1999 Japanese Tour
St. Christopher's School Choir of Men and Boys

Map of JapanUnfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, the 1999 Boy Choir and Glee Club Japanese Tour has been postponed.

Look for announcements regarding the tour on this page.

About the Tour

A tour to Japan is being planned with a target date of June, 1999. We are grateful to the Japan-Virginia Society for their assistance and cooperation in the planning of this tour.


Tentative Itinerary
Day 1: Leave for Japan
Day 2: Arrive in Tokyo, meet host families
Day 3: Tokyo, performance in Tokyo
Day 4: Tokyo, performance in Chiba
Day 5: Tokyo, performance in Yokohama
Day 6: Tokyo, sightseeing
Day 7: Nagoya, meet host families
Day 8: Nayoya, performance in Nagoya
Day 9: Osaka, meet host families
Day 10: Osaka, performance in Osaka
Day 11: Osaka, performance in Kobe
Day 12: Osaka, sightseeing in Kyoto
Day 13: Fukuoka, meet host families
Day 14: Fukuoka, performance in Fukuoka
Day 15: Fukuoka, sightseeing in Fukuoka
Day 16: Leave for Richmond

Tentative Tour Repertoire


Service Music:

  • Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena (by Healy Willan)
  • Our Father (by Robert Stone)
  • Preces and Responses (by William Byrd)


  • A Prayer of Saint Richard of Chichester (by L.J. White)
  • Ave Verum Corpus (by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
  • Behold the Tabernacle of God (by William H. Harris)
  • Enite from the Greek Orthodox Liturgy
  • For All the Saints (by Ralph Vaughan Williams)
  • Locus Iste (by Anton Bruckner)
  • Wo Ju Shy Liang-Guang (arranged by David Yap)
  • Turn Back, O Man (by Gustav Holst)


National Anthems:

  • The Star Spangled Banner


  • Ching a Ring Chaw (by Aaron Copland)
  • O Isis und Osiris (by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
  • Jaegerchor (by Carl Maria von Weber)
  • Tenebrae Facta Sunt (by Tomas Luis Vittoria)

World Music:

  • Ambo Hato (by Agot Espino)
  • Daichi Sansyo (by Shin Sato)
  • Soleram


  • Ride the Chariot (arranged by William Henry Smith)

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page last updated 10/14/98
Webmasters: Austin Harris, Nathan Hays, Jeb Britton, John Crews
Karen Harris