F. Lockhart
para prácticas de lengua inglesa en Internet
para aprender inglés
Click here for a presentation on how languages
are learnt and acquired.
te brinda esta historia del autor irlandés, James Joyce, en Spanglish
que adquieras vocabulario pasivo mientras disfrutas de su fácil
Comenius es un sitio con un surtido
de actividades para practicar
el inglés. Aquí entras en español. No todas
las actividades son adecuadas para el nivel 1, pero, buscando, encontrarás
ejercicios interesantes.
Haz este ejercicio para practicar los pronombres
posesivos mine,
yours, his, hers, ours and theirs.
Haz este pequeño test para repasar
el presente
simple y el presente progresivo.
Haz este ejercicio para practicar a,
an, the.
Haz este pequeño test para repasar
los números.
Haz este ejercicio para aprender los nombres
de algunas profesiones.
Haz este ejercicio para aprender los nombres
de algunas algunas
partes del cuerpo.
Aquí tienes un buen surtido de chistes,
muchos de los cuales son asequibles para el nivel 1.
Si trabajas en restauración, te interesarán
especialmente estos ejercicios con menús
de verdad de restaurantes de verdad.
2 up
Here is a short quiz that contrasts
past simple and past anterior.
This one contrasts
past simple and past progressive.
Here you will find a
collection of fables in English. After reading them, you have four
types of exercises to practice with: matching, true or false, completion
(fill in the blanks) and discussion (paragraph writing).
With this short quiz you can learn something
insects while you increase your entomology vocabulary.
These three short quizzes ask you questions
about general culture:
world culture 1 , world
culture 2 , and world
Si trabajas en restauración, te interesarán
especialmente estos ejercicios con menús
de verdad de restaurantes de verdad.
Have fun playing with these interactive adventure
stories that provide a lot of stimulating extensive input!
Have fun playing Treasure
Hunt at this site maintained by The Internet TESL Journal.
This Grammar
Safari is maintained by the University of Illinois. It not only
teaches you how to learn grammar on Internet, it also teaches you how to
learn real grammar, which is not in the grammar books.
This site is maintained by the University
of Illinois and has seven conversations
you to listen to and practice pronunciation. Some of them have notes about
the colloquial expressions and exercises for practicing these expressions.
This site has some fun
quizzes on different non-language topics. They also invite you to express
you opinion on topics such as smoking, music groups, etc.
La Trobe University in Australia maintains
site for people that are learning English and want to participate in
an international mailing list. The mailing lists are: Introduction
to mailing lists,general discussion (low level), general discussion (high
level), business and economics, learning English, current events, cinema,
music, sports and science, technology and computers. But first you
must have your tutor sign you up for this site.
maintains this
site for learners of English all over the world to participate in discussions
on different aspects of world cultures. Every month there is a new
topic. Some of the topics that you can discuss are: birthday celebrations,
famous people, food and eating habits, festivals and celebrations, the
meaning of colours,... Why don't you visit this site and write something
about Catalonia?
Sperling's ESL café maintains these virtual rooms where you
can meet people who are learning English from all over the world. Before
connecting, however, you must ask your tutor to get you an account for
Dave Sperling's Chat Central.
3 up
Christine Meloni of George Washington
University maintains this
study hall, where you can find lots of things to do to improve your
Practise modals with these two short quizzes:
modals 1 and
modals 2.
This short quiz contrasts
past simple and past anterior.
Review anterior aspect with this
very well designed quiz at John's
ESL café.
verb forms in general with this short quiz.
Dave Sperling's ESL Quiz Center offers you
this short
quiz on idioms that use names of parts of the body.
Dave Sperling's ESL Quiz Center offers you
this short
quiz on idioms that use names of animals.
This site offers you a long list of idioms.
Examples supplement the definitions to help you understand them.
This site offers you a long list of phrasal
verbs. Examples supplement the definitions to help you understand
Here you will find a
collection of activities for practicing English. We recommend you browse
the whole site and discover the different activities you can use.
Don't miss these
fun interactive stories. They're great input!
maintains this site for learning English
grammar.The explanations are complete and clear and it is easy to navigate
from one part to another... easier than with a grammar book. But there
are no exercises.
University maintains this site for you to practise your English
in the real world. For example, you have to plan your ten-day vacation
with a budget of $2,000 by choosing real options from real airlines, real
hotels, real restaurants, real thematic parks....
The University of Illinois mantains
this Interactive Listening Practice
on real American radio programs. First you predict the answers to
the questions, then you listen, change your answers and then the program
corrects your errors.
Here is a complete
interactive writing course offered by Perdue University.
TOEFL answers questions about English that are asked by learners from
all over the world. You can ask your question, too!
is a series of virtual rooms where you can meet people of all ages from
all over the world. You can talk one-to-one or with up to 50 people at
the same time. Before connecting, however, you must make up a nickname
for yourself. (Make it funny. LOL)
4 up
Practise idiomatic expressions with these
three short quizzes:
expressions 1 and
expressions 2 and
expressions 3.
very well presented audio-book of Frankenstein
gives you some background on the book (excellent extensive reading) and
then you listen to the whole novel (more than 45 minutes) online while
you read the text (if you want) and then you have a series of Internet
links to get more information and criticism of the novel and the writer.
biography of Sir Isaac Newton
first gives you some background on the man (excellent extensive reading)
and then you listen to the whole biography (more than 45 minutes) online
while you read the text (if you want) and then you have a series of Internet
links to get more information about the scientist.
complete lesson on Beethoven (life,
music, importance, etc.) gives you some background on the man and his music
(excellent extensive reading) and then you listen to a whole lesson about
the famous composer (more than 45 minutes) online while you read the text
(if you want) and then you have a series of Internet links to get more
information about Ludwig van Beethoven.
Click here
activities that will help you improve your writing for business.
Chat is a series of virtual rooms where you can meet people from all
over the world. This site is maintained by Universal
Studios. In some of the rooms, you talk about cinema; in others you
just talk about anything. You can even consult the programme and select
times to join special chats when Hollywood celebrities will be online!
Before connecting, however, you must ask your tutor to get you a Universal
Chat account.
Visit this site for some
funny surrealist compliments. Get a dictionary, though, before
you visit this site, because you won't believe your own translations of
these crazy sentences!