Chronos Chronicles

November 1997 Part Eleven

Date: Sun, 16 Nov 1997 12:44:55 -0800
Subject: Miscellaneous...


Running out of big adventures here, really... A couple of items and several near-thoughts...

I just ran a HotBot search on Immortality, and looked at the first 20 or so. I was going to sit and make foo-foo noises at the screen, but really... I've Been there, where the *brainwashing* that you can be immortal goes on, and whether or not the people in charge have any idea what the blazes is going on is irrelevant, because putting this in practice is the best way to illustrate the amount of conditioning that goes on every day that we're Not immortal, and the impact on the human psyche... Try it as a Mimetics study, might be a suggestion... I think it also makes a good case for the *inner* magic and its value, of just what spirtual may be...

...And I get thinking as well, I mean here I am in a Seventh-Day Adventist community, and I'm enjoying that there is a strong common denominator in herbalism, there's a lovely store with amazingly reasonable prices, and it's great.

But I don't just go do a pentagram in the yard. I'd LIKE to I really would. Can you believe for the mouth on me, I'm still a closet pagan?

And I think about why.

Would love to see the day when that wouldn't bother anyone so much. If this is supposed to mean I'm crazy, why not just let me play with my toys and powders and candles and things and shine it on? Or just get on the science thing and let me play with my chemistry set here while I have a yard party, ok?

Would love to see the day when That branch of the mystical stops giving *the Powers of Darkness* far too much credit.

Was one of my joys while picking apart the book of Genesis to say, "What Adam, Eve, and whats- his-name throw the whole universe out of whack and it strains under the weight of sin? This creation is like a house where three termites burrow in just under the eaves, and the whole thing crashes to lean heavily on the tree in the front yard? I think not! Never was there a mere man who was so poor a maker! Give this God some credit!"

But you know, I have a button that says, "my karma ran over my dogma", too...

May rhetoric evolve into wisdom...

Not afraid of Ouija boards, nor all the demons in a much-unwarranted Hell...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Sun, 16 Nov 1997 14:14:20 -0800
Subject: A Nearly Interesting Site...

Hello. Everyone and their familiar except me must have known about this, and it's kinda basic. In the even I've perplexed anyone who hasn't time to flog the search engines, maybe this will help.

The crisp, clean definition of *Chi* (I spell it this way to emphasize its relationship to the same roots as Chia pet derives from, I'm Not joking, but it would be similar goal to spell it *Key*, I assume) is one of the higher notes... that's more like it...

Off to be terribly humbled by many other things I didn't know about out there in that mess called the web. Did you know Bob Nelson of Rex Research *fame* wrote for the Hermetic Journal (as Mobius Rex)? I didn't. Cool.

Still looking for T. Galen Hieronymous on growing plants without lights. I couldn't even get anything on him at all until I tried *eloptic*, one of his discoveries, which is how I found the site below. (Unfortunately something that behaves like both ELectricity and OPTIC energy (light) could very well be electricity at @ the speed of light, which would make it kinda sorta another way to say *super-conductor* or the more proper word that they still don't use alot, "super-electricity*...

Just to clarify on some of my posts, I get a little dizzy looking at ideas about turning feilds inside out and then get backwards. The original article I refer to on Muons (mu-mesons at the time) basically states they travel more easily through solid matter that through the air, if I haven't got it backwards again. You get the basic idea right? I sorta think this applies to anything down a wire instead over it but I've been hit on the head by cocoanuts Waaayyy too many times.

Bright Bosons &
Blessed Baryons &
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Sun, 16 Nov 1997 18:48:21 -0800
Subject: Very Minor Mystical Wind Breaking


The book says, *Samaipata's rattlesnakes rise dramatically skyward in this low-angle photo. Rivulets of water trickle down the three diamondback rows from the ceremonial pool above" (Jim Woodman, *Megagods*. Sorry but this is where impoverished shamans often have to get their anthropology from, countless clones of "Chariots of the Gods").

My *opinion* is that in the old days the water went uphill, all by itself, or more corrrectly, aided by energetics associated with the design, which is likely to be consistent all the way to the use of the same in Greece.

There are still associations, icons, and relatively simple scientific ideas to apply here, to this whole genera of Ancient Waterworking, however.

And I have a whole other generation of disgust browsing the article titles provided on-line by various scientific magazines.

(Regardless, I'd like to remind everyone that they are welcome and encouraged to forward any of my postings anywhere to anyone, preferably any that serve like a pie in the face to help awaken these persons of science; editing is also incouraged to my incessant science-person bashing...)

Will throw on the Sand dollar after the whale (blowhole icon) as a symbol of water provision... We might think the meaning of these fivepointed critters here approaches the generation of feilds by the Howard Wachpress anti-gravity methods THAT COULD BE CONDUCTED AND CONDENSED IN STABLE FORMS to result in *ball water*; this might be roughly analogous to certain nuances of Ball Lightning, namely it has been observed to center itself around power lines and travel slowly...

Not that this is necessarily the most relevant here...

(Poles: 5:2; source: 6-based cardinal set, or *sixths* as opposed to quarters, with one omitted?) See *Navaho Folk Tales* (Newcomb, pg 123 and in general) ???

But then again if you were going to try to use the skin effect to give water a skin, might you not use as a symbol an animal that sheds its skin, Little Grasshopper? A little more blatant to some than an animal which Gets skinned? (Or maybe the bamboo symbolizes water to you, for conducting it or carrying it and it has little grasshopper-like features… does Asian ball-water bounce like the lung-gom-pa? Keep in mind some Thryseus drawings from ancient times have bamboo where other materials also went, some of them also associated with carrying water, symbolizing aquaducts and so on.)

er, um, I think the Druids and Greeks may know something about the triad in this reference...
Of course the veracity of this babbling is neglible: "If you can dream it, you can do it" ain't even my mottoe.


Next week: Theosophical failsafes in eidetic replicators and eidetic comparator coordinated transubstitution of ectoplasmic elements: Platonic vs. Plutonic solids.

One of those who think the Rule of Nine (see earlier posts) is supposed to make you perk at every mention of the very number in ancient literature as if it were the secret word for the day in PeeWee Herman's Hermetic Playhouse,

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 10:17:19 -0800
Subject: On Artemis' Herbs


I have located *A Manual of California Native Plants* by Bert Wilson (edited by Celeste Wilson) of Las Pilitas Nursery. It is the catalog for their nursery, and was available for $6 from them (Las Pilitas Nursery, Star Route, Box 23 X, Las Pilitas Road, Santa Margarita CA 93453 (805)-438-5992.

This is the book that says sagebrush, Artemisia tridentata, is a nitrogen-fixer, as well as having edible seed, although it does not indicate the source of this information, but seems to refer to a personal communication in 1980 from George Pinyuh of the King County Cooperative Extension Office (312 Smith Tower, 508 Second Ave. Seattle, Wash. 98104). Perhaps a good academic database might identify where this information originates, but the edibility of seeds of numerous specie of Artemisia has been reported in a number of sources, gathered from Native American uses of the plants.

Again, some gardeners consider *all* silvery plants as not requiring fertilizers, which may imply that nitrogen fixation is fairly routine???

It is of course not at all outlandish that this consideration is woven into the iconography of Artemis of Ephesus, owing again that anomalous appearance of nitrogen is suggested in places with regards to ectoplasm (see Myths of All Races, volume with Native American material, see Illustrations, and some versions of Magical Hand)

Other trivia of Artemis Trivia:
oArtemisia cana is eaten by deer if overwatered.
oArtemisia douglasiana has a reputation for being remedial to poison ivy.
oArtemisia pycnocephala eventually becomes a fire hazard if out of the salt spray.
oMany of not all Artemisias have alleopatic properties (natural weed control) (source Rice: Rice, Elroy. Alleopathy. Academic Press, 1984)

Some of these ideas may be commemorated in Native American mythology, probably about the deer and the salt spray particularly, and connotated to magick where applicable/ feasible.

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109

Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 22:49:41 -0800
Subject: Books I Have Eaten

Hello. Bracken Books has reprinted "The Lost Language of Symbolism" (2 vols) by Harold Bayley, originally printed in 1912.

The chapter on Cinderella does a lot to make me feel less insane for having spent $50 on "The Cinderella Cycle", a study and collection of CInderella stories under the suspicion they were allegories illuminating Palingenesis/Palingenesy, that obscure alchemic/magickal art of restoring organic creatures from their ashes.

Some of the etymology makes me think I've been too shallow picking at the Bible for being magickal allegory in the traditional style of all other races.

Certainly you might catch Plato in *The Republic* lapse from discussion of the aggregatory patterns of persons, to those of atoms/sub-atomic particles, but on top of all the other things I've done already with the Exodos, that is also a Palingenics illumination at that level of meaning?

...Keeping in mind the electromagnetic symbols of the snake and the bird repectively, the Phoenix, and the symbolism and context of the founding of Mexico City- that Too is an Exodos...

...and anything else that might turn out to do more than just seem to faintly pertain...

Haven't got it on my website yet, but there's another book I ran into, something the Curious Lore of something and Gemstones something like that, by somebody Kunz? Got a whole chapter on Magic Mirror stuff, including one impregnation of a crystal ball with a magnetic or ferric mineral, and somewhere in it there's a flying saucer design by a Brazilian preist in the 1700's that's uncanny really...

We're on our way back home, all of us. I hope. I know.

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:

Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 18:13:11 -0800


For what it's worth, here's a wee little tidbit from my own genra sort of. In spite of it being suspiciously optimistic and open mind for official persons, it would be nice to be in such company, whether or not I personally stumbled in the door uninvited, if today I still thought that the world were actually going to change because of this...

Maybe tomorrow...

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:

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