Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus"
Even though I've considered this part of my webpages finished enough to divide into three parts, in truth, the surface of the topic has barely been scratched here. Hence, this fourth page is devoted to miscellaneous relevant material that is part of the theme of magick mirrors and time cameras, and other related divinatory practices and equipment, that was not included in the original three pages.
We seem to be able to find relevant material in some rather unexpected and interesting places, as if in the past, magick mirror technology had been rather seamlessly blended with other miracle-making technologies.
While the great alchemist Paracelsus gives perverse and foreboding accounts of bizarre magick done by witches and their mirrors, probably intended to be comical, he nonetheless gives us this knowledge:
From Franz Hartmann, "Paracelsus: Life and Prophecies", pp. 172-173: "Of this electrum magicum you may make a mirror in which you may see the events of the past and the present, absent friends or enemies, and see what they are doing. You may see in it any object you may desire to see and all the doings of men in daytime or at night. You may see in it anything that has ever been writeen down, said, or spoken in the past, and also wee the person who said it, and the causes that made him say what did, and you may see in it anything, however secret it may have been kept.
Such mirrors are made of the electro magicum; they are made of the diameter of about two inches. They are to be founded at a time when a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus takes place, and moulds made of fine sand are used for that purpose. Grind the mirrors smooth with a grindstone, and polish them with tripoly, and with a piece of wood from a linden tree. All the operations made with the mirror, the grinding, polishing, & etc; should take place under favorable planetary aspects, and be selecting the proper hours three different mirrors may be prepared. At a time of a conjunction of two good planets, when at the same time the sun or the moon stands on 'the house of the lord or the hour of your birth', the three mirrors are to be laid together into pure well-water, and left to remain there for an hour. They may then be removed from the water, enveloped in a linen cloth (1)
(Footnote) 1. It would be useless to give detailed descriptions of processes that cannot be followed out by any one who does not possess the necessary magic (magnetic) power, and those who possess these power will hardly require such descriptions, in which allegories are strangely mixed with truths."
Indeed. Those who possess these powers probably won't have much need for these mirrors, either. Perhaps the first strange mix of truth and otherwise we should suspect should be the hiding in plain sight trick, that once again the euphemistic magnetism has been advised where the mineral magnetism is the object. As much talk as there is about the animal and spiritual sorts of magnetism surrounding Karl von Reichenbach, for example, the better examples of his applying such magnetisms to healing in fact consist of such probably physical magnetisms generated with the obvious aid of much galvanics and electrochemistry.
I wouldn't wish to overlook that the stage involving immersion, while it may indeed be requisite here, may also recall the ancient Roman knowledge that Pliny relays to us, that the metal electrum has "occult" powers to purify materials and precipitate toxins that may be present in containers made of it. (Perhaps it is time the science of phase transitions were applied to the magick mirrors as well.)
For what it is worth, however, here is the recipe for the electrum magicum that preceeds these passages from Hartmann, so that the reader may note such interesting details as the possible source of magnetism of whatever type, in the form of the hazel rod with which it is stirred. Hazelwood has a stunning history which is in full accord with so many of the premises alleged when serious attention is paid. The majority of references in this sites' page on so-called "superstitions" are devoted to it, and it is mentioned in the incredible feat of magickally preventing a house from catching fire as well, to which I have also devoted a page.
The electrum magicum is prepared as follows: 'Take ten parts of pure gold, ten of silver, five of copper, two of tin, two of lead, one part of powdered iron, and five of mercury. All these metals must be pure. Now wait for the hour when the planets Saturn and Mercury come into conjunction, and have all your preparations ready for that occasion; have the fire, the crucible, the mercury and lead ready, so that there will be no delay when the time of the conjunction arrives, for the work must be done during the moments of the conjunction. You must now wait until a conjunction of the sun with either the one or both of the above-named planets takes palce, and then add the gold to the compound after melting it previously. At a time of conjunction of the moon with the sun, saturn, or Mercury, the silver is added likewise, and at a time of conjunction of Venus with one of the above-named palnets the copper is added. Finally, at a time of such a conjunction with Mars, the whole is completed by the addition of the powdered iron. Stir the fluid mass with a dry rod of witch-hazel, and let it cool." (1)
1: All the above-named conjunctions take place in our solar system in the course of thirteen months, but the directions may refer to conjunctions of principles contained in the microcosm of man.
It is presented here as a mere curiosity, so that we may study it and seek its basic components and common denominators with the many alternatives. I refuse to recommend any of the alchemic formulas which seem to literally call for toxic metals like lead or mercury, and I must give the usual advice that they are often figurative, and alternately, the alchemists quite knew various formulas which they might or with these materials safely whereas the rest of us may contract heavy metal poisoning. Instead, I encourage the reader toward considering the most fundamental factors that these diverse
formulas call for that proper substitutions might be made, and toward the more rational alternatives already presented. It is one reason I am often reticent about quoting alchemists such as Paracelsus, not matter how much magickal intelligence they may possess.
Like many peculiar Native American phrasings, their peculiar elements may simply constitute various commemoratives, and the esteemed Paracelsus taking thirteen months to complete such a material may be the most comical and peculiar of all. It is the same bizarre presentation style as the alchemists baiting us with goldmaking when silver is a far more useful material, it is humorous to the initiate and potentially misleading, and unfortunately even to the point of being dangerous, to the outsider.
My own interest has led toward wondering if certain inherent properties of possibly all thermocouples and alloys that if properly understood and tapped, can produce the same amazing effects as electrum, especially those which are better-known, such as magickal purification of water or foods, probably not diverse from other forms of magickal purification, such as the vibrational purification of a place or a dwelling.
While this peice is particularly rich in symbols and clues, something that I find especially notewrothy is the possibility that the two styles of decoration at the bottom symbolize the two states of matter referred to by Fermi-Dirac and Einstien-Bose statistics. Situating the vortex forms at their juncture seems yet another anomalously early expression of the knowledge of anyons, fractional quantum particles continually being associated with vortex forms, as a transitional stage in quantum statistical transmutation.
At any rate, it's one of a number of indications that counter magnetic amplification technology may be effectively treated as extremely close to some ancient materialization technologies.
It's interesting to note the contents of science magazine articles in relatively recent years; there are photographs of microscopic vortex structures appearing on structures associated with superconductors and fractional quantum statistics, and none of them speak of this so dramatically as to say these forces may be carving microscopic counter magnetic amplifier structures on to these surfaces, or that this is an example of a predicatble but automatic reconfiguation of matter- micro-materialization! These seem to be somehow things that even sensationalists seem to play down...
Here is a fascinating peice. Let me explain to you what has been happening: at the time I started this page, I had none of the particular ancient mirrors pictured on them in mind. As I have looked through history books for images that pertain, every mirror I have found has managed to find its way onto the page because they fulfill the appropriate criteria. Here, yet again on this ancient Etruscan mirror from the Vatican museum, and absolutely explicably without the magnetic bird theory, is the same theme of winged beings on magick mirrors.
It's literally as if we're looking at the cellular phones of the ancients here.
It's a particulary wonderful example because, "lo and behold", the caption reads, "A winged soothsayer incised on a bronze mirror reads omens from an animal's liver". It's rather comical to see this inferior sort of divination on a mirror that in all probability was not only light-years beyond such methods, but that also being a fact which couldn't help being known to it's creator and it's owner.
It's a very concise label that says "this is a soothsaying instrument", but there's an interesting twist. If we were to ask, with our modern biochemical knowledge which organ in the body should be best known for containing the elements in the minerals on Mesoamerican and other magick mirrors, iron and sulfur, and in combination as well, it would be the organ that we see the soothsayer investigating, the liver.
So how often was this knowledge of divinatory science, this type of four-dimensional holographic technology, humourously recounted as the sort of divination that is depicted rather than the sort of divination that is subtly implied? Alas, we pagans may indeed have revered animals too much for such barbaric nonesense, and why not? We seem to have always had many other means.
Since the actual appearance of material of the kind indicated isn't certain in this specimen, I should bring up that a lot of ordinary mirrors are alleged to be rendered magickal by various means, even without the ferric materials, and much of this is recounted on the previous pages. At one point some, years ago, in theorizing, there were some suggestion of such effects as surface superconductivity due to chelation of atoms, and other possible interesting effects on that order.
At present I find some irony in this in the Roswell incident. I've seen the video of the alien autopsy and the ship from the crash, and while I couldn't begin to tell you whether the alien is genuine, no matter how many times this film is "proven" to ba a hoax, and no matter who they lean on to say that it's a hoax, judging by the control system of the ship, our "hoaxer" may have had to have a voluminous knowledge of counter magnetic science, something that seem very rare today.
What may be most ironic is that a reported offshoot technology supposedly derived from the objects recovered from the crash, the "T-cap" or trans-capacitor, whether or not it actually came from the crash, may be very much in nature like the non-ferric magick mirrors, and could even have derived from these witch tools rather than alien ships.
It's quite possibly somewhat primative, compared to what modern earth scientists have already conceived of, but the technology may have powerful applications, including esoteric ones, and it may yet help us to have a good understanding of the science of some versions of magick mirror science.
I won't rule quite out yet that trans-capacitance technology may be particularly demonstrative of how systems reading skin capacitance can succeed in decoding holographic information, such as pattern signals that originated in the brain.
Is this ancient Egyptian mirror a break from our pattern that normally relies on bird and humans (and the occasional crocodile!) for labeling that
it's magickal? Not really. It's a water lily leaf, and the great likelihood this is an instance when the entirety of the label of the magick mirror has been purposefully devoted to the magick botannical that we will first suspect is to be used as its actuator.
As already discussed, due to that plant's unusual chemistry and physical properties, it's found it's way into an endless parade of artworks. The physical symmetry of the design, however, the veining of the leaves, could easily be a major contributor to the mirror's ability to demostrate modified examples of the "Wachpress" effect, as discussed in the previous pages here devoted to magick mirrors and time cameras.
One should never rule out the possibility that waterside plants whenever possible may have been used as symbols of catoptromancy outright- the traditional four-dimensional holographic medical divination, since it itself is strongly associated with the waterside. This mirror may have been used primarily that way, and that may be a substantial part of its particular labelling.
How Egyptians depicted mirrors in their murals is largely fascinating, because the stylization may contain a number of important clues to their magick mirror techniques. There's some suggestion in these renditions that they were aware of time having a nature like that asserted by Nikolai Kozyrev, and that they made use of this knowledge also.
This is a very close revision of a painting by the Christian visionary Hildegarde of Bingen, who may rank highest amongst those we have evidence of their being able to probe the structure of the atom.
While it's taken for granted that Hildegarde's visions of atomic stucture, unseen biological energies, and Theosophical themes were psychic in nature, it's not beyond impossibility that she was acquainted with the magick mirror technology instead, and used it to obtain these images.
While Hildegarde unfailingly assigns Christian connotations to these images, she supported a world view, of "macrocosm and microcosm" that is so holographic in nature, it implies that she knew exactly what she was seeing, despite the trappings of Christian captions for the images.
This painting presumably depicts Wormwood in the Biblical context, but curiously and nearly inexplicably, it seems to achieve the heretical departures of placing two serpents where the Bible has one, and perhaps stylizing the Tree of Life or another tree from the story of Genesis, into Wormwood. This in itself is great cause to wonder exactly what she is trying to tell us here. I myself have asserted the proposition that Wormwood, Mugwort, et. al, were regarded in part by numerous ancients as the Holy Grail itself.
This painting, including the tell-tale inclusion of the stars, an ancient symbol for the ability to visualize with such factors of magnification, in a context that tells us Wormwood has some role in this, much as we might presume from the symbols and peripheral evidence, and their specific occurrences in the past...
But it also is powerful enough to suggest to us the physical configuration of the counter magentic amplifier by means of the winding serpents, and their relationship to the Caduceus as it would be considered as an electromagnetic device.
The insistance on pairing the serpents conjures up the connection to anecdotes of snakes in Greek mythology and the herbs that go with them as well, as if she is advising us that all of this is pertainent to the theme of seeing the distant and the small.
She may also be advising us that Wormwood and its allies have been universally used as symbols of these functions, and that there is no difference between the original message and intent of Christianity and the traditions to which we can point out such similiarities.
Consider that Wormwood's occurance in the Bible (I have commented on this in the "Goddess' Garden" pages of this site) is peculiar, deliberately idiosyncratic, and ultimately suggestive of the traditional concerns of a religion- not one filled with prayer, blind faith, and faith-healing- but one that is filled with knowledge and use of providence. Should we truly be surprised if it proves to be highly technical knowledge?
In the familiar methods of all other traditions, the idiosyncracies are simply exaggerated labels of the true context of the material. In the Bible, Wormwood is associated, in a fashion that is outwardly rather atrocious, with prophecy through it's appearance in the book of Revelations; is it only there to tell us of its role in divination technology, and the role of the "serpent-like" counter magnetic amplifier?
In other words, this beloved and lacking story of Apocalypse actually gives us a dreadful and unlikely story of the future, and then gives us the tools to discover true and better futures for ourselves. Just as providence may allow a lame man a walking stick, those who are not true natural prophets may be given their own means on which to rely.
Such reasoning may not have eluded William Blake; this scene, showing a serpent in the form of the counter magnetic amplifier, is not ironically a detail from a page from his "America: a Prophecy", 1793, which can be found in the wonderful work, "The Mystic Spiral" by Jill Purce. There is much indication even on the single page that Blake can be considered amongst the intiatiates of a continuing and perhaps unbroken line of the ancient magickal science school.
Finally, at right, is a diagram of the precession of the earth. This precession is constantly pointed to by the necessity of including it to fully understand the alignments of countless ancient sites with the stars; it's proven indispensible in the recent re-dating of the age of the Sphinx.
It may prove to be that much of those efforts was directed, within in the auspice of the "macrocosm and microcosm", of directing our attention at this same effect in smaller bodies. Observing and manipulating the precession of atoms is one approach to inducing time-reveral effects and coordinating the self-organization of matter.
One more reason the stars may have been integrated into the symbolism of magick mirror and time camera technology, beside the fact that such devices can account for the "precocious" knowledge of the ancients concerning the solar system and the heavens, is that they symbolise this demonstration on the grandest of scales of what we can be aware of on a much finer scale to help us master the technology in question. The very earth we walk on may have, in a manner of speaking, been transformed into a gigantic tutorial on magick mirror and time camera science.
Return to Part Three of Magick Mirrors, Time Cameras and Catoptromancy
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." -Albert Einstien
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