
Poems are considered A gateway into the soul He reads my poems My thoughts and silly fancies And he thinks he knows me He thinks he has seen my soul. He sees my poem As a tale of hope From one who lost her hope My poems touch him. He thinks I have an ability to love And be happy He is fooled by my poem. My poem shows him my soul But as it was Not as it is. It used to be an empty place Waiting to be filled. Now, it has been filled. My soul is filled With darkness The consuming, powerful darkness Of despair Of death. It has become an evil, Lonely place. No longer empty Waiting to be filled With happiness and love It has been filled. He reads my poems And thinks me a sweet, innocent girl I am almost ashamed To decieve him But the part of me that feels shame Was consumed long ago To feed the ever growing darkness. Once upon a time I was as he sees me But no longer. Once upon a time I would have been thrilled That he could see me as i was But no longer. I don't care about anything Least of all, how he sees me. My once empty soul Now filled, no longer cares As I lie, dead inside Darkness calls.......
