The Place Between The Worlds

Hopes and dreams collide In a place between the worlds Wherein dwell you and me And eternity My thoughts of you are made clear My dreams of you can come true A moment can last forever Or fade away in a heartbeat On the winds of time Eternal darkness Or eternal light The choice is ours We each must face it But the answer can be anything As long as we're together Two passionate souls Kindred spirits Commune without speech Our togetherness is enough I need nothing more than you And you need nothing more than me In this place between the worlds. The beauty of the worlds Their boundless glories Their endless triumphs Are forgotten by two in bliss A heavenly glow surrounds us As we bask in the joy of love It is like a sweet dream Which, upon awakening, you begin to forget The worlds are the dream from which we awake We are forgetting them Leaving them, never to return In this place between the worlds.