Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus"

I'd Rather Ride A Broom: Tutankhamen Did...

Part Two

A scene from the inside of one of the state chariots from Tutankamen's tomb. Replete with the magnetic bird, and the electrical cat with human head, which we might surmise to be another sign of artificial intelligence in such devices, there appears an ornate design we might "mistake" for an atom, possibly the magnetizable iron we would expect to serve as an additional symbol of the magnetic-levitation chariot.

However, the atomic number indicated by the number red circles in the outermost ring isn't 26, the atomic weight of iron, it's 27- the atomic weight of cobalt, which both shares the magnetic properties of iron, and was quite well known to the Egyptians. It was added to their glasses and such objects as "the mekku stone". The mekku stone itself may be a memory glass or magnetic feild core, and could easily possess the functions of an oracular skull.

The elaborate ancient symbolism seemingly used to represent elements and fuctions of physics demands a good hard look whether this depicts, as scholars assure us, the Pharoah as a sphinx trampling enemies of the state, or whether dark-skinned humans served as symbols of forces such as gravity that electomagnetic levitation triumphs over. The true nature of the "enemy" at left might be recognized through such clues as the position of his thumbs, which may be idiosyncratic references to the chiralities of paired particles, like the "hands" of energy that stream from the tet, ankh, and the sun, in ancient Egyptian artwork.

So back at space travel, with all those people giving good explanations of dowsing in terms of magnetism, magnetism as Crowley promised, will someday take us to the stars. This probably doesn't seem like news to Alan Holt and his (Magnetic) Feild-Resonance Propulsion design, or Howard Wachpress and his Unpaired Magnetic Pole Levitation design or many others (run keywords search or patent search or see Rex Research catalog or...).


"Isis or Demeter on a Rose-Wheeled Procession Car" (Etruscan artifact) Erich Neumann, "The Great Mother Goddess", pg. 128.

Note the similarity of this artifact to Tetankhamen's nebis, replete with the floral wheels which may symbolize that the mobility of the vehicle is again achieved by tapping forces latent in plant material.

The Egyptian "lotus", or water lily, may carry out certain biological processes involving water both to stay afloat and to protect its tissues, that involve the sort of forces which are suspect here, possibly peroxidation and incidental muonation. These in turn may apply to many flowers and the processes they use both to ripen seeds, and to prevent rain from rotting or prematurely germinating the seeds before they ripen and fall. Likewise, the basic structure of floral pigments, anthocyanins, is almost universal.

A better study of some of the most notable attributes of Demeter can add additional qualifiers here. It is possible the message relates also to the need to preserve the content of her grainaries, or other of her attibutes.

Ancient Aztec witch-goddess, Tlazolteotl, shown in an ancient Mesoamerican codex, riding broom. True to "witch" form, she is often pictured with a conical hat. Like other classic witch Goddesses, she is central in teachings of safe and effective child birthing such as the preferrable squatting position rather than reclining, and may be as much a goddess of mugwort as Diana/Artemis, perhaps implying the materal, magickal and magnetic herb mugwort's Mexican specie are of assistance to ancient Mesoamerican besom-riders.

In much the same way is mugwort strongly suspect of creating or activating crystal balls and magic mirrors through its magnetic properties when their material does not approach the magnetic stuff of many ancient magick mirrors.

Also true to form, a mother must know the dangers of using mugwort if pregnant, exactly as the devotees of the Goddess in numerous (and perhaps numberless) forms, have known for thousands of years, along with many other of its properties.

Not ironically, the nine dots at the bottom left may not be calendrical or chronological markers, they may be the atomic weights of one atom of hydrogen (1) and one atom of oxygen (8), respectively- in other words, the two-thirds of water not involved in the resonance bonding of the second hydrogen atom, which may be of great relevance in explaining the magnetic activities of water in dowsing and other water-related magick.

Note that she seems to have spindles in her hair that are strikingly reminiscent of those in this witche's broom shown in a woodcut attributed to Hans Holbein, from the German edition of Boethius' "De Consolatione Philosophiae" (Augsburg edtion, 1537).

The premise of such an object may be similar to the coiling on Tutankhamen's nebris: a surface-conducting transformer section in the form of a coil or spiral; these may be primaries. Note also their placement in the Tlazolteotl scene seems to almost suggest antennae; some of these inclusions may be capable of interpreting the condition or the desires of the operator. They might in fact be serving much as the counter magnetic amplifiers and the capacitance plates that allow tuning and operation of "time cameras" .

With the concept that a wand is intended to be an electromagnetic instrument that can, within reason, focus and translate the internal directives of the operator as if the object is "reading their mind" (i.e. reading galvanic skin response or other bio-feedback-like method), a conception of some nebrises as a large "flying wand" may not be at all out of order, helping a great deal to explain how such inventions were sometimes maneuvered.

(Note: While I do not exactly have the most glowing praise for the following book all things considered, it is closely related, and may contain a large number of helpful truths in this area, making it worthwhile to you as well as me to read:

"Pyramid Energy: The Philosophy of God, The Science of Man" by Dean and Mary Hardy, and Marjorie and Kenneth Killick")

In Charles Berlitz's "The Bermuda Triangle" (pg 154) there is a reproduction of an ancient Egyptian mural from the Temple of Hator at Dendera. The caption reads, "...showing what were formerly described as "ritual objects" but to a modern eye strongly resemble powerful lightbulbs with braided cables attatched to what may be a switch or generator. Evidence of knowledge of electricity has been found in different areas of Egypt and the ancient Middle East, together with indications of its use in electroplating and possibly also for illumination". These images are also found at the KeelyNet "Ship of Heaven" page and on Amargi Hillier's pages .

I am tentatively speculating that these devices may be muon guns , hi-output sources of heavy electrons that may be able to not only create "exotic matter" with powerful properties, but to induce magnetism in ununusual materials, including those that may be used in various besom and nebris designs.

(There is also an old issue of Fate magazine (Jan. 1973, pages 76- 85, article by Stanton Friedman, a very interesting name to do a web search on these days, and B. Ann Slate) treating the ancient Ourboros as an "Electromagnetic Dragon" and features a design that the Ancient Egyptians might have used to levitate djed or tet boats by linking two djed or tet together magnetically.

The term, "Directional Casting" might also prove very significant to certain "enchantments" of ordinary objects by magickians to do certain special things... this view of the Ouroboros is also found in a captioned photo and the context is that this was known to the ancient Gnostics. On an extremely and strikingly similar note, in Erich Von Daniken's "In Search of Ancient Gods" (pg. 95, figures 108-110), Von Daniken writes:

"It is well known that snakes have never been able to fly. Yet to give only two examples that are continents apart, I show a flying snake from Uxmal, Mexico and another from the Valley of the Kings, Egypt. On this subject, historian Robert Charroux quotes the historian Sanchuniaton (1250 BC): 'The snake has a speed that nothing can exceed because of its breadth... its energy is exceptional... it has illuminated everything with its gleam...' "

While it's easy to take this account in different ways- Von Daniken may have somewhat missed the point himself- it reminds me of reading why the Hopi consider the weasel their symbol of birth, and it's a very good description of light-speed or near-light speed electrons, superconductivity, and may attribute the ability of electrons to be conducted without resistance in a loop through an object to the tunneling effect. It may also describe Hieronymous' eloptic energy, an electrical energy that shares physical properties with light. In some cases, the very particles might be percieved to literally be elongated.

Many versions of the Ouroboros in which the serpent bites its own tail or "devours" itself may be trying to perhaps communicate that the electrons have become bipolar in a process of acceleration and are magnetically attracted to their own opposite pole through the loop, or other mechanisms of being self-interactive at the expense of resistive interaction with their conductor, such as a phase-locked loop.

One readily gets the feeling that such an orientation may not restrict all of their interactive capabilities, of course. They may be highly active magnetically while electrically self-contained.

It is the axiom of the genera of work represented by Hardy/Killick, and David Hatcher Childress' Anti-Gravity works (published by Adventures Unlimited Press) that "Superconductors will turn physics into Metaphysics"; as early as 1981, Omni magazine articles featured scientists who were promising real "flying carpets" made of superconductive fibers... while underscoring, but not acknowledging, the possible origins of such stuff of stories of old. In all fairness, if they'd have lived up to this, they'd be highly unlikely to have been the first...

But each small acknowedgement adds just as much weight to ancient history which records that the Egyptains, and the Babylonians before them, had mastered the art of causing ridiculous weights of stone to levitate by wrapping them in paper and then energizing them in such fashion, which may resemble and be related to the ways in which natural magnets may be made, such as through percussion. It may well have involved applying the whips thought by neocentrics to have been applied to slaves and workers...

Andrew Tomas, in “We Are Not the First” (pg. 99) mentions such a citation (although there are also a number of sources which detail that such feats were also accomplished throught the mastery of sound, probably very much in the manner of the famous “Tibetian Accoustic Levitation” technique), and hints at its source:

"Certain Arab souces contain curious tales about the manner in which the pyramids of Egypt were erected. According to one, the stones were wrapped in papyrus and then struck with a rod by a preist. Thus they became completely weightless and moved through the air for about 50 meters. Then the heirophant repeated the proceedure until the stone reached the pyramid and was put in place. This would explain the absence of chips on the edges of the stone blocks..."

Some murals seem to show these "slaves" in numbers mysteriously equal to how many times more mass the muon, which may be involved in the electromagnetic levitation, has when compared to the electron.

One hundred eighty and still counting... How many electron masses does it take to make a particle that can replace all of these slaves anyway? Modern science estimates 207. Pictorials such as this, which may largely target people who can't read the language in question, might write "400-horsepower engine" by drawing a engine and 400 pictures of horses! (Archaeologists may then quickly assure us that an electric engine actually requires all 400 of them to operate...)

There really isn't any telling that the ropes in this configuration aren't the equivalent of equal signs and a bracket to tell us that one or two Egyptian preists, in unbroken accordance with their formidable reputation, can't do the work of all these men with their notorious magickal science.

I'd love to believe that the fellow standing on the statue is simply pouring lubricant on the sleigh runners, but it's not that easy. The wavy lines are supposed to be a sign of fluids, but their appearance in Egyptian artwork doesn't quite always work like that. If I believed the caption that this work is given, I would have to believe therefore that other works show us a woman who can shoot oil or water out of her wrists!

At any rate, they are easily just as dubious as Hebrew "slaves" which are discussed elsewhere on this site concerning the relevence of specie of Artemisia to the myth of the Exodus, and the ten slaves that one ancient mural from Egypt shows, all being hoisted by their necks with as single rope, into the air, by an Egyptain queen who stands some twenty feet tall and appears to weigh some several tons. Not easily discounted with the assembly-line logic of Egyptologists that "less significant people are not depicted as large", her obesity is so great that her flesh folds in sharply at the knees.

So unreal is this queen and the event that is depicted that it may rarely strike anyone to concern themselves with whether or not she actually appears in the dynastic record of Egypt, any more than one can expect to see scholarly inquiries asking whether or not it is possible to hold ten men with one rope like that, without the ones in the middle falling out.

Do scholars have any idea idea what they're talking about? The caption for the image at left in "Peru" by G.H.S. Bushnell informs us we are looking at "Wooden centre-board and steering sweeps for raft"; the caption for the image at right in "Peru Before the Incas", by Edward P. Lanning, informs us that we are looking at a "Ceremonial agricultural impliment"! Just as Tutankhamen's nebris is gilded, the artifact at right is identified as being "painted wood with gold and silver overlays". Note cafefully the birds they are decorated with, there is just no escaping the ancient universal symbol for (electro-)magnetism, which so conveniently and eloquently serves to also associate magnetism with levitation and flight.

This is typical for the cultural parallels between Egypt and Middle and South America which include such preposterous "coincidences" as pyramid-shaped sceptres possessed by both the Egyptians and the Moche, and the Aztec's own version of the ancient Egyptian tet or djed, which gives every appearance of not only being a wireless battery, but of being exactly that which inspired Volta to assemble his first voltaic stack, much as this group, including electricity's "discover", Benjamin Franklin, is also responsible for the pyramid on the back of the American one-dollar bill, appearing there in it's "mystical form".

Still, we should not overlook the versatility that the ancient science afforded its practitioners. All three assessments of these objects are easily correct, with the exception of course that their role in agriculture likely involved inducing plant miracles, or the spontaneous growth of plants. Objects much resembling the Egyptian nebris are associated with Egyptian fertility gods, and the farming tools of the Inca are peculiar in many ways, also suggesting such magick.

A painting of a witch on her broom. The birds, symbol of magnetism, appear here much as they appear on the Incan artifacts. One, quite idiosyncatically, is even sitting on the broom! Our present Halloween symbols, of witches riding their brooms and, impossibly, a cat along with them, may be either of initiated origin or a percolation up through the subconcious of this ancient wisdom, or our modern battery brands with stiff-haired cats as their trademark may be, for if anyone had indeed seen such an animal on a broomstick at any time, it may have been an electrophorus or even a cleverly-formed battery. It may simply be a great archetypical symbol for a physical force once again.

There is sometimes a touch of difficulty etymologically with the root, "-taxi-", that may actually tend to help corroborate many of these notions, as well as hints regarding certain instances of witches' animal companions, "familiars", in this respect.

Our Halloween standard of the flying witch is very much our own modern form of the ancient Egyptian "pied bull" which could not easily escape having an animal attached, and even while it is sometimes seen as part of a package that is considered stereotypical to witches, it somehow manages to persist, apparently because it "just somehow seems right".

Details of two fragments from an incised conch shell artifact unearthed at Spiro, Oklahoma, 1935. National Geographic's article on the Mound-builders (Dec. 1972) features these fragments that show a boat that has strong resemblances to both what truly appears to be an Aztec form of the ancient Egyptian wireless battery , the tet, and the placement of the tet itself on boats in Egyptian artworks. The very same article (pg. 784) shows us Town Creek mound from North Carolina, a reconstruction of a typically Egyptian pyramid.

I don't have anything I'd like you to believe about this cultural diffusion such as that the gods of the Native Americans were really visitors from Atlantis, or that ancient Native Americans weren't geniuses in their own right.

Simply, were are talking about ancient technology that would have allowed culture to rapidly spread everywhere, and undeniable signs of culture that did.

While archaeologists still scramble at whispers to find the legendary Egyptian "Hall of Records", the ground we walk on is as significant to mystical archaeology as Egypt itself. There is a very real "Hall of Records", written as cultural legacy, across the entire face of the earth!

In "The Witches Broomstick Manual" (still in print), Rev. Yaj Nomolos identifies the nebris as a besom. He also identifies other Egyptian artifacts, such as the golden facsimilies of trumpets and paper burnishers as besoms or their likenesses. It may be that the reason a number of these are stylized after the papyrus plant is to illustrate that papyrus has the same potentials, unlocked with relative ease, to defy gravity that the besom has. This is of course in great accordance with the credible accounts of ancient levitation of massive stone blocks using energized paper wrappings. Nomolos indeed asserts that the Pyramids were constructed using besom science.

A detail of Tutankhamen's golden fan, once long ago bearing many ostrich feathers, which Nomolos identifies as a nebris or a representation of a nebris. What is interesting about this artifact is that this suspicion is perfectly consistent with the fact that both sides of it feature scenes of Tutankhamen in his chariot, for it may consitute a contextual labelling very similar to the placement of the oars with the nebris, that the device is vehicular in nature, like the chariot that appears on it.

Outside of this, it may hard to fathom the reason it might have been selected by the deliberate and purposeful ancients to appear there.

Bear in mind that the feathers are potential electrostatic accumulators, much as the "other nebris", the aegis, nebris skin or animal hide that not only appears on other versions of Tutanhkamens's nebris or "pied bull" (Budge, "Osiris") but is constantly shown being worn by priests of many ancient cultures as an electrophorus, or static electricity generator.

In spite of some very dubious myths of scarcity for a substantial period in the feild of superconductivity, such as the dubious and peculiar insistence on impractical elements such as low temperatures and rare earth metals like Yttrium, the period finally culminated in Ken Whitesides, in Omni magazine, "disclosing" something those who are aware of Tesla's work, or even observant of the basic principles of electricity on their own, should have known already...

Pointing not in the direction of the conductor itself but the qualities of the electricity itself, such as avoiding resistance by travelling the surface rather than the interior of a conductor. Perhaps the concept of "superconductors" should be relaced by the concept of "superelectricity".

(Ron Borgoin's room temperature superconductor involving layered bismuth may be likewise impractical for wide usage, as the rare-earth element superconductors seem to inevitably be, but may be yet another example which supports or confirms a number of premises implied here.)

Much more information on ancient Egyptian science is planned for an accompanying page here, including the "Ancient Egyptain wireless battery", the tet or djed, and hopefully soon, so please keep checking back.

The KeelyNet pages on the "Ship of Heaven" feature the images from the Temple of Hathor, and much amazing information on ancient Egyptian anti-gravity science, please take a look.

Some ancient accounts commemorate the very thing that these works allege, noting literally that the ancient Egyptians could not only make their boats sail on water, but on land as well.

I don't doubt it for a minute.

Additional references on Magnetic Feild Propulsion:

Rex Research Infolio: EM Feild Propulsion (Subs & Ships)
Yoshiro Saji, et. al., at Kobe University of Mercantile Marine, Kobe, Japan
“Magnetic Propulsion May Be Ready for Small Subs”, Product Engineering, Feb. 24, 1969: “...The U.S.Navy had been keenly interested in the concept from 1958 to 1961 but had found the outlook poor for practical application of the theory. Latest in superconducting-magnet technology may have changed that outlook...”
W.A. Rice Propulsion System U.S. Patent #3,106,058 Oct 8, 1963
“Electromagnetic Propulsion for Cargo Submarines”, S. (Stewart) Way, Journal of Hydronautics, Vol 2. No. 2, April, 1968 pp. 49-57
Way, S. “Examination of Bipolar Electric and Magnetic Fields for Submarine Propulsion,” Preliminary Memorandum Communication to U.S. Navy Bureau of Ships, Oct. 15, 1958.
Way, S. “Propulsion of Submarines by Lorentz Forces in the Surrounding Sea” Paper 64WA/ENER7, Nov. 1964, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Friauf, J. B., “Electromagnetic Ship Propulsion”, Journal of the American Society of Naval Engineers, Feb. 1961, pp. 139-142
Phillips, O. M. “The Prospects for Magnetohydrodynamic Ship Propulsion”, Journal of Ship Research, March 1962 pp. 43-51
“Silent Sea Engine for Nuclear Subs”, Popular Science, Jan. 1966, pp 112-114
Popular Mechanics, Aug. 1990 (cover story: 100 MPH Jet Ships: ‘Red October’ Supermagnet Motors With No Moving Parts Are Now For Real”)

Return to Part One of "Tutanhkamen's Broom" and Ancient Anti-Gravity and Free Energy Page

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They took all the trees and put them in a tree museum,
And they charged all the people a dollar and a half just to see 'em
Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone?
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot."
Joni Mitchell, "Big Yellow Taxi"

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