What's New?

13 July 2003

Main page and writings page updated.

C.V. updated, but still very incomplete.

9 June 2002

Main page updated. Professional C.V. updated.

18 April 2002

Professional C.V. updated. Religion page updated.

7 April 2002

Dead links removed and a new Thomas Head link added in the Reliquary, and a preliminary Reliquary of St. Sava added.

Brand new Catholic Mysticism page added.

20 February 2002

My writings page has been updated and extensively revised. I have also added my professional c.v., and removed dead links from the Middle Eastern Fieldwork page was added, and my homepage and the Reliquary have been heavily revised. As pages are updated, I will change the background. This is the new background.

Return to the Religion Page: /mabeherec/religion.html
Mail the pageholder: Marc A. Beherec mabeherec@hotmail.com
Return to Marc Beherec's Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/mabeherec/