Poetic Words

Lovers eyes, staring at one another through the darkness Seperated by distance And the black cloak of night But together nontheless Poetic words, springing from their hearts To tell of their love for one another Feeble words, backed by no proof Except their actions. But one day, one of them slips up Sacrificing her love for the sake of another And fooling herself In the process, she loses her love Her one, true love Her soulmate. And that is an act that she can never Forgive herself for. "You will love again" They tell her "And be happy" But she knows the grim truth Her love will not die Nor will she love another So she will go through life Alone. Poetic words still spring from her heart To tell of her love for him But her words echo around the emptiness of her soul There is no one to hear them.
