M.A. Candidate, Anthropological Archaeology University of California at San Diego, present.
B.A., Anthropology (minor Geology); University of Texas at Austin, 2000.
Field School; University of California at San Diego Archaeology in Jordan Program, 1999.
Land Survey Course; Austin Community College, 2001.
High School; Leander High School, Leander, Texas, 1996.
Cum Laude, Dean’s Honor List; College of Liberal Arts, 2000.
Lambda Alpha National Collegiate Honors Society for Anthropology; Lifetime Member, 2000.
All-American Scholar; United States Achievement Academy, 1999.
History Award; Leander High School, 1996.
Commended Student; National Merit Society, 1995.
Section Instructor, 26 September 2002-Present.
Revelle College Humanities Writing Program, University of California at San Diego
Grant specialist, 1 June 2002-15 August 2002.
Center for Archaeological Studies, Southwest Texas State University.
Archaeological field technician, 8-17 April 2002.
PBS&J, Austin Office.
- Archaeological survey in Northern Mississippi.
- See Field Experience for details.
Social Sciences Associate I, January-December 2001.
Texas Archeological Research Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin.
- Archaeological research excavation of the Gault Site, 41BL323, a Clovis occupation site in Central
- Excavation and Laboratory work; see Field Experience for details.
Archaeological field technician, 8-11 January 2001.
Hicks & Company, Austin, Texas.
- Day worker.
- Excavation of historic Snyder store and home site, Austin, Texas.
- See Field Experience for details.
Archaeological field technician, July-October 2000.
Foth and Van Dyke, Minneapolis Office.
- Archaeological surveying in Southwest Iowa and Central Minnesota.
- See Field Experience for details.
Cabinet constructor, Summer 1998.
Cabinets Deluxe.
- Table and miter saw use.
- Cabinet component assembly.
Clerk, Summer 1997.
Applied Economic Research.
- Database management.
- File management, paper and electronic.
- Document scanning for computer use.
Camp Swift Archaeological Project
Archaeological survey, Northern Mississippi, PBS&J, 2002.
- Survey prior to Interstate 69 construction in De Soto and Marshall Counties.
- Pedestrian survey.
- Document completion (sketch maps, site descriptions).
Gault Site Archaeological Project,
University of Texas at Austin, 1999-2001.
- Class, volunteer and paid work.
- Excavation of 41BL323, a Palaeoindian occupation site in Bell County, Central Texas.
- Wet screening.
- Electronic Distance Meter (EDM) rodman during topographic mapping and grid placement.
- Document completion (unit forms and maps, profile maps, Munsell notations, artifact
- Lithic washing, preliminary sorting and weighing.
- Supervision of student volunteers in lithic washing and sorting.
- Lithic analysis mathematical calculations.
Snyder store and home site, Hicks & Company, 2001.
- Cultural resource management excavation of historic site in Austin, Texas.
- Pick and shovel excavation of stone wall foundations.
Archaeological survey, Southern Iowa, Foth and Van Dyke, 2000.
- Survey prior to water pipeline placement in Madison, Union, Adair, Guthrie, and Dallas
- Pedestrian survey.
- Shovel testing.
- Document completion (profile sketches, Munsell notations).
Archaeological survey, Central Minnesota, Foth and Van Dyke, 2000.
- Survey prior to US Highway 169 expansion in Crow Wing and Mille Lacs Counties.
- Shovel testing.
- Document completion (profile sketches, Munsell notations).
Archaeology in Jordan Jabal
Hamrat Fidan Project, University of California at San Diego, 1999.
- Field school.
- Large scale synchronic excavation of WF001, aPre-Pottery Neolithic B site in Wadi Fidan.
- Preliminary lithic analysis.
- Ground stone analysis.
- Artifact cataloging for Jordanian Customs.
Silo Site Archaeological Project, University of Texas at Austin, 1997.
- Single weekend volunteer.
- Electronic Distance Meter (EDM) rodman during topographic mapping.
Lambda Alpha National Collegiate Honors Society for Anthropology; Lifetime Member, 2000.
Texas Archeological Society.
Texas Exes (The University of Texas Ex-Students Association).
Word processor use: Word Perfect; Word Star; Microsoft Works.
Database use: Microsoft Excel and Access.
Scanner and optical character recognition use.
HyperText Markup Language programming (personal webpage:
Forthcoming (April 2002). "The Devil, the Terror, and the Horror: The Whateley Twins
Further Debts to Folklore and Fiction." (Literary criticism.) Lovecraft Studies.
Edited by S. T. Joshi. West Warwick, Rhode Island: Necronomicon
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