I Thank You
When I look upon Your heart Laid bare before me What do I see? What would you have me see? Would you have me see The good and the pure And ignore the rest? Would you have me see All the kindness and caring The humor and intellegence And ignore the faults? As much as I'd like to believe In your perfection I know you aren't. Nothing is. But I see the kindness and caring The good and the pure And the faults. I love you all the more. When you look upon My heart Laid bare before you What do you see? What would I have you see? I would have you see The good and the pure As well as the darkness I would have you see The kindness and caring The humor and intellegence And the darkness The darkness That I have accepted As a part of my life As a part of my soul. What do you see? Do you see The frightened girl Looking back at you? Do you see Yourself Reflected back In my eyes? But there is light In my life You are the light In my life. Once, all was darkness Then, I met you I knew not the light of love Till you showed me. You gave me that gift The gift of light And love For that, I thank you. You had the patience To endure my fears My insecurities My questions. You had the understanding To hear my sins Without judging me I thank you. Dear heart... You are my heart I had not a heart Till your love gave me one. I knew not love Till you, dear heart, Awoke it in me. And for that I thank you.