Once Upon A Dream
I loved, once upon a dream Which only, it would seem Lasted a heartbeat. One frozen moment in time. My heart understood yours, in perfect rhyme Without reason or need. You were there, Stroking your hand gently across my hair As I gazed into your eyes Thinking, perhaps, at long last, I'd found a love true, but it passed As quickly as a scented breath exhaled upon the wind. It leaves a bitter taste within my heart, Screaming inside, torn apart Wanting nothing more than to forget. Perhaps, someday, I'll be able to honor this love as it deserves With more than pleas and bitter words A gentle rememberance, bittersweet. I hope, I pray, to all the gods that be That someday you'll be able to forgive me For the weakness that provokes my frequent slips Into a dream that once was mine, Freely, to be dreamed with you for all of time. Until then, I wait. Quietly and alone, Longing to return home Safe within your arms. Knowing, yet, that this shall never be Still, the dream stays with me So forgive me, please, While I learn to forget.