by: Rick Johnson
PO Box 40451
Tucson, Az.

Within the next few pages, you will find a number of writings about Traditional and Gardnerian Wicca. Although there is no Oath-bound Gardnerian material here, you will find information used by Gardnerian Witches as well as other Traditionals.
The papers here cover any number of subjects that you won't find in the 'wicca 101' books that seem to cover one chapter on the religion and 13 chapters on spells and rituals for the wanna-be wiccan to accomplish i ntheir spare time between D&D and tonight's rave.
Rather, these papers will cover the actual meat of Traditional Witchcraft to show that Wicca is not just some casual workings but, in fact, has a rich and deeply moving dogma that takes years to understand.
Although, as a Gardnerian, I have taken certain Oaths that prevent me from saying a lot, I personally believe that it is posible to teach Traditional Witchcraft in a manner that is responsible, in keeping with my vows of secrecy and actually educates people.
Thus, although I may (or may not) be allowed to say if Gardnerian Witches actually worship Skyclad (naked), I can and will tell you what Skyclad is and why some Witches practice that way.

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Astronomy for Dummies- The Moon
Astronomy for Dummies- The Sun
The Book of Shadows
The Building Analogy to Human Spirituality
The Gods and the Wheel of the Year
The Feast of Fools.
A Few Final Notes on Samhain
Healing, Why Some People Cannot be Helped
How to Pronounce "Cerne Giant"
Ideas for Sabbats
Mazes, the Labrynth and the Path
Pagan Profanity
Reincarnation; the Ultimate in Recycling
Sacred Spaces
Sexual Ethics
Sexual Ethics by Cerridwen
Spiritual and Magickal Growth
Spring is Here!
The Wiccan Legal System

To contact me or to request topics to be covered, send to RikJohnson@juno.com
by: Rick Johnson
PO Box 40451
Tucson, Az.

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