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Capt. Hiram H. Stamper Camp #
- Col. Henry Giltner Award
- For Outstanding Performance Under

- Recipients
- 1996 -
David R.
- 1997 - No Award
- 1998 -
- Criteria for
Awarding the Colonel Henry Giltner Award
- for Outstanding
Performance Under Fire
- 1. Recipient shall be a member of the SCV in
good standing.
- 2. Recipient shall be a member of the Captain
Hiram H. Stamper Camp # 1715 of the SCV.
- 3. Recipient shall have performed a service or
services to further the efforts of the SCV as a result, brouth
honor to the Hiram H. Stamper Camp # 1715.
- 4. Recipient shall be nominated by a majority
present at the May meeting of the Hiram H. Stamper Camp #
- 5. Award shall be presented at the August
meeting of Capt. Hiram H. Stamper Camp.
- 6. The deeds of the recipient which have
garnered this award for him shall be read by the Adjutant at the
presentation ceremony before all present. If the Camp Adjutant is
unable to attend, the Camp Commander shall take this
- 7. A plaque shall be maintained at Camp
Headquarters with the names of all recipients, and the year of
their award engraved thereupon. This plaque shall be maintained at
the Camp's expense.
- 8. A Rebel Yell, when practical, shall be
called for and led by the Camp Adjutant in honor of the

"Whereas Mr. David R. Smith has unswervingly
performed his duties as Commander, Founder, and subsequently
Historian for the Hiram H. Stamper Camp # 1715 of the Sons of
Confederate Veterans with a vigor that reflects positively upon our
"And whereas Mr. David R. Smith has performed the
aforementioned duties to a standard of excellence which is above and
beyond the parameters defined in the Constitution of the Sons of
Confederate Veterans...
"And whereas Mr. David R. Smith has selflessly
donated both his personal time and resources toward the furtherance
of the Capt. Hiram H. Stamper Camp # 1715 of the Sons of Confederate
Veterans without thought of compensation or reward...
"And whereas, in the performance of the
aforementioned duties to such a standard of excellence, Mr. David R.
Smith has proven to be the model of a true Southern
"And whereas Mr. David R. Smith has been a
positive reflection upon his Confederate forebear, Private Reuben
Randolph Smith, Company E, 10th Kentucky Cavalry...
"Be it resolved that we of the Capt. Hiram H.
Stamper Camp # 1715 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans do commit to
record our heartfelt gratitude and respect for the honor that Mr.
David R. Smith has brought upon our Camp by his outstanding
performance under fire. Be it known to all and sundry present that as
a fitting legacy to his Confederate forebear, Mr. David R. Smith has
merited a Rebel Yell from his compatriots."
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