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I think the images on this page are familier to most of the surfers . Yes ! these are all FRACTALS . Fractals are the geometrical shapes whose dimensions are not whole numbers(i.e. not 0,1,2 or 3) but lies between them.

Study of Fractals as subject was intiated by Beniot Mandelbrot. Fractals(or in general nonlinear science) consists of Topology, Measure theory, Computer graphics, Architecture, Physics etc.

You can find a great amount of good information on WEB. I am giving some good links which contain best information in maths as well as fractals.

What I really want to tell is the link between Modern day Fractal theory and Ancient Indian Cosmology,Philosophy and Temple architecture.

Link Stuff

I will also suggest some mailing lists.

Contains best discussion lists for philosophy, ultrafractal, fractal art etc.

Contains files banach spaces and general topology.

Discuss the proof of Fermat's Last theorem!

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If you know some best info. about above subject then please contact me.

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