Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus"
In the book, "The Ethnobotany of the Meskwaki", it is disclosed that in order to determine whether or not a medicine is suitable for a particular patient, it can be floated in liquid, and watched for particular, tell-tale actions regarding its movement or it's buoyancy. There are similar ideas in the work by Gladys Tantaquidgeon regarding the Iroquois and Deleware tribes.
Smith writes in the former text (pg. 190-191): "Their diagnostic practice is, however, different. While they made dream diagnosis and had visions as to which was the proper combination of medicines to use, they depend chiefly upon an omen given by the medicine itself. Powdered roots intended for use were dropped upon the surface of a teacup of water. If these powders spread quickly to the periphery, or if they float round and round the cup, then it is the proper medicine for the patient. But if the powder sinks or "drowns", then the patient will die if that medicine is used." (The last sentence may contain both travestic inversion of facts and exaggeration, respectively.)
Tantaquidgeon writes in the latter text (pg. 18-19): "Certain acts of a divinatory nature are performed upon selection and preparation of plants, roots and bark employed in making medicine. Only plants that are clean and well developed, with the roots free from knotty growths, are taken. When seeking bark the medicine gatherer selects a sturdy, well-formed tree for the purpose. The bark growing on the east side of a tree is preferred for its greater strength-giving properties received from the morning sun.
In gathering medicinal supplies, the materials are inspected for a clue as to the course of the treatment.... Another practice is to place some crushed leaves or roots in running water. If the substance sinks to the bottom of the stream, the patient for whom it is prepared will die; if it floats, a speedy recovery is assured...
Wi-tapanoxwe related an incident in which a trial was made by means of this substance (deer antler). His niece was preparing it for a small child who was dangerously ill. She dropped a small quantity in a cup of hot water and observing it to settle to the bottom, knew that the small patient would not recover. The medicine was administered as a tea, and the child died in a short time.
In the making of an emetic, the necessary water should be dipped into the stream with the current; for a cathartic it should be dipped against the current. A similar regulation applies to the gathering of bark: for use as an emetic, the bark is peeled upward, for cathartic downward."
While this sounds like divination or superstition, such terms can be highly subjective. Especially in the case of the potential for accurate diagnosis here, if we thought of what we might do in this area with holographic technology it's not appreciably different: we might make a hologram of a patient and "feed" it a hologram of a medicine (by the proper wave mixing technique, for perhaps one example- or fractal mixing effects for perhaps another) and have it reliably and accurately show what the outcome would be, recovery or failure, and side effects. This becomes particularly promising in consideration of the holographic paradigm that is receiving increasing acknowledgment in the sciences.
In the instance of the latter effect which is associated by being part of the text, the effect is not likely to be a divinatory one at all. Varying the chemistry, or the polarity of its electrochemistry, of a medicine by adhering to this method of stripping the bark up or down recalls much lore in magick about whether a required motion should be clockwise or counterclockwise, a notion that has support from modern chemistry in the case, for example, of determining the molecular chirality, the isomerism, of molecules in solution of a certain chlorate and perhaps other chlorates, as is mentioned in the magickal vortex science" page of this site.
Such a method or system of stripping could find explication through the consideration of shear waves, waves said to move faster than light, which can allegedly be generated with a pair of scissors. Such an event, an electromagnetic event, may be a source of tachyons or other unusual particles, or perhaps incorporate relativistic energies. There are many other possible approaches to not prematurely dismissing such a notion as divination or superstition
Just as radionics, perhaps working in very similar fashion, such as the workings of Ruth Drown (see BSRF on Science Resources Page or Amargiland's Radionic Photography page ), or along the lines of George Lakhovsky's Multi-Wave Oscillator, might replace material medicines altogether in favor of a very physical and conventional healing energy, and yet seemingly elude most medical consumers, perhaps through a lack of tangibility (note the apparent use of botanical medicines even in cultures who are commonly said to have mastered healing energies) the hardest feat for some here may be the understanding that this great feat of technology might happen without the aid of high technology, because of natural holographic principles.
Work accredited to Electronographics (Kirlian) researcher, Ion Dumitrescu, strongly supports this, as well as observations about the nest-building activities of Paralastor wasps in Rupert Sheldrake's Morphic/Morphogenetic Feild works/ books. (see Richard Gerber's "Vibrational Medicine" for details of Dumitrescu's experiment cutting a hole in a leaf and having a second phantom image appear, a variation on cutting of a part of a leaf and having the missing part appear ghostlike on the photo; this implies that holography is also inherent in This process.)
So, too could we expect to see not only these holographically created, smaller phantom doubles, and we could also expect to see them in the cup that would be traditionally used to perform the divination.
These observations may precede materialization, and instantaneous replacement of human parts, in a rather direct fashion. They also pertain to being able to extend these diagnostic systems to being able to not only specify what is the perfect food or medicine for a person and their particular condition, but to assemble it instantaneously out of the atoms of waste material. The inclusion of such systems that can identify what is perfectly right for a person can take much of the fear of abuse of such inventions out of the plausible picture for us, and interestingly, such discerning by artificial or magickal intelligence has long been a part of our heritage of folklore, our fabled magick cauldrons which will only produce for the brave, or the pure of heart, or so forth.
The technique suggested by the Meskwaki also seems to have historical parallels in the details of offerings at the ancient Temple of Ceres in Greece (see Pausanias, "A Guide to Greece", which is recounted in Lewis Spence's "Encyclopaedia of Occultism") as well as the alleged rationales for "swimming" witches, or trying them by water.
A woodcut showing "swimming" of witches, that it, testing women to see if they're witches depending on whether or not they float. Besides the inherent travesty, this woodcut has peculiar details including the odd zooicon (animal symbol) that suggest that some initiated persons of the time used the theme to communicate encoded knowledge about such medical divination. The witch trials may be largely contemporary with Europeans encountering and receiving the teaching of this art from Amerindian peoples of Eastern North America. Ironically, and even strangely, such methods of divination as allegedly used here by Christians, were historically employed by ancient Greek Pagans!
It is also notable that the variations on this method that occur in Tantaquidgeon's work seem suspiciously in their content like the form of Catoptromancy (see Pausanias, A Guide to Greece) that indicates the future health of a person, suggesting even more that these marvelous phenomena are closely related through application of the holographic paradigm.
As to the possible appearance of details in allegorical or mythical form, the theme of ordeal by water or its variants is not uncommon; it occurs for example in legends of Lugh, of St. Columba, and may also be discernible in the Lady of the Lake and the Legend of King Arthur.
Meskwaki Indian literature, which mythology may contain further clues to this process, may also be referenced under alternative spellings like "Muskquakie" and alternative names like "Fox Indians". Likewise, just as Tantaquidgeon's work demonstrates familiarity with such techniques occurring amongst the Deleware and Iroquois, we can rightfully expect such a fantastically importance principle to be evidenced and attended by the mythologies and folklore of a endless number of peoples around the world and throughout the ages, provided we are observant of the appropriate motifs and their context.
While this material may seem somehow rather disjointed without more of the pieces- technical pieces- (which I will strive to make sure are forthcoming at this location) and I can merely speculate along somewhat educated lines at this point- certainly is deserving of greater awareness and attention by everyone, because of not only its relevance to their own health and the relatively poor care that anyone and everyone's health currently receives from conventional care providers...
But so, too, does mastery of these techniques represent a master key to animal rights (and human rights)... they signal a true beginning of an end to the abuses of animals for testing rather questionable pharmaceuticals in even more questionable ways, as the world of public literature becomes saturated with ever more emphatic assertations of the inadequacy of expecting a different organism from man himself to yeild results which sufficiently pertain to the workings of his own chemistry...
And furthermore, as is the case with Palingenics, we may find that such solutions, as they increase the threat of so-called "overpopulation", may holographically, macrocosmically, serendipitously, inherently contain the seeds of solutions to the problems they themselves seem to cause... perhaps Ilya Prigogyne's principles of system-self organization can be one bridge to understanding how this is so, and how such an aspect can be utilized effectively. Such theories may also apply to the principles of being able to accurately project the results of various possible courses of action forward (or backward) in time.
We can also apply extensions of simple and familiar principles. The fact that your are reading this page on a computer right now depends as much or more on the fact that there are holes in semiconductor material without electrons, as the fact that there are electrons moving through such material. If the absence of an ideal molecule to restore the body to optimum order and health were to leave a similar hole without a molecule, the pattern of the hole could be matched to the molecule to fill it.
Because it is very simple to formulate a set of powerful points that the mastery of understanding the Divination of Medicines may demand, but also unlock for us, a mastery of the understanding of Gravity, further opening the doors to the stars to us in the foreseeable future... the sacred medical lore of those who provide us these wonderful inspiring methods have techniques and concepts that seem very close to that subject. So too, is the black hole which may be the source of the form data for Paralastor wasps to use as their blueprint, an impressive gravity phenomena.
With this in mind, we may see it in the minds of the ancients, and find that the Star as a symbol reaches beyond the visual powers of occult microscopy and telescopy of "Star Way" or "Big Star Way", and acts as a magickal key unlocking the ancient knowledge of this realm to us as well...And seek this sacred word as well as others amongst the myths and legends of all races, as we search for even more evidence and instruction in this area of magick and science... So too may this icon be assigned, because the methods and concepts here may have helped fufill ancient needs for microscopy.
We can of course aspire to take all of this, and to make it into something more suitable to our modern material culture. The fact is, Ruth Drown's amazing devices could largely replace such methods altogether, were it not for, most likely, that we are a material culture. Many of us may be too used to receiving our healing in the form of a pill or a powder or an herb... something we can physically perceive, rather than an intangible energy that we cannot see or touch.
Likewise, while the technology applied correctly could be capable of overcoming one of the more difficult aspects of homeopathy, namely quality control, for it may be allied closely to devices which could correctly distinguish genuine homeopathic remedies from fakes, homeopathy has otherwise proven to be unacceptable to many people's healthy sense of skepticism, in spite of countless testimonials of the success of homeopathic medicine.
The benefits of a device could therefore be readily quantifiable and qualifiable in conventional medical settings, they can be measured by the methods and tools physicians presently use.
Like certain radionics devices, the devices in question could also help create homeopathic medicines without exploiting plants as sources of starting material, even though homeopathy already involves the least imaginable enviromental detriment possible while relying on natural or artificial products at all.
While there are many possible contributing experiments yet undone, amazingly, we might begin by presuming that a holographic double, a personalized "guinea pig" of the patient, is indeed created in this process, as well as a holographic double of the medicine, just as in the case of Dumitrecu's leaf or Sheldrake's wasps. Perhaps were we to attempt to alter either of these two processes, to be able to deliberate affect and change the phantom double of the leaf, or the shape that the wasps will select to fashion their nests.
Nonetheless, the experiments that have been done have already changed physical process, with now-predictable results, and that of course should not be forgotten. The induction of a holographic sub-double by an analogous process, might be as simple as creating a false perforation in the human body by joining it's members to form a circle, whether with the thumb and forefinger, or by with the arms by folding or joining the hands. It's interesting, too, that both of these actions have important roles in religious traditions... sometimes with closely associated goals, such as ensuring that food to go in the body is in some way ideal for consumption.
Because it's very possible that the effects and technology in question are closely allied also with that of magick mirrors, we can conceive of devices which combine or accentuate combinations of the two phenomena. We could in this way produce a magick mirror which could show the physician or patient an image of the herb that would be most helpful, harmless, and appropriate in their own individual case, or one which would display the molecules in the medicine, or even one which displays the name.
At this point, I would like to interject into this text yet another possible functional model for this effect, and while I cannot yet name for you the precise effects and principles involved in the amazing medical divination of the Amerindians, there is a great possibility that we can view the "intelligence" of this system a type of quantum computer that is simulated by various fields, that may select from possibilities that are displayed in the fractal detail of an object or its energetic presence (i.e. a holographic or quantum computer effect has arisen through holographic gravitational fields related to the gravity fields that define objects?)
Such a quantum computing effect may be performed by the natural numerical properties of field activities. After all, we use number to define fields, and since we happen to discuss the holographic science that has been mistaken for "radionics", I would like to quote David V. Tansley, in "Dimensions of Radionics" (pg. 65) that:
"the third universal principle is Number or Digitization
Number is the most basic aspect of pattern or data. All human and natural data is digitized. The entire structure of nature is based upon the digitization of matter (particles) and the digitization of radiation (waves)."
Such a premise as this "artificial intelligence", like many other examples of magickal intelligence, including Oracles and some possible characteristics of magick mirrors hen, makes a great deal of sense immediately if we keep these words in mind.
It's especially helpful perhaps, when we consider the Catoptromantic use of magick mirrors that is so closely related to the feat of the floatation of medicines, even though we may be able to credit the thermodynamics of large gravitational bodies with acceleration of the content of the image forward in time.
The possibilities are endless, and very exciting. Such devices could even accurately describe for us agents which prevent and reverse aging, agents more powerful that we can yet easily imagine, or for special and hard-to-address problems with which we have so relatively little experience, like complications of living in space for extended periods of time, or on other planets. Such technology could lay waste to the terrible lag time we experience between the discovery of a new disease, and the finding of a cure. Totally new and unknown diseases could be cured immediately, even faster than they are identified.
Like other magickal sciences, this art and its ability to increase population may be directly offset by the possibility that understanding the intrinsic technology can put us far closer to being able to both reach other planets, and to render them habitable. Perhaps quantum computers will prove fast enough to coordinate the tapping of zero-point energy when we consider how far ahead of the game they are in the arena of four-dimensional holography that the ancients called Catoptromancy.
Our re-emerging fears and nightmares, of new and resistant strains of diseases, might be laid to rest once and for all, and replaced by enduring security and peace of mind, and our status as citizens of the universe.
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