My Friend (To Matt)

Mere words scroll across the screen Revealing an unfolding personality A personality no less real For its unsubstantialness A kindred spirit Making itself known more With each passing day As the words fly across the miles We speak of anything and everything Sympathizing with one another's troubles Feeling pain, sorrow, and the rare Refreshing breeze of happiness Your happiness Accomplishments Became mine And mine, yours We shared all our little pains Spoke encouragements You became my brother In many senses of the word I look back on all the memories Although, I admit, Sometimes you were a little overprotective, You were always there for me You advised me But you let me make my own mistakes And you were there for me Through everything I can only hope That I managed to repay you In some small way For all that you were to me. I can only hope That you will remember me That my memory will shine Through the darkness I can only hope That even though we've gone our seperate ways You'll cherish my memories Just as I'll hold yours dear to me You are a wonderful person Someday you'll find a special someone As will I And I wish you the greatest happiness And maybe someday before the end We will meet again, my friend And share our memories of all that has passed Someday, sometime, before the last

Inside of Me