Sitting in an empty room Alone with my thoughts Unable to shake the feeling of Darkness That surrounds me,catches me up Into its spell What's the point in existing Am I supposed to make a difference? I think of alternatives to my life Things I could be doing, goals, dreams What is a dream worth? Dreams are mere shadows of an illusion Wishes based upon a twisted reality And wishes are less than worthless in this world. The price I must pay to dream Is that of my fragile sanity Escaping into a better world Fed up with this one. I no longer even know what I dream Hopeless thoughts drift through my mind As the dreams that I once cherished crumble away Less than mere whisps of smoke Blown away by a capricious wind I don't have a say in what becomes of me. Free Will is a joke. The world determines how we shall end, Who we will be, what we will do, how we will live What happens to the untapped potential of our youth? The dreams we once clung to, as our only hope of salvation? As I look into the face of reality, A cruel, twisted face with evil intentions I see the truth in the midst of my shattered dreams: There is no salvation.