For help on using the Internet go to Teaching
with the Internet.
For English Teachers and Other Literary Types
- Zuzu's Petals Great
eclectic resource for most anything literary you can imagine!
- Cyberguides
Lesson plans and teaching units on various works of literature
- Online Teacher
Toolkit Teacher hotlists on content areas including
art, social studies, and language
- English Teacher's Web Site
Australian site with some interesting material
- English and Library Lesson
Plans Real lessons and plans used by real teachers!
What a concept!!
- Virtual
Quincy: English Resources Good listing from someone
in my hometown on the River
- English
Teaching Resources Great site for Middle School w/
some appropriate links for seconday
- Encyclopedia Britannia reviewed
- CyberEnglish
My main web site that I am using extensively with real juniors
and seniors this year
- Zuzu's Petals: Teaching Resources
One page off Zuzu's with ESL, Technology, Testing
sites and more!!
- The English Learner
Excellent site for students whose English is their second language
- English as a Second Language
More excellent information from the University of Illinois
- Literature Resources for
the High School and College Student
- The English Teacher's Web
Site Massive amount of online texts here
- The Library in the Sky
Easy to navigate collection of resources, plans, and much more
- American Verse Project
U. of Michigan's archive collection of American poetry before
- Shakespeare
in the Classroom Study guides and other classroom materials
on Shakespeare
- Theatre Education
Literature ReviewOver 50 questions concerning theater's
place in the education scene
Science Fiction Study Guides
- Literary Calendar
Literary events for every day of the year
- .Literature
Links Large collection of American, Native American,
British, and World literature web sites
- Indespensible
Writing Resources Virtually everything you need for
writing assistance
- Online English
Grammar Grammatically "kerrect" types
can "Lynck" this site to your web pages
- Work with Words
Word etymology
- Media Literacy
Online Well developed web site with excellent links!
- Literature and Film Do
you want to start a film course? Here's some documents I used to get one started.
- Film
study guides Prevent your students from falling asleep
during in-class movies. Pause the video and discuss and use reproducible work
sheets to go with over 20 films
General Education Sites
- Busy Teacher's WebSite
Links in numerous areas
- Cisco Educational
Archives Large variety of resources
- Community Learning Resources
Continually updated sites with educational purposes in mind
- Edsitement Vast
humanities resource w/ lesson plans
- Education World Comprehensive
search engine/directory on education information
- Encarta
Massive doses of educational links
- ERIC The massive
database you've heard about
- George Lucas Educational Foundation
Use the Force! Newsletter featuring successful integration
of technology into teaching and learning.
- Internet Scout Project
Current on the edge sites
- Iris Network
- Kathy Schrock's
Guide for Educators Various curriculum materials
in all areas & professional growth
- Pedago Net Lots
of educational links & services
- School.Net Lots
of pointers & helpful files
- Schoolwork.Ugh! Some
good links
- Study Web Contains
thousands of reviewed site deemed worthy of research
- Teachers Helping Teachers
Very extensive resource site
- Teaching on the Internet
Guidelines about using the Net for educational purposes
- Virtual
Quincy Directory Amazing--some people from my home
town on the Mississippi River have put together an excellent collection
of resources
- Websites & Resources for Teachers
- Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE
- Library of Congress
- The British Library
Special Programs
- Oxbridge Academic Programs
The BEST summer program out there, including a Teacher Seminar!
Been there, done that--email me for additional details.
- Discovery Channel One
of the very best sites on the Internet w/ science, technology, and history

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