000-10,200 years ago.
We are moving now into a higher vibratory field. The shifting of the 3rd-Dimensional World into the 5th-Dimensional World, or the 5th World—and the 5th World is where man walks upright, owning his spirit. He returns to his origins and becomes God-Man-realized. We become realized beings-of-Light. We take the responsibility for what we are; we are awakened to what we are; and we are awakened to our natural abilities.
What happens as these worlds merge, as you merge from a 3rd-Dimensional World into a 5th-Dimensional World, you’re going through many warpages of reality. They could be considered distortions of reality, where people are losing a sense of time. They become disassociated. They may walk around their house for hours not knowing what they really did. They may start out going some place, and they know that it takes two hours to get there and, somehow, they made it there in an hour and twenty minutes. They can’t figure out how that happened. They’re also going through changes in personality where they become almost like different people, through the course of weeks and months, which is why we’re seeing a lot of difficulty in relationships because relationships seem to be breaking up. You seem to have a whole lifetime in a couple of years, and then, all of a sudden the couples outgrow each other and one goes in one direction, and one goes in another direction.
We’re seeing this also played out in the observation and acceptance of our spiritualities, our religions, our theology, where we were once — and, a very short time ago, I might add, we’re talking ten or fifteen years ago—we were accepting without question of a totally different kind of paradigm where we accepted the stories of Adam and Eve, these kinds of things. Now we go, "Well, that’s not really the way it is!" Now we sit there and we can sit down with a bunch of scientists and doctors and statesmen and talk about the potentialities of our involvement with extraterrestrials.
Where is all this thought coming from? We’re coming up with new ways of healing. We’re coming up with the understanding of energy and how to apply energy, and it’s changing the whole medical profession. It’s changing the way we deal with illness, the way we deal with almost everything that’s around us. Where this is coming from is this higher octave of energy. When the higher octave of energy moves-in, when the higher frequencies move-in, what happens is they disrupt the paradigm; they disrupt the thought patterns. And these thought patterns are what most people build their core-beliefs upon. This is how we know that red is red, and a daisy is a daisy, and this is a father and this is child, and this is a family; I mean, literally, everything—how we perceive the world around us, how we perceive our social conditions.
All of this is going through tremendous turmoil and tremendous change. It’s going through a period of chaos that could be looked upon as what’s happening—it’s "the end of the world." It can also be looked upon, when you realize what’s going on, from another perception. The perception being that all Creation comes out of chaos. You cannot create something new from that which existed. You have to create something new with new substance, and you have to create it with a higher energy than perpetuated the original circumstance. Am I making some sort of sense with this?
Martin: Yes.
Ghost Wolf: So, once we change the inner, we’ll change the outer. And whenever we’re dealing with anyone, whenever one human being is interacting with another human being, we’re always dealing with the mirror of our own emotional storm. If we’re in a state of poise and grace, then the storm that’s going on around the person just outside of us will calm down. They use this when they have a suicide patient or a psychotic patient and the guy’s up on a building and is going to jump off the building because there’s been too much stress and he can’t handle it anymore, she can’t handle it anymore. And they’ll send someone in to start a communication line. And what can happen that’s successful is simply because the person is skilled in taking the time to emotionally touch the other person, to allow them to release, to listen.
Nobody LISTENS to anybody anymore; we simply REACT. Most husbands don’t listen to their wives. Most wives don’t listen to their husbands. So, they keep getting caught in these two third-dimensional forces, crashing up against each other, with no release. The minute somebody puts the magic incredients in it: "Let me listen to what’s really going on here. What are you really trying to say?," then suddenly the person becomes animated and alive, emotionally. They feel like their emotions aren’t just going out to nowhere. They feel like they’ve got a purpose, that they’re communicating. They feel that they—they’re connected to life.
The frustration that so many people feel right now is that they’re NOT connecting to life, you know: "You’re not hearing me. My dream isn’t coming true." This isn’t what happened. They don’t spend time getting to know each other. It’s one of the things that I spoke about at my daughter’s wedding. I said: "The most important thing in your life is what comes through your heart, and what your heart feels. As you go through life, your head is going to create a lot of pictures and a lot of scenarios. You’re going to listen to people on the outside. You’re going to have many influences on you that will tell you that you should be this way and you should be the other way. What are you doing with that person? How can you let them do this to you? How can you be treated in this manner? What matters is: what does your heart feel?"
So, I think this brings us back once more — you know, the Iroquois have the oldest philosophy of life, running and existing in this country. Many things that are American come from the understanding and the wisdom of the Iroquois people, and in the Iroquois way of looking at things the most important thing that we have is the Sacred Fire of Life. They call it the hearth. This hearth burns inside of you, that you have within you the male and the female aspect. When you learn how to balance this, you then go into a relationship with a woman or a man, depending upon what gender you are, and you then expand that relationship. And that’s the beginning of a family. From the family, you then have children. The children then have uncles, brothers, sisters, it’s all part of the same matrix.
There’s no difference between that family hearth, and the hearth of the society that we live in. When you lose self, you lose the ability to communicate. When you lose self, you lose the ability to hear and understand. And then you are caught in a reactionary mode, where all you are doing is reacting to everything around you. When you do that, your heart [energy] center shuts down. You no longer can perceive your feelings. You are caught in the current of a wild emotion. It’s like holding onto a wild horse.
When you do that, you lose contact with the God-Force. You forget that you ARE God, in action. You are God experiencing in this plane. And you start to fall into your limitation. When you fall into your limitation, you are feeling disconnected, disavowed, disempowered, and you feel that everything is happening to you, because you’re isolated. This is what I see happening in relationships.
So, the road to take is compassion, compassion with self, because once compassion is exercised with self, it’s easily implemented and understood with all things around you.
Martin: Let’s talk about the right use of will. How would you see that in relationships?
Ghost Wolf: Again, we’re talking about, I call it—life on Earth is a course in mastership. We can either be "reactionary" or we can be "causal." When a person is causal, they walk into a room and the whole room can feel their presence. I’ve seen this with many speakers. I’ve seen this when Dannion Brinkley walks into a room, or when I walk into a room, or when Humbatzman walks into a circle of 200 people who come from all over the world, and they speak different languages and different paradigm beliefs and perceptions. He walks into the room—he’s in possession of self, he does not shift and allow "reactionary consciousness" to take him over. When he speaks, he speaks focused upon the intent of the message he’s trying to deliver. When he moves, he moves deliberately and with intent. There’s no accidental occurrence. We PUT purpose into our lives. When we put purpose into our life, we become causal.
When we move within us — as we were just speaking — the male/female aspect, in harmony, when we are connected to this incredible Life-Force that is there for us to constantly draw-upon, it never, ever runs out. It is never, ever exhausted. BUT IT REQUIRES THAT YOU’RE IN BALANCE TO ACCESS IT! When you’re doing that, you’re operating from right use of will.
Right use of will has to do with "what is human" — human is flesh and bone, living in 3rd-dimensional reality, meaning expressing upon an electromagnetic field.
If it was not the electromagnetic field, we would not have bodies. What is the condition of the electromagnetic field? Polarity! Electromagnetic field has polarity. We have polarity within us on a spiritual level in that we have male/female, we constantly have a polarity going on. When we move to the center, when we move to a place of neutrality, this is where creativity comes from; this is where balance comes from.
When we move to the center, when we’re not on either extreme, we walk, as they would say 40 years ago, we walk the "middle road." The "middle road" never meant, don’t have emotion, don’t try, don’t feel; it meant walk with purpose and in balance. Walk without getting into either extreme.
The minute that you do that, you’re in contact with the God-Force. When you’re in contact with the God-Force, everything that you do comes from the higher octave. Everything that you’re doing is the Will of Creation; it’s not to suit a personal agenda, it’s the Will of Creation.
When you’re walking with THAT Energy, you’re using rightful will, the right use of will. You will not cause harm, because it’s senseless. How can you harm your other self?! The Mayans say, when they look into your eyes, in l’akesh. In l’akesh means "I am your other self." We are ALL our other self!
Remember a little while ago we spoke about every action and interaction between two people is a mirror image of your own emotion and your own energies? Well, that’s what it means. When you’re in harmony, you can only cause life to perpetuate. There’s a state of IS, and there’s a state of IT. Spirit is formless. It comes into us on the breath, and when we pass over to the other world, it leaves on a breath. So, spirit has no form.
We can see the physical proofs of that here. We are constantly trying to put spirit into a form, and it has not worked. For over 35,000 years it hasn’t worked. Spirit will seek its own fulfillment. Just like love seeks its own fulfillment. It doesn’t have to have a point-A-to-point-B linearity. That’s left-brain thinking.
IS is the result of spirit. IS is what is.
Your whole life you spend trying to wake up, to read books, to study, to do meditations, to do breath, to travel to India, to travel to the Black Hills, to travel to Maya-land, to travel to aboriginal teachers, to travel to Shaolin priests, so that you can fulfill some spiritual longing. And the spiritual longing, all the time, is right there with you; you’re carrying it. We simply allow IS — because that’s where we come from. The Creator IS. The Creator is neither male, nor is the Creator female. The Creator is not Black, the Creator is not Yellow, Red, White, Blue, or Reptilian. The Creator is much more than that, because the Creator is ALL THINGS. We cannot even comprehend how vast IS is!
What happens with IT—this is where we lose will—is, Light comes down, it coagulates, it becomes matter. Spirit then resides in that matter, for experience. In order for it to experience its environment, it must create an IT to experience in. The IT is not the reality, it’s the condition. The reality lies in the one having the experience; the one having the experience is in the constant state of IS.
Am I being linear? Am I getting...
Martin: You’re doing fine. Keep going.