!! LeT*s PartY !!    pArtY gamEs*!

>>>> Sharades or Charades: *!*
All people are to be split into two teams (with any-many-money-more, or in a Russian variant: "Eniki-beniki-eli-vareniki, eniki-beniki-batzs!"). One of the teams is to go out to the other room, or just as far away from the other team as possible. Each team comes up with a word to complete with the other team. The word should be difficult and funny to act out. The words we came up with recently were: Invisible, Hyppo, Shrimp, Senator, Bastard, Dolphin, Colorblind, Plastic. Then the first team who comes up with a word picks one member of the other team to act the word out. It is possible to use any means (mostly you artistic talent though), and sounds, except but words, or directly pointing out (if the word is Plastic for instance). It*s a lot of fun to watch a person, acting out a word, especially if you know the meaning of it, and hear the guesses of the other team like (shirt, cloths, crazy, obsessive, etc. in case of colorblind). There can be a time limit too, but in case if you have too many excited people at your party, it*s better go just for fun of the game, not for winning, because time limit can make a lot of people nervous.

>>>> Actually, there is another variant of the charades game, and it is about guessing the meaning of the whole word, by suggesting some riddles for each part of the word, like this:

My FIRST is the two letters which begin the English alphabet. My SECOND is the Past Tense of the verb to send. The WHOLE word is the antonym of present. >>Ab-sent (ABSENT)<<
My FIRST boys wear on their heads. My SECOND is a personal pronoun in the third person, singular. My THIRD is a suffix of an adjective. The WHOLE word is the chief city. >>Cap-it-al (CAPITAL)<<
My FIRST is a preposition. My SECOND is to receive. The WHOLE word is the antonym of remember. >>For-get (FORGET)<<
My FIRST is a verb. My SECOND is not high but... The WHOLE word is the antonym of above. >>Be-low (BELOW)<<
My FIRST we say when we agree. My SECOND is the first syllable of the word terribly. My THIRD is the antonym of night. The WHOLE word is "the day before". >>Yes-ter-day (YESTERDAY)<<

This calm and thoughtful variant of charade game is suitable when everybody is too tired to move, and when you are partying with some 70 y.o. fellows.

>>>> Mafia: Russian Party Game. *!*
All people (at least 7) are to be split into Citizens and two Mafia-members. You can use playing cards (two reds and black others), checks (two black and others white), etc. to give it to the players, and thus split them into Mafia and Citizens. There should be a Leader in this game as well (just pick anybody and the next tour the Leader will be the other guy). Everybody*s looking at his/her card/check, and knows if they are Mafia or not, and does not let other players see their card/check. Then Leader says: "Night time, everybody closes the eyes, Mafia does not sleep, Mafia opens the eyes and decides whom to kill first." Mafia members open their eyes, now they both know who is the other mafia member, and then they point out to any person to be killed. Leader says: "Mafia closes the eyes. Now it*s daytime, everybody opens the eyes, and I have to say that Mafia killed John (a person, whom they decided to kill). Citizens, there is Mafia among us, decide who might be Mafia". John does not play anymore, and watches a game from a distance. Citizens start to discuss who might be a Mafia. Then there is a vote when Leader calls out the names of the players and others vote for this person to be killed. So, Citizens kill somebody, and detect (looking at his/her card) if it is a mafia or not. Meanwhile Mafia (during the day time) has to come to a silent agreement whom to kill next night (*cos they won*t be allowed to open their eyes at night anymore). Then Leader says: "Night time. Everybody closes the eyes. Mafia points whom to kill next". Mafia members with their eyes shut point out to the person to be killed. If both Mafia people pointed to the same Citizen, he/she is killed. If Mafia failed to point to the same Citizen, no one is killed and at daytime Citizens proceed to discussing who might be a Mafia. Mafia wins if there is equal amount of Mafia and Citizens left 2 and 2, or 1 and 2. Citizens win if all Mafia members are killed. This game is very psychological, and it*s fun to be a Mafia, it*s fun to reassure Citizens that you are not a mafia (while you are in fact), it*s fun even to be killed by Citizen*s vote if you are completely innocent (you can have your last word then, going as "I told you guys, I am a wrong person to kill, and you were mistaken!! I think that the mafia is Kate and Sean, that*s my opinion. Ok, now I*m out, the Innocent Citizen!!!!), and it*s fun to try to detect who is Mafia.

>>>> Toilet Paper: American Party Game.
This game works if there is a lot of new people at the party, and they do not know each other. Leader brings the roll of Toilet Paper, and asks players to get as much paper, as he/she normally uses in the bathroom. When everybody takes pieces of paper, the Leader says, that now everybody will tell as many short fun stories about himself/herself, as many sheets of Toilet Paper he/she has got. While telling the stories, players are tearing apart their Toilet Paper, to show how many stories they got left.

>>>> Take Your Seat: Asian Game.
("Music Chairs" is the other name of the game). If there is not enough chairs in the room they can be substituted for the squares of paper, put on the floor. Chairs/papers should be one less then the players. Leader starts the music and everybody is dancing, then Leader turns off the music, and everybody should sit down on a chair/paper. The one who does not have a chair should start the next dance alone, and then be surrounded by the other players.

>>>> Pass the Parcel with Forfeits NEW!
Wrap a bar of chocolate (or some other gift), in a layer of paper. Now wrap it in another layer and repeat until you have about 10 layers. Every layer should contain a forfeit (E.g Sing a song, Eat a teaspoon of Mustard, have your belly button filled with water). Finally wrap it in gift paper (so it looks nice).
Sit everyone in a circle and play a short snippet of music. When the music stops, the person holding the parcel removes ONE layer of wrapping and sings a song, eats mustard, etc. Repeat until the last layer of wrapping has been removed. The winner keeps the present.

>>>> Who am I NEW!
As they arrive each person has a piece of paper pinned to their back. The paper contains the name of a famous person. By asking questions which can only be answered with "Yes" or "No" such as "Am I one of my friends?", "Am I fictional?", "Am I Dostoevsky's hero?", etc. the person has to guess their name. Successful guessers may have another go.

>>>> Improvisation NEW!
Form teams of two. Each team is given an object to perform with, in as many creative ways as possible. E.g. A hoola-Hoop

* Hold it around you and say "A useful thing during the rush hour in a bus"
* Put it on your neck and say "This is New Millennium necklace from Versace"
* Put it on the floor around you as your protection on a spiritual ritual
* Hold it in front of you and say "Welcome to the circus, you tigers!"

Ideas for objects include: Hoola Hoop; Malibu Board; Tennis Racket; Football; Lampshade

*!* — voted to be the best by my friends!!

!! ВеЧерИнка !!    Иг*рЫ!

>>>> Associations: Russian Game. *!* NEW!
This game was our favorite in high school, and we still play in it. It is universal game, because you can play in it even if there is only two of you, in-doors or out at the wildeness, day or night, anytime, anywhere—that*s how this game is wonderful!! It is also sophisticated and fun. I have a feeling that it was created by our dearest History teacher S.A. Kretova. So, the rules are: the person who starts thinks of the other person who is known to all the participants of the game. They are starting to ask associative questions about that person, trying to guess who it is. The questions are like: —What*s the color of his/her name? (White). —What*s the music that goes the best with this person? (Jazz). —What cloths would suit just perfectly for him/her? (Silk camisole). —What beverage reflects the essence of this person? (Sprite). —What animal does this person reminds you of? (Cat) Etc, etc. Usually only three guesses are allowed, and then it means that the team (or the only one player who plays with you) has lost the game. While thinking of the associations you should try your best to reflect this person in a most correct way (Merilin Monroe—White, Jazz, Silk camisole, Sprite, Cat. Charli Chaplin—Brown, Foxtrot, Old-fashioned hat, Whiskey, Energetic pinguin. Think of your own associations). The most fun will be if everybody in your company knows the same real life person (or just think of somebody from the players, it will make it even more fun!). The game requires some analitical thinking and develops in you a sort of non-traditional approach to the people, ideas and things. Enjoy!

>>>> Zhmurki: Russian Game.
Of all the players one person is to be chosen to become a Zhmurka: He/she is to be given a scarf to put around his/her head to keep his eyes closed during the game. Then players make Zhmurka to make a turn around in order to loose orientation, and the game begins. Zhmurka is supposed to catch one player (players usually try to make fun of Zhmurka, thus coming closer to him/her to touch or pounch him/her). Then Zhmurka needs to detect whom he/she had catch by the touch or by the sound of the voice of the catched person. It*s real fun to play Zhmurki (it*s plural of Zhmurka "Жмурка" in Russian, and Zhmurka means "a person with his eyes shut"), but other players should warn Zhmurka, if he/she is about to bump into something dangerous, like a corner of a table, etc. This also will help Zhmurka to catch some of the other players.

>>>> I Have Never NEW!
Each person receives several counters (toothpicks, pennies, etc.)
Then take turns around the circle. Each person tells of something they have never done (example: I have never broken a bone or I have never traveled out of the country). Anyone who has done this must give the speaker one of their toothpicks or pennies. After going around the circle several times, the person with the most tokens wins.

>>>> Real Nasty: American Game. *!*
It*s good to play this game when everybody (including underagers) is drunk. Each player comes up with an indecent name for himself/herself. Last time we were: Slut, Dirty fuck, Fuck wet, Wide Open Beaver, Tits, Cunt, Dork, Asshole, Mother-fucker, and so on (try to identify me!, just kidding!). Then everybody sits down in a circle, and starts to clap on his/her knees. And then somebody starts: He/she should say his name, and then a name of a person, he wants to continue the game, looking at this person. So, it is continuous clap-clap-clap, and "Wide Open Beaver—Cunt", then Cunt says: "Cunt—Dirty fuck" and so on. The person loses if he/she forgets his/her name for the game, or the name of the other person. The one who loses should drink a shot, and start a game anew.

>>>> We shall overco-o-ome
I believe you all know the way the old British song goes:

We shall overco-o-ome,
We shall overco-o-ome,
We shall overcome someda-a-a-a-ay,
Oh, deep in my heart
I do believe,
We shall overcome someday.

Players are to substitude the first (and main) line in this song with anything that comes to their minds. Let me give you some examples:

We*ll have naked pa-arty,
We*ll have naked pa-arty,
We*ll have naked party right no-o-o-o-ow,
Oh, deep in my heart
I do believe,
We*ll have naked party right away.

Мы сейчас напьё-омся,
Мы сейчас напьё-омся,
Мы сейчас напьёмся в сте-е-е-ельку,
Oh, deep in my heart
I do believe,
Мы сейчас напьёмся наконец.

We*ll go for a tri-i-ip,
We*ll go for a tri-i-ip,
We*ll go for a ski trip next ti-i-i-i-ime,
Oh, deep in my heart
I do believe,
We*ll go for a ski trip, oh, wow!!

The idea of this game is simple: all the participants sit down in a circle, and somebody starts to sing the first and classical part of the song. The person on his/her left has to continue, but with his/her own words and so for. The refrain, which stays the same (Oh, deep in my heart I do believe) should be sing out by everybody. After the game goes round for a couple of times, the winner is obvious—it*s the funniest guy or a girl whose lines of the song made everybody laugh.

>>>> Chinese whispers NEW!
Sit everyone in a circle. Whisper a long phrase to one person. They, in turn, whisper what they heard to the next person, and so on. The last person announces what they heard.

>>>> Guess the Picture NEW!
This one is a good game to get people talking together at the start of the party. Collect a set of pictures of your town, school, or even make a clip art out of the enlarged faces of your friends (do this fun enough and not in offensive way!) and display them on the wall with a number. The guests have to identify the images and write the name of each one on their personal sheet of paper. The winner is the one with the highest score.

More party games to come!

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