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Capt. Hiram H. Stamper Camp # 1715


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Watch for the following Regimental Rosters from the Adjutant General's Reports to become links to our databases..

1st Battalion Cavalry Kentucky Volunteers, C.S.A.
1st Battalion Mounted Rifles Kentucky Volunteers (C.S.A.)
2nd Battalion Mounted Rifles Kentucky Volunteers, C.S.A.
3rd Battalion Mounted Rifles Kentucky Volunteers, C.S.A.
5th Regiment Infantry Kentucky Volunteers, C.S.A.
9th Regiment Cavalry Kentucky Volunteers, C.S.A.
Brigadier General Humphry Marshall Kentucky Volunteers, C.S.A.
Brigadier General John H. Morgan Kentucky Volunteers (C.S.A.)
Brigadier General John S. Williams Kentucky Volunteers (C.S.A.)
10th Kentucky Cavarly, (C.S.A.)
11th Regiment Cavalry Kentucky Volunteers (C.S.A.)
13th Regiment Cavalry Kentucky Volunteers, C.S.A.
14th Regiment Cavalry Kentucky Volunteers, C.S.A.
Field's Company of Partisan Rangers, Kentucky Volunteers (C.S.A.)
Special 1890 Censuses for Several Eastern Kentucky Counties
Confederate Pension Applications for Several Eastern Kentucky Counties
Listing of Current Confederate Graves Identified in Eastern Kentucky (To Date)
Visit the Knott County Historical Society's Civil War Dept. - Union Division
Knott County Historical Society - Military Department
Excerpts from War of the Rebellion

Visit this page often as each of these regiments is uploaded. (They will be highlighted in red andunderline when the link becomes available for perusal.) Some will be rotated throughout the year, and anyone wishing to volunteer their services to the Society can secure passwords for more complete data on these regiments. Watch for Special 1890 Censuses and Pension Applications to appear soon.

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Knott Historical Soc. | Knott's Union Records | Dyer's Compendium

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