The Wall

You fear to care too deeply You fear to fall from your lofty height You fear yourself So you build a wall around yourself An attempt to hide Some effort at self-protection And it costs you dearly. When you build the wall, You shut yourself in And the rest of the world out. You are not hurt Because you no longer care You do not fall Because you're on the ground You even manage to hide from yourself, The biggest threat of all. Your peers cannot mock you Because you no longer care. Hiding behind your protective wall Never daring to step away from the security it offers You block the world out And yourself inside. Are you interesting conversation? Do you find yourself amusing? In shutting the world out You have only yourself left to rely on But you never really wanted to rely on anyone else Because they always let you down, didn't they? So you justify the wall you built You justify the fact that you turned your back On the people who cared about you the most Because they weren't always there. You justify the fact that you ran away from life Because you weren't strong enough to handle it. You look back on all the chances you missed All the things you could have done All the people you could have met, places you might have been And you think to yourself "What happened?" The wall starts to crumble, piece by piece As the sorrow wears you down The pain of isolation from the human race Consumes the foundations upon which the wall was built But you're too busy worrying about hiding To notice that you no longer want your protection. The tears flow freely one night As you think about all the wrongs committed against you The tears that wash away the last of the dust From the wall that once protected you. Suddenly, you look at her, and you realize How much you've always cared The wash of emotion is so intense it hurts And she sadly shakes her head and turns away Walking out the door for the last time Frustrated by the wall that she could not tear down. You cry after her, finally seeing the truth The wall didn't protect you from anything It just hid yourself from you All along, you've cared and hoped and fought Blood and sweat sacrificed to keep the dream alive And the carefully constructed wall keeping it from coming too close. Watching the door close behind her, You realize that the wall has collapsed Your body is wracked with sobs at the mistake you've made. The wall has been torn down, but it's too late You already pushed her away, the one person who could heal you And without the support of your wall, you don't know where to turn. So what will you do now? You were the person she cared about But you weren't always there And now you are another brick in her wall As you realize the mistake she's about to make You finally begin to see how stupid you've been You pick up the phone to call her, but nobody's home. The next day, you look out the window And see her walking down the street with another man She was strong enough to deal with life. She had no need of a wall to protect her from you. You see your last chance walking away in the sunset And as night falls, you shed a final tear for your loss Before you begin to rebuild your wall, brick by brick. Soon, you no longer care. The wall is once again in place, Your only protection from the world you hate. You've already forgotten that the only thing that the wall protects you from Is yourself.