Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus"
On the other hand, this ancient language which we cannot afford to take literally has contrarily seemed to prove quite the opposite, rendering it apparently so deceptively simple that scholars may still stumble over trying to fully understand it.
These devices might go unrecognized without a broad frame of reference. These are some of the less convincing examples, whose stylization allows mistakenly thinking the lotuses winding around these objects are little more than a symbolic labeling of their contents or purpose.
While this much may be correct, there are more convincing examples (images forthcoming) that show the same types of devices where the coils formed of stylized lotuses can clearly be seen as the same sort of solid and actual elements, fashioned of gold.
Having the fortune of seeing these exact same features on Tutankhamen's nebris however, and the vacuum-tube-like objects, we can be aware of the probable nature of these artifacts. The "vacuum tubes" themselves prove puzzling. They do not always appear to be sealed, they often seem to be cavitized or perforated with a square opening, and yet they continuously appear in scenes that do not otherwise make sense. It may well be easy enough to find vignettes that show these "vacuum tubes", which could be mistaken for containers such as pitchers, mounted on top of columns being handed between one character and another, tilted so they would fall if they were not fastened, leaving the absurdity of a pitcher that is poured from by raising and tilting the doubtlessly heavy column it is affixed to in order to pour. All of this merely serves as more assertion that the "pouring" and "annointing" we see in so many Egyptian works is the application of electromagnetic forces and not the application of actual fluids. Here are four examples of the vaccuum tubes.
There is an abundance of mundane evidence alone to suggest that the Egyptian science included what might be called fertility magic. It may entail the ability to cause spontaneous and miraculous plant growth in the same fashion as the plant miracles which are so familiar in many cultures and of which the Theosophists such as Madame Blavatsky provided such striking details of, and whose likes include the plant miracles of the Eleusinian Mysteries, for which Mircea Eliade's "Rites and Symbols of Initiation" (pg. 111), which is quoted on one of the pages of this site which includes material on plant miracles, remains one of the more excellent sources in regards to the matter of "vegetation miracles".
Details of miraculous plant growth may be all too easily mistaken for something else by Egyptologists. This motif has been mistaken as the offering of incense, and is labeled so in a wide variety of works.
However, the fuller image of the Egyptian stylization of certain plants, shown here at center perhaps replete with a pollenator, alerts us that the "flame" or "smoke" tendrils that signify incense, may in fact show vegetative sprouts. By the time we find an image such as at the right, where a priest seems to not only be pumping ectoplasm or chi into the sprout, exactly like a reasonable conception of plant miracles unaided by devices, but the actual stream of enlarged atomic or subatomic particles seems to be visible.
Still, the priest is wearing his leopard skin, an electrophorus, and so there may still be an exterior source of power being directed into the process of the vegetative miracle. Please also bear in mind, though, that this scuttled-down scene of a priest is a contextual liberty that has been taken with one of the murals above which is the original, where the vacuum tube type device can be seen along with other contextual qualifiers.
The scene at left where the "pouring of water or an offering" and the outlandish angles at which it is being done tends to make it one of countless scenes reinforcing the idea that such scenes are instead showing the migration or transmission of electromagnetic forces.
It is not quite clear whether two different helices were used, or whether both clockwise and counterclockwise helices appear due to the carelessness of those creating standard works on Egyptology who are horrendously oblivious to the importance of such details.
Having already detailed a little of the preposterous idiosyncratic nature of much Egyptian artwork dealing with slaves, captives, prisoners, and laborers, and their continuous use of animals as symbols of physical forces, we may find that this innocuous-looking rendition of cow-tending has a great secret behind it's own idiosyncrasies.
While some on the fringes of science may not see just cause to distinguish a particle of gravity from a particle of magnetic flux, any more than they see fit to distinguish between the two forces at all, we may encounter some confusion as we subsequently attempt to determine whether it is the graviton therefore, or the magnetizing muon, which is ultimate responsible for the magnetic magick of the ancients, and if we can resolve the apparent dichotomy, we may still require an adequate model of interaction between the two forces.
This artwork has a number of the probable earmarks of such a model, and could easily prove to be just that.
The subject of possible ancient Egyptian familiarity with heavy electrons (muons) is a broad subject that also embraces their legendary achievements in alchemy and in making the fabled "elixirs of life" or of eternal youth.
The use of the water lily as a symbol may involve many such concepts, as well may their use of the scarab. As asserted on the page of this site regarding "elixirs" and "fountains of youth" and their like, many of these agents may be human growth factor promoters or analogs, given hundreds of times their normal effectiveness through the phenomena of exotic matter (as per the article in New Scientist magazine) where normal molecules may take on hundreds of times the normal physical properties when even a single heavy electron is fixed into an atomic orbit.
The relationships of muons to alchemy and cold fusion that appears in many theories of the latter might explain also the peculiar relationship between transmutation of elements and the making of elixirs that is traditional, even if the transmutation should eventually be proven to be accumulation and substitution of magnetized atoms mined from the ground for the atoms in the material being transmuted.
It's been rumoured that while modern particle accelerators supposedly work with "relativistic energies" they may not work with relativity, hence they prove to be one of the most grotesque exercises in the wastefulness of "Big Science" imaginable, being vast multi-million or even multi-billion dollar projects that could easily be replaced by devices which occupy no more than a tabletop if the right physics were factored in by physicists.
Amongst the more compelling indications of this very thing is the paper on biological transmutation prepared by S. Goldfein for the U.S. Army, in which particle accelator effects were recognized as being able to occur at a molecular level in full accord with the criteria for particle acceleration established by Lawrence.
Another supporting notion is the presence and the iconographic labelling of the Scarab as a symbol of immortality in perhaps even more instances than the sacred blue water lily.
Besides the behavior of the dung beetle in many ways serving to allegorize and subsequently symbolize the aspects of artificial generation of life and the clearly alchemic act of creation of an artificial life form, the Homunculus, which is notorious in magick (Paracelsus' formula actually calls for the incubation of the flask that contains its constitutents in a dung pile, just like the offspring of the dung beetle are incubated and hatched from a ball of dung, which is rolled with a rolling motion capable of symbolizing the turning of Khem's potters wheel on which he creates man and the heavens), like the case with the Homunculus as well, we could surmise a possibility of a human growth factor to be saturated with heavy leptons.
E.A.W. Budge in fact recounts just what we would expect if the insects yielded such substances, that the scarabs were ingested by a number of indigenous peoples and that they also showed effects such as we would associate with possible human growth factor promoters such as the promotion of menstruation. Some agents which promote human growth factor may promote menstruation even after menopause. It may someday be widely considered that that is one of their telltale signatures.
This of course should not surprise the chemist; the insect kingdom is full of strange chemicals, particularly many phenethyl derivatives which are similar to human growth factor promoters and neurotransmitters, but which are rare and different enough that their effects may be now largely unknown, if they are now known at all.
Manly Palmer Hall included in some versions of "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" a scene which is included in Bird and Thompkins' "Secrets of the Great Pyramid", showing a secret initiation that might have occurred in the Pyramids where the initiate is acquainted with death and the afterlife through out of body experience, and once thus "enlightened" is able to return to the body and enjoy physical immortality because of it.
There are reasons to be skeptical of the precise, exact ritual as it is described, especially since it would place such collosal expectations upon a routine out-of-body experience, and yet something very close is implied by the seemingly unrelated teachings of Carlos Castaneda regarding "The Eagle's Gift", that once the "Great Eagle" is appeased with a "double", it no longer hungers for an individuals' consciousness and thus he is immortalized rather than destroyed.
It is only too easy to take the lexicon of ancient symbols that are made of animal icons and refer to natural forces to see this eagle and its appetite as the earth's magnetic field and a process of re-absorption of some energetic part of the human body-soul package that it has previously donated... not so much as a sorcery study in deific or supernatural beings and their peculiar consciousness and acts, but as a simple occurrence of physics, be it the Pauli principle or even the fundamental laws of Maxwell which refer to absorption and emission. A body or system that has absorbed this unnamed something, probably magnetic in nature, will, when coming to a rest state, re-emit it. Creating a facsimile could appease the "appetite", or in modern terms, the tendency toward re-absorption.
The ancient language takes striving to understand (some of it too easily passes no doubt for our overly literal interpretation of the limits of their resources to apply to every day life; unfortunately, a scene showing a plow magickally driven by magnetized dynamics of the wood would be shown to be pulled by heavy animals for example, even when no such beasts had actually pulled them, since they are the symbols of choice for the heavy lepton, and we might have no idea that they may have done such a magick if we were not diligent and optimistic); likewise although we can find clear depictions of atomic structure, we do not seem to find molecules a favorite mural subject, for a number of reasons which may be somewhat difficult to grasp.
Still, there is substance there, and these are but a mere handful of tantalizing glimpses of a far greater picture. Who knows what we will yet discover of their ancient ways?
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