
"Someday" People say, "You will have A job." A job. Big freakin deal! Just what I always wanted! Yeah right! "Someday" People say, "You will have A house." A house. Gee, I've always wanted one of those To clean all the time And pay millions of bills on. "Someday" People say, "You will have Respect." Respect. That's something I want, But if I don't have it now I don't want it later. "Someday" People say, "You will have A love." A love. That is the someday I await. The someday I look forward to. The someday I wish for. "Someday" People say, "You will have A family." A family. Something that requires a lot of work But something that I want nontheless. And it will happen someday. "Someday" People say, "You will have Happiness." Happiness. That is the summary Of all of my somedays. I wish it was tomorrow.